Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

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    Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN and β-NMN) is a compound found naturally in the cells of our bodies and is integral to several cellular processes. NMN is a direct precursor to NAD+, a vital coenzyme essential for a myriad of cellular functions. The levels of NAD+ are known to decline as we age, and this decline is associated with aging and various age-related diseases. The has been shown in several clinical trials that by supplementing with NMN, we can boost the levels of NAD+ in the body, potentially counteracting age-related cellular decline and improving overall health. Preliminary studies, mainly in mice, suggest that NMN supplementation could offer a range of health benefits, such as enhanced energy metabolism and improved DNA repair, indicating its potential role in slowing the aging processes.

    However, while NMN shows significant promise, comprehensive studies determining its long-term safety, effective dosage, and potential side effects in humans are still in progress. NMN is also present in several food sources, including broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, avocados, and edamame, but only in small quantities.

    NMN and its impact on longevity are at the cutting edge of anti-aging research, with new discoveries and insights emerging regularly, deepening our understanding of the aging process and potential interventions to extend health and lifespan.


    European Union (EU)

    In the European Union, the classification and regulation of substances are often determined by their intended use and the claims made by the manufacturer or distributor. As of the latest update, Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is classified as a chemical in the EU and has not been approved for human consumption. This classification is due to the EU's stringent regulations surrounding novel foods and substances, emphasizing consumer safety.

    While NMN is not approved for human consumption in the EU, consumers may come across NMN products online that appear to be marketed for human use. However, these are officially sold either as chemicals for research and laboratory purposes or as supplements for animals, including dogs and cats. It is important for consumers to recognize the legal status and potential risks of such unapproved substances.

    United States (US)

    In November 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement saying that NMN may not be sold as a supplement, citing its status as being under investigation as a drug. This development is a reversal of the FDA's previous decision to allow its sale as a new dietary supplement (NDI). The reason for the reversal is unknown, but in December 2021, Metro International Biotech, a startup pharmaceutical company that has developed the NMN formulation MIB-626, wrote to the FDA: "As a company that has instituted publicly available clinical trials on ß-NMN, we request that FDA take the preclusion provision … seriously to protect the rights of companies that have spent significant time and research to develop drug products from competition from dietary supplements". According to Insider, the FDA confirmed that it had considered Metro's request. [1]

    Different Forms of NMN

    Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) exists in two stereoisomeric forms, α-NMN and β-NMN, which have the same molecular formula but differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms.


    β-NMN is the biologically active form of NMN, predominantly utilized in scientific studies and supplements. It is integral in the biosynthesis of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a vital coenzyme involved in numerous cellular processes, including energy metabolism, DNA repair, and cellular aging. When references are made to NMN in the context of supplementation or scientific research, it typically pertains to β-NMN due to its biological significance and activity.


    α-NMN, on the other hand, does not participate in NAD+ biosynthesis and lacks the biological activity and associated health benefits of β-NMN. It is not the focus of NMN-related research or supplementation.


    MIB-626, developed by MetroBiotech, is a microcrystalline form of NMN. This formulation may offer enhanced stability, solubility, or bioavailability compared to the regular crystalline form of NMN, potentially optimizing the efficacy of NMN supplementation.

    Sources of NMN in Food

    NMN is naturally present in a variety of foods, albeit in relatively small quantities. Here is a list of some foods known to contain NMN, along with their respective NMN content. [2]

    Food Type Name NMN Content (mg/100g-Food)
    Vegetable Edamame 0.47–1.88
    Vegetable Broccoli 0.25–1.12
    Vegetable Cucumber Seed 0.56
    Vegetable Cucumber Peel 0.65
    Vegetable Cabbage 0.0–0.90
    Fruit Avocado 0.36–1.60
    Fruit Tomato 0.26–0.30
    Other Mushroom 0.0–1.01
    Meat Beef (raw) 0.06–0.42
    Seafood Shrimp 0.22

    While these foods can contribute to NAD+ levels through the provision of NMN, the quantities present are relatively small, and it is currently unclear whether dietary intake alone can significantly impact NAD+ levels in the body. Therefore, research into NMN supplementation is ongoing to explore its potential in maintaining or elevating NAD+ levels and mitigating age-related decline.

    Considerations for NMN Supplementation

    When considering NMN supplementation, it is crucial to understand the potential interactions and impacts of NMN. Here are some considerations based on current knowledge and research.

    Potential Benefits

    NMN supplementation has been associated with several potential benefits, primarily due to its role as a precursor to NAD+, a crucial coenzyme involved in various cellular processes. Here are some potential benefits based on preliminary research:

    • Cellular Energy and Metabolism: By increasing NAD+ levels, NMN supplementation can potentially enhance cellular energy production and metabolism, leading to improved physiological functions and reduced age-related metabolic decline.
    • Longevity and Aging: Preliminary studies, particularly in animal models, have suggested that NMN can potentially extend lifespan and slow the aging process by improving cellular health and function, although more research is needed to confirm these effects in humans.
    • Cognitive Function: Some research indicates that NMN may have neuroprotective effects, potentially improving cognitive function and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases by maintaining neuronal health and resilience.
    • Cardiovascular Health: NMN supplementation may offer cardiovascular benefits by improving blood flow and reducing the risk of age-related cardiovascular diseases, contributing to heart health and longevity.
    • DNA Repair: Enhanced NAD+ levels through NMN supplementation can support DNA repair mechanisms, potentially reducing DNA damage and the risk of mutation, which are associated with aging and cancer.
    • Insulin Sensitivity: NMN has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, potentially reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, contributing to overall metabolic health.

    Optimal Timing for Supplementation

    Our body has a natural rhythm where NAD levels fluctuate throughout the day rather than remaining constant, closely tied to our circadian rhythms. A study by Shin Imai and his team highlighted that NAD plays a crucial role in regulating our body's internal clock. The Sirt-1 gene, which is influenced by NAD, signals our body when it's time to eat or sleep.

    For those considering NMN supplementation, it's suggested to take NMN in the morning when the natural rise in NAD and Sirt-1 activity should happen. Taking NMN e.g. at night might disrupt the NAD cycle and potentially affecting the sleep or hunger. This can be especially beneficial for frequent travelers trying to adjust to a new time zone, as a morning dose of NMN can help reset the body's internal clock and reduce jet lag. [3]

    Combining NMN with Methyl Donors

    There's a theoretical concern regarding the consumption of NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) and its potential to use up methyl groups in the body. The reasoning is as follows:

    1. NMN is converted into NAD+ in the body.
    2. NAD+ can be broken down into nicotinamide.
    3. Nicotinamide is then methylated by the liver to form N1-methylnicotinamide, which can be excreted in the urine. This methylation process consumes a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), the primary methyl donor in the body.

    The potential concern is that excessive NMN supplementation might lead to a decrease in the body's available methyl groups, which play crucial roles in various biological processes including DNA methylation and neurotransmitter synthesis.

    For that reason, some individuals who take NMN also supplement with Trimethylglycine (TMG), a methyl donor, to ensure that they are not depleting their body's methyl groups. However, this is a precautionary measure and not necessarily based on concrete evidence. NOVOS use B vitamins and phosphatidylcholine as methyl donors in their product to avoid the side effects of TMG and because they think that TMG is already too deep into the methylation pathways, not allowing the body to choose the amount of methylation for itself. [4]

    However, there are a few important points to consider:

    1. No clear evidence yet: While the pathway is known, the actual significance of NMN supplementation on global methyl group status is not well-established in humans. It's a theoretical concern, and it would require substantial NMN consumption to have a significant impact.
    2. Compensatory mechanisms: The human body has various feedback mechanisms. If methyl groups were being depleted at a concerning rate, the body would likely slow down the conversion of NMN to NAD+ or the methylation of nicotinamide.
    3. Methyl donors in diet: Many people consume methyl donors like choline, betaine, and folate in their diets. These can help replenish methyl groups.

    Dosage and Effects

    Human studies have indicated that a dosage of 1000 mg over 10 days can raise NAD levels about two-fold, and dosages as high as 2000 mg can triple the amount. However, the long-term safety, efficacy, and optimal dosage of NMN are still under investigation, and more comprehensive studies are needed to establish concrete guidelines for NMN supplementation. [Citation needed]

    Types of NMN Administration

    Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) can be administered in various forms, each with its unique considerations. Below is a breakdown of the common types of NMN administration:

    • Oral Powder (Dissolved in Water): NMN powder can be dissolved in water and consumed as a drink. The benefit of this method, compared to capsules, is that the dosage can be easily adjusted, for example, reduced if side effects appear. In animal studies, particularly with mice, NMN is often mixed into the animals' drinking water.
    • Oral Powder (Mixed with Food): NMN powder can also be mixed with food items such as yogurt. This method is considered oral ingestion, similar to dissolving it in water, and subjects the NMN to the digestive process. Mixing NMN with food can be convenient for those who prefer not to take it sublingually or in capsule form and may help mask any unpleasant taste of the NMN powder when dissolved in water. However, the effectiveness and bioavailability of NMN when mixed with food have not been extensively studied, and the presence of other food components and the acidic environment might potentially influence the stability and absorption of NMN.
    • Capsule Form: NMN is encapsulated for easy consumption, offering a convenient and taste-neutral method. Like oral powder, capsules subject NMN to the digestive process. Capsule form is often used in clinical trials as it allows for precise dosing and is generally well-accepted by participants. It also enables the blinding of participants in placebo-controlled trials, maintaining the integrity of the study, as it is easier to make placebo capsules or tablets that are indistinguishable from the active ones.
    • Sublingual Powder: This form of NMN is taken by placing the powder directly under the tongue, allowing it to dissolve and be absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth. The general guideline is to hold the substance under the tongue for approximately 1 to 5 minutes to allow for adequate absorption through the sublingual gland. Some individuals believe sublingual administration offers better bioavailability due to direct absorption into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This method is promoted in many YouTube videos; however, there is currently no clinical study utilizing sublingual administration. Furthermore, this method is relatively inconvenient, especially for those who might find the taste of sublingual powder too strong.

    Risks of NMN Supplementation

    While NMN supplementation holds promise due to its potential anti-aging benefits and ability to enhance cellular metabolism, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks involved. Here are some risks and considerations based on current knowledge and research:

    • Limited Human Studies: Most of the studies on NMN have been conducted in animal models, and there is limited data on its effects in humans. Therefore, the safety and efficacy of NMN supplementation in humans are not fully understood, and caution is advised until more research is conducted.
    • Potential Interaction with Medications: The interaction of NMN with various medications is not well studied, and there could be potential risks when combined with certain drugs. Individuals on medication should consult with a healthcare professional before considering NMN supplementation.
    • Theoretical Concerns: There are theoretical concerns regarding NMN’s potential to deplete methyl groups in the body, which could impact various biological processes, including DNA methylation and neurotransmitter synthesis. While this is a theoretical concern and not substantiated by concrete evidence, it is important to consider when evaluating the potential risks of NMN supplementation.[Citation needed]
    • Over-Supplementation Risks: Excessive supplementation of NMN may lead to unknown side effects due to the lack of long-term human studies. Over-supplementation might also disrupt the natural balance of NAD+ and its related compounds in the body, potentially leading to unforeseen consequences.
    • Purity and Quality Concerns: The purity and quality of NMN supplements can vary, and impurities or contaminants in the supplements pose additional risks. It is essential to choose high-quality, reputable brands and sources for NMN supplements to minimize risks associated with impurities and contaminants.

    Clinical Trials

    Study Design Participants Outcome
    Effect of oral administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide on clinical parameters and nicotinamide metabolite levels in healthy Japanese men [5]
    • singe admission of up to 500 mg
    • oral admission at 9 AM
    • 10 healthy men
    • 40-60 years
    • admission was safe and well-tolerated
    Nicotinamide mononucleotide increases muscle insulin sensitivity in prediabetic women [2] RCT, 10 weeks
    • placebo (n=12)
    • 250 mg/day (n=13)
    • 25 postmenopausal women with prediabetes
    • overweight or obese (BMI 25.3 - 39.1)
    • 56 - 66 years
    • increase in skeletal muscle insulin signaling, insulin sensitivity, and muscle remodeling
    • improvement in muscle insulin sensitivity is clinically relevant and is similar to the improvement observed after ~10% weight loss
    Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation enhances aerobic capacity in amateur runners: a randomized, double-blind study [6] RCT, 6 weeks
    • placebo (n=12)
    • 300 mg/day (n=12)
    • 600 mg/day (n=12)
    • 1200 mg/day (n=12)
    • 48 young and middle-aged recreationally trained runners
    • 35 years in average
    • The combination of NMN supplementation and exercise further improves ventilatory threshold even among healthy young and middle-aged people.
    • The improvement of aerobic capacity is in a dosage-dependent, large dosage of NMN with exercise has better effects.
    • The improvement is muscle, not cardiac, related.
    The efficacy and safety of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation in healthy middle-aged adults: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-dependent clinical trial [7] RCT, 8.5 weeks (60 days)
    • placebo (n=20)
    • 300 mg (n=20)
    • 600 mg (n=20)
    • 900 mg (n=20)
    • both males and females
    • 40-65 (49.3 in average) years and healthy
    • BMI between 18.5 and 35
    • Oral administration of NMN up to 900 mg/day for 60 days was safe and well tolerated
    • blood NAD concentration was significantly and dose-dependently increased
    • significant improvement of six-minute walking test, blood biological age, and SF-36 scores
    • 900 mg/day oral dose did not give significantly better efficacy than 600 mg/day dose

    See also


    2. 2.0 2.1 Yoshino M et al.: Nicotinamide mononucleotide increases muscle insulin sensitivity in prediabetic women. Science 2021. (PMID 33888596) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text] In rodents, obesity and aging impair nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) biosynthesis, which contributes to metabolic dysfunction. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) availability is a rate-limiting factor in mammalian NAD+ biosynthesis. We conducted a 10-week, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial to evaluate the effect of NMN supplementation on metabolic function in postmenopausal women with prediabetes who were overweight or obese. Insulin-stimulated glucose disposal, assessed by using the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, and skeletal muscle insulin signaling [phosphorylation of protein kinase AKT and mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)] increased after NMN supplementation but did not change after placebo treatment. NMN supplementation up-regulated the expression of platelet-derived growth factor receptor β and other genes related to muscle remodeling. These results demonstrate that NMN increases muscle insulin sensitivity, insulin signaling, and remodeling in women with prediabetes who are overweight or obese ( NCT03151239).
    3. 2021-12-27 - Interview Dr. David Sinclair - Huberman Lab Podcast - The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging
    5. Irie J et al.: Effect of oral administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide on clinical parameters and nicotinamide metabolite levels in healthy Japanese men. Endocr J 2020. (PMID 31685720) [PubMed] [DOI] Recent studies have revealed that decline in cellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels causes aging-related disorders and therapeutic approaches increasing cellular NAD+ prevent these disorders in animal models. The administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has been shown to mitigate aging-related dysfunctions. However, the safety of NMN in humans have remained unclear. We, therefore, conducted a clinical trial to investigate the safety of single NMN administration in 10 healthy men. A single-arm non-randomized intervention was conducted by single oral administration of 100, 250, and 500 mg NMN. Clinical findings and parameters, and the pharmacokinetics of NMN metabolites were investigated for 5 h after each intervention. Ophthalmic examination and sleep quality assessment were also conducted before and after the intervention. The single oral administrations of NMN did not cause any significant clinical symptoms or changes in heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and body temperature. Laboratory analysis results did not show significant changes, except for increases in serum bilirubin levels and decreases in serum creatinine, chloride, and blood glucose levels within the normal ranges, independent of the dose of NMN. Results of ophthalmic examination and sleep quality score showed no differences before and after the intervention. Plasma concentrations of N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide and N-methyl-4-pyridone-5-carboxamide were significantly increased dose-dependently by NMN administration. The single oral administration of NMN was safe and effectively metabolized in healthy men without causing any significant deleterious effects. Thus, the oral administration of NMN was found to be feasible, implicating a potential therapeutic strategy to mitigate aging-related disorders in humans.
    6. Liao B et al.: Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation enhances aerobic capacity in amateur runners: a randomized, double-blind study. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2021. (PMID 34238308) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text] BACKGROUND: Recent studies in rodents indicate that a combination of exercise training and supplementation with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) precursors has synergistic effects. However, there are currently no human clinical trials analyzing this. OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the effects of a combination of exercise training and supplementation with nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), the immediate precursor of NAD+, on cardiovascular fitness in healthy amateur runners. METHODS: A six-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, four-arm clinical trial including 48 young and middle-aged recreationally trained runners of the Guangzhou Pearl River running team was conducted. The participants were randomized into four groups: the low dosage group (300 mg/day NMN), the medium dosage group (600 mg/day NMN), the high dosage group (1200 mg/day NMN), and the control group (placebo). Each group consisted of ten male participants and two female participants. Each training session was 40-60 min, and the runners trained 5-6 times each week. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing was performed at baseline and after the intervention, at 6 weeks, to assess the aerobic capacity of the runners. RESULTS: Analysis of covariance of the change from baseline over the 6 week treatment showed that the oxygen uptake (VO2), percentages of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), power at first ventilatory threshold, and power at second ventilatory threshold increased to a higher degree in the medium and high dosage groups compared with the control group. However, there was no difference in VO2max, O2-pulse, VO2 related to work rate, and peak power after the 6 week treatment from baseline in any of these groups. CONCLUSION: NMN increases the aerobic capacity of humans during exercise training, and the improvement is likely the result of enhanced O2 utilization of the skeletal muscle. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ChiCTR2000035138 .
    7. Yi L et al.: The efficacy and safety of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation in healthy middle-aged adults: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-dependent clinical trial. Geroscience 2023. (PMID 36482258) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text] In animal studies, β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation increases nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) concentrations and improves healthspan and lifespan with great safety. However, it is unclear if these effects can be transferred to humans. This randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-dependent clinical trial included 80 middle-aged healthy adults being randomized for a 60-day clinical trial with once daily oral dosing of placebo, 300 mg, 600 mg, or 900 mg NMN. The primary objective was to evaluate blood NAD concentration with dose-dependent regimens. The secondary objectives were to assess the safety and tolerability of NMN supplementation, next to the evaluation of clinical efficacy by measuring physical performance (six-minute walking test), blood biological age (Aging.Ai 3.0 calculator), Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR), and subjective general health assessment [36-Item Short Form Survey Instrument (SF-36)]. Statistical analysis was performed using the Per Protocol analysis with significant level set at p = 0.05. All 80 participants completed the trial without trial protocol violation. Blood NAD concentrations were statistically significantly increased among all NMN-treated groups at day 30 and day 60 when compared to both placebo and baseline (all p ≤ 0.001). Blood NAD concentrations were highest in the groups taking 600 mg and 900 mg NMN. No safety issues, based on monitoring adverse events (AEs), laboratory and clinical measures, were found, and NMN supplementation was well tolerated. Walking distance increase during the six-minute walking test was statistically significantly higher in the 300 mg, 600 mg, and 900 mg groups compared to placebo at both days 30 and 60 (all p < 0.01), with longest walking distances measured in the 600 mg and 900 mg groups. The blood biological age increased significantly in the placebo group and stayed unchanged in all NMN-treated groups at day 60, which resulted in a significant difference between the treated groups and placebo (all p < 0.05). The HOMA-IR showed no statistically significant differences for all NMN-treated groups as compared to placebo at day 60. The change of SF-36 scores at day 30 and day 60 indicated statistically significantly better health of all three treated groups when compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05), except for the SF-36 score change in the 300 mg group at day 30. NMN supplementation increases blood NAD concentrations and is safe and well tolerated with oral dosing up to 900 mg NMN daily. Clinical efficacy expressed by blood NAD concentration and physical performance reaches highest at a dose of 600 mg daily oral intake. This trial was registered with, NCT04823260, and Clinical Trial Registry - India, CTRI/2021/03/032421.