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    Berichtete Resveratrol-Plasmakonzentrationen beim Menschen nach wiederholten Dosen von Resveratrol (Studien nach 2010). [1]
    Anzahl der Teilnehmer, Merkmale, Studientyp Dosis
    Tage Verabreichung Spitzen-Plasmakonzentration
    6, niedriger BMI 2125 11 Tablette und Getränk 903,0
    6, hoher BMI 245,0
    35, gesunde Männer, Cross-over-Studie 800 5 Kapsel 0,56
    Milchgetränk 0,61
    Sojagetränk 0,58
    Proteinfreies Getränk 0,70
    7, gesund 500 28 Kapsel mit Piperin 2967,25
    40, gesund, wiederholte sequenzielle Dosierung 500 29 Caplet 43,8
    1000 141
    2500 331
    5000 967
    6, Patienten mit hepatischen Metastasen, randomisierte doppelblinde klinische Studie 5000 14 Mikronisiertes Resveratrol gemischt in Flüssigkeit 1942
    8, gesunde Probanden 2000 7 Kapsel 1274
    19, übergewichtig oder adipös, randomisierte, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte, crossover Interventionsstudie 30 6 Kapsel 181,31
    90 532,00
    270 1232,16
    1. Springer M & Moco S: Resveratrol and Its Human Metabolites-Effects on Metabolic Health and Obesity. Nutrients 2019. (PMID 30641865) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text] Resveratrol is one of the most widely studied polyphenols and it has been assigned a plethora of metabolic effects with potential health benefits. Given its low bioavailability and extensive metabolism, clinical studies using resveratrol have not always replicated in vitro observations. In this review, we discuss human metabolism and biotransformation of resveratrol, and reported molecular mechanisms of action, within the context of metabolic health and obesity. Resveratrol has been described as mimicking caloric restriction, leading to improved exercise performance and insulin sensitivity (increasing energy expenditure), as well as having a body fat-lowering effect by inhibiting adipogenesis, and increasing lipid mobilization in adipose tissue. These multi-organ effects place resveratrol as an anti-obesity bioactive of potential therapeutic use.