2021-12-31 - Interview Dr. David Sinclair - mindbodygreen - How to look & feel 15 years younger

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    democratizing longevity

    0:00 david welcome hey jason it's great to see you great to have you back on the show and
    0:06 it was so awesome to see you mentioned in our wellness trends specifically
    0:11 around longevity and something we're particularly excited about and you're excited about is this
    0:18 idea of democracization you know when people tend to think of longevity
    0:23 they tend to think of really expensive tests and potential potentially pharmaceuticals and
    0:29 supplements and so on they think of silicon valley and billionaires and all that crazy stuff you read
    0:35 but let's take a step back and and talk about democratizing longevity and i'm curious you know what is democratizing
    0:42 longevity mean to you yeah well you're right that there is a group of
    0:48 individuals that i meet more and more often that have the means and the wealth and
    0:54 the connections to extend their lifespan i think by 20 30 years
    1:00 but it's a small group of people and what we need to do is to give that that information
    1:06 to everybody and that involves not just making it available but truly being educational
    1:12 and interesting and so what i've decided to do with my career as this harvard professor from a lab
    1:19 is to use hopefully decent abilities at storytelling to educate people and make
    1:25 it interesting i have a podcast coming out early next year january 5th where
    1:30 hopefully it's an interesting uh journey through the longevity world of
    1:35 science and nutrition and and exercise but also supplements and
    1:40 some of the more far out things that these billionaires are into and so it's about education primarily but the second
    1:48 part of that that i'm very into and driven by is to make the
    1:53 medicines that will come out of this field of aging research available to everybody
    1:58 uh because if it's just for the rich and it's cost a hundred thousand dollars treatment then that's really not going
    2:04 to help me achieve my goal in life which is to really make millions hopefully billions of people live
    2:10 healthier lives and in doing so lengthen their life as well and so the science that we do and the
    2:16 drug developments on i've started about a dozen companies now the companies are very focused on making those drugs
    2:23 are cheaply and widely available and the kind of technologies for the most part
    2:28 are drugs that could be just a few cents a day once they
    2:34 eventually uh get widely used what do you think was the biggest update

    whats been interesting to you

    2:39 that impacted our understanding of longevity in the last year you're on top of everything
    2:44 what's been interesting to you over the course of the last year yeah well
    2:50 what's actually happening in society is super interesting i used to be uh the pariah of biology i'm so sure harvard
    2:57 wanted to kick me out a few times but there's been a real shift both in mentality of doctors and researchers and
    3:03 the public that aging is something that is more akin to a medical condition
    3:08 a disease and that it's treatable so there's this zeitgeist mega trend if you want to call it in society that's
    3:15 changed but in terms of research and breakthroughs a really big one and forgive me for focusing on myself for
    3:21 one second my lab and the research team and our collaborators a year ago exactly
    3:27 to the day almost that we could reset the body in terms of age go back by about 80
    3:34 and do a permanent reset of the body now this is in animals but these are mice that are very similar biologically to us
    3:40 and we've done it now in human cells and human tissue so we're optimistic that the same
    3:47 principles that i'm going to tell you about in mice apply to humans and that is that we have a backup copy of youth
    3:53 in our bodies that can be accessed we're now using gene therapy because that's what we know works but we're hoping
    4:01 uh to find natural molecules that will achieve the same result to not just slow down the aging process which we know we
    4:08 can do by eating well at a training kind of diet and exercising lose your breath a few times a week at least
    4:14 but by actually taking a supplement that would reset the body within a matter of a few months to go back
    4:21 not just by six months but many many years and i truly believe that's going to be
    4:27 possible in the next five to 10 years and our goal now is as a society is to
    4:33 stay alive until these discoveries become mainstream and so you you think we're five or so

    whats next

    4:40 years out from having that smart drug if you will or that
    4:45 we can take and that alone will extend health span
    4:51 yeah i know it sounds crazy right unfortunately i'm at harvard so people tend to take me a little more seriously
    4:57 but the big breakthrough was the discovery that we have this backup copy
    5:03 of youthfulness the easy part is figuring out how to reset the system it's similar if you
    5:09 want to use the analogy of the wright brothers i know it's used a little too much but it it works the wright brothers
    5:15 the hard part was figuring out how to glide around the dunes strapping on the engine flying
    5:21 eventually transcontinental flight now global that's just extensions of what they did in kitty hawk
    5:28 and we basically in aging we've done that now we know how to fly
    5:33 and now we're going to strap on the engine and see how quickly and how cheaply we can do
    5:38 this so i'm quite confident that we will find molecules that will do this in fact there was a paper that just came out
    5:45 that shows a natural molecule called alpha ketoglutarate that i predicted in my book lifespan
    5:52 probably would work was able to reset the age of 40 people i think out of 42 people 40
    5:59 people had their biological age reversed by an average of eight years within just
    6:05 uh under a year of taking this supplement so akg right and we can take that that is
    6:12 currently a supplement that's out there or can it be found in food naturally or where can we find it i think a lot of
    6:17 people are going to be very intrigued yeah me too like like most of these molecules
    6:23 that plants make in response to stress these molecules are called xenohermetins that we name them that
    6:30 they uh you need to a lot of them a lot of plants to get the
    6:35 amounts that are medicinal and so i it's better to
    6:40 eat a purified source of it you can buy akg or of ketoglutarate on the internet
    6:46 i look for trust and supplier very high quality high content of alfie kimku right there are
    6:53 some companies that are selling it that are combinations with vitamins in the case of this human study that's what
    6:59 they sell but yeah it's widely available and it would be really quite a thing for humanity to have a safe molecule that's
    7:07 similar to an amino acid that we could just pop and if it's true take our years our age back by half a decade or a
    7:14 decade now i'm quite skeptical because it sounds way too good to be true
    7:19 but then again some things are true so we're going to repeat the experiment and see what happens but i will say that
    7:25 the reason i think it's it's plausible is that if you give alpha ketoglutarate to yeast cells that make beer and bread
    7:33 to fruit flies and to mice they also live longer so there's something really important going on here


    7:39 building off of akg resveratrol you've always been a fan of resveratrol in many ways i feel like you
    7:46 put resveratrol on the map are you still a fan of resveratrol in terms of supplementation and in terms of some of
    7:53 the magic can do in terms of our longevity well i i am since we first made this
    7:58 discovery in 2003 or there are something like 5 000 papers showing that it's beneficial to cells
    8:05 human cells and animal studies and and even now there's about a dozen
    8:10 positive human studies with resveratrol now the downside of resveratrol is that you cannot get it from red wine you'd
    8:17 need to drink 200 glasses a day and that even when you buy it purified it's it's insoluble so if you put a
    8:24 spoonful of resveratrol which i did take every morning into water it'll sink to
    8:29 the bottom so you need to mix it with something i i have a low-fat yogurt i recently am
    8:35 doing vegan yogurts which work well coconut base or with a bit of olive oil which itself is a
    8:41 xeno-hermetin product but not too much because i like to fast until about late afternoon or dinner but then it gets
    8:47 absorbed in the body we know that from human studies as well and unfortunately most people don't know that and they just swallow whereas resveratrol peeled
    8:53 with water and they think that'll work and it doesn't so keep that in mind now in terms of red wine i did raise the
    9:00 the sales of red wine by 30 by our discoveries uh and it stayed up and i'm known as the red wine guy but my
    9:07 my good friend um and colleague serena poon who's a nutritionist among other skills and a chef had
    9:14 looked at my diet and said there's too much dairy there's too much meat and there's also too much alcohol so i'm a
    9:21 kind of binary guy i don't like making decisions so i just said okay i'm cutting it all out and we'll see what
    9:26 happens and i've done that i'm currently vegan uh no alcohol and i feel great i think i can continue
    9:34 doing this i'm grateful to serena actually for making those recommendations but not everybody can do
    9:39 it and a little bit of red wine really doesn't hurt unless um you've got a medical condition well on the subjective


    9:46 diet you know if we're gonna have to wait five years we've got a lot of work to do between now and then in terms of
    9:52 lifestyle so in terms of you know working on feeling good
    9:58 working on you know our health span for the next five years because a lot can happen between now and then
    10:06 what does the latest science say about lifestyle in general in terms of nutrition how i know it's highly
    10:12 personalized but if you were to generalize you know still plant-based for longevity still
    10:19 high-intensity interval training still some hot cold therapy i'll just stop there like what in terms of lifestyle
    10:26 what should we what should we all be focusing on right now yeah well the science is really strong
    10:31 on those areas it's not really up for debate and i say that because some people don't
    10:37 bother changing their lifestyle because they think oh next year there's going to be something new but that's not true
    10:43 when it comes to the benefits of plant-focused diets
    10:49 um and exercise there's nothing no science that i could see ever coming along saying
    10:55 the opposite of that now there are a lot of people who are excited about
    11:01 meat-based diets there are the carnivores as they call themselves if you look at the science and that's what i do you know i love me i wish meat was
    11:08 going to make me live to 200. that would be my dream but the science says that a
    11:15 plant-focused plant-based diet is associated with longevity and meat-based diets are not that's just
    11:22 a fact and we even know the molecular mechanisms that likely promote longevity amino acid ratios in plants turn on the
    11:30 body's defenses against aging and meat amino acid ratios do not and you know the other issues with meat
    11:36 as well but those are the main things and so the the longest lived people
    11:42 are either on a mediterranean diet which as you'll is mostly plant-based there's a little bit of fish a little
    11:49 bit of meat not a lot of olive oil and unsaturated fats and monounsaturated fatty acids
    11:54 um as well as a little bit of wine preferably red wine that's your mediterranean diet now those people live
    12:00 the longest on the planet there's a variant in asia called the okinawan diet which is also mostly plant-based and not
    12:06 a lot of calories and then it's the opposite for red meat it's inflammatory and you'll end up with high levels of
    12:12 cholesterol among other issues but if you want to build up muscle and you want to temporarily feel great you
    12:18 know by only all means eat eat a lot of steak but i wouldn't do it for a long period of time over your lifespan it
    12:23 won't have a lot of benefits and the way to think of this jason is that there are adversity mimetics that mimics
    12:31 that that mimic adversity and the body hunkers down and builds a stronger longer lasting body that's the lifestyle i've chosen
    12:39 so by eating these plants and by exercising and being a bit hot and get
    12:44 cold the body thinks heck i could die next week i better build a stronger body
    12:50 that's what i do then there's the abundance memetics which is i'm going to take growth hormone i'm going to eat a
    12:55 ton of meat i'm going to burn the candle at both ends which will make things brighter for a while but you'll burn out
    13:01 but both lifestyles can make you feel great and i can vouch for that with my lifestyle and


    13:07 in terms of exercise what have we learned about high
    13:14 intensity interval training recently you know there's lots of debate around you know it's five minutes or it's ten minutes or
    13:19 it's this percentage of your this is what you need to get your heart rate up on like is there consensus on high intensity interval trading in terms of
    13:27 benefits for longevity uh yeah uh some is good
    13:33 that's what it is it really is don't sit around so that the the worst
    13:40 for you is don't move okay sit in a chair all day and then go home and or stay at home watch movies okay that's
    13:47 the baseline that'll probably take 15 years off your life the next thing that's good is you you can have a standing desk i'm standing
    13:53 here pretty much all day and behind me you can see gym so when i have a break i go do a bit of working out that's what it
    14:00 says the next level minimum a lot of people like walking minimum seven thousand steps twelve thousand some
    14:06 people do above that doesn't give you benefit but you asked me about interval training i i looked at the science i
    14:12 think three times a week losing your breath for at least ten minutes is a good thing above that doesn't hurt unless you're
    14:18 really over doing it but it's hard to overdo it rowing watch out for your back it's good
    14:23 cycling even better but yeah just move and maintain flexibility maintain muscle
    14:28 mass as well because it'll help with your hormones and if you fall over you won't break a bone

    push yourself

    14:34 and what about those who push themselves probably
    14:41 a little too much who maybe run a little too far
    14:46 who you know look we have a lot of people in our audience who love being well love feeling great and they
    14:54 go to the gym every day or they run every day or they do yoga what how do you think about the line that's crossed where potentially too
    15:00 much is detrimental for longevity yeah well so the clients that i work
    15:07 with are often for whatever better term fitness fanatics
    15:12 and many of them exercise every day and what we see in response is a spike
    15:19 in cortisol and that will age you there's no doubt about that
    15:24 and so to you can overdo it you can overstress the body and so my
    15:30 recommendation or advice is every other day exercise let your body rest and that's also true for some
    15:37 of these supplements i occasionally skip a day and let my body recover and you know that's i think the recipe
    15:43 for for success is that just going full bore the whole time
    15:49 is is not going to be optimal you do need those recipes and then what about hot cold therapy and

    hot cold therapy

    15:55 how you view that right now well covert makes a little tough unless you have these in your in your house
    16:01 which i i don't but i used to do cold plungers i used to do cycles of four degrees celsius which it will you
    16:08 know almost shivering cold water up to my neck stay in there for as long as i could bear which was about five minutes
    16:15 jump out go in a sauna for 20 minutes feels great and then repeat that a few times and i i never
    16:23 felt better after that you know so it may not make you live longer but you certainly feel invigorated but the science is really getting
    16:30 stronger on that i would say that five years ago we didn't know but now we
    16:35 do know that sauna protects you against heart disease if you do it regularly i would say at least do it once a week and
    16:42 cold plungers are increasingly thought to be helpful for a reason that's interesting what it does is it activates
    16:47 the production of brown fat which exists mostly in your back and brown fat is super healthy it puts
    16:53 out signals that increase your metabolism and also again this adversity
    16:58 signal that your body will defend itself better and i think we're just going to learn more and more that keeping your
    17:04 body or getting your body out of the comfort zone in temperature wise and oxygen wise and nutrition wise is
    17:11 the trick so in the spirit of democratization what does that practice look like in the

    hot shower therapy

    17:17 shower can we hack it in the shower with temperature well of course you can uh just
    17:22 don't turn on the hot water and get under there for a few minutes but for some reason i can't do that myself
    17:28 but if you can i think it'd be great i instead like to turn it up to almost scolding hot hope
    17:34 that's mimicking a sauna but yeah all of that i i totally would do that if if i
    17:41 could manage it but i just love warm showers in the morning so it's not for me so so do i

    intermittent fasting

    17:46 that's that's the one i i i pretty much will try and practice everything with that one i'm having part of it's made me
    17:52 psychosomatic because back in college when i played basketball you know i lived and i i used to hate that sitting
    17:59 in that tub after practice you still want to go back there at cold tub another one which is
    18:04 emerging but you know so many people are excited about myself included intermittent fasting what's your take on
    18:11 intermittent fasting these days and what does the science say so adopting intermittent fasting in my
    18:17 life has been the single biggest change to how i feel and also how i look
    18:22 and i've taken off i've been getting younger past decade and the biggest impact has been this change in my eating
    18:30 habits and so what the science says let's leave me aside for a minute what the
    18:36 sign says is that it's not just about what you eat it's when you eat and
    18:42 the body should not always be fed so what actually happens in the typical american western is
    18:49 you eat you wake up you have some food for breakfast your blood sugar will spike up to about 120 130 megs per
    18:55 deciliter you'll feel great a lot of energy sugar and then the body produces insulin and
    19:01 sends the glucose way down now you're in a deficit and they go way down below like a roller coaster now you're you're
    19:06 feeling like you need a snack it's eleven o'clock i gotta be hungry i just had breakfast so you start snacking then
    19:11 you have lunch and you're up again and then you shoot down again in deficit now it's the the middle of the day and
    19:17 you've got low glucose you're tired you've got the brain fog i can't wait till dinner and
    19:23 then you snack and you eat and you repeat this cycle every day so i don't eat breakfast
    19:30 i have tiny bit of yogurt or olive oil but that's nothing for fasting and then i don't eat if i'm
    19:35 on a good day i don't eat until 7 o'clock at night now there are stressful days where i might grab a handful of
    19:41 nuts or something that's healthy and you can't always you know be perfect and i'm not but most
    19:48 days i try my best to get through the day with hot teas and vitamin drinks and
    19:53 this kind of stuff just fill up my stomach with liquids now what that's done to me is that now my liver after just three weeks of doing
    20:00 this and now it's been many months is well close to a year is it's now putting out
    20:06 its own sugar my liver is way smarter than my mouth in my brain
    20:12 and i wake up in the morning and you know you can measure these things i use levels health device but there's a bunch
    20:19 and i can see that my liver is smart it builds up my blood glucose as i'm waking up even before i actually wake up
    20:25 and then it's leveled throughout the whole day steady like that a few little blips so i have a nut or i exercise or something
    20:31 and then at dinner it'll go up but not a lot and then i sleep through the night so that's
    20:36 optimal for longevity we know that that it's very healthy to have relatively low blood sugar levels and steady ones so
    20:43 i'm hugely in favor of intermittent fasting and i've had i've got my 20 year old body back as
    20:49 well i never thought i could i had love handles for most of my life and they're gone finally you mentioned levels and glucose

    glucose monitoring

    20:56 monitoring [Music] it is how should we be thinking about that in
    21:02 terms of you know it you said it's optimal to to have i guess a baseline
    21:07 that's relatively consistent you know i found the experience fascinating when i
    21:14 did my trial just understand which foods had an impact on me and which didn't you
    21:19 know for example i love black coffee i love espresso coffee negligible it actually lowered my
    21:26 glucose slightly you know i would have fun i would do these experiments i'd say like all right i'll have an impossible
    21:32 burger and some fries and a frozen margarita and then i'll have a doughnut after this was like at a weekend you
    21:39 know weekend i eat more literally let's see how high this thing can go it's like you know i was like a kid like
    21:45 a teenager in like a sports car like let's see let's get this on the freeway and let's see how fast we can go
    21:51 and sure i got it pretty high it was a double spike it came down and then you know during the week i'm
    21:56 pretty healthy i do my thing you know what did i learn you know when i have my my my beans my refried beans less of an
    22:03 impact when i had a healthy fat you know some avocados in there versus just the beans and so forth but i'm curious like
    22:10 if in terms of longevity you know look life happens cake happens
    22:16 donuts happen and and that's also part of the the beauty of life living a long
    22:21 healthy joyful life is also about celebration every once in a while so how
    22:26 do you think about the fine line between all right i'm going to keep this thing low and forever or or
    22:33 90 of the time versus all right i'm going to enjoy this street over here and there and it's going to go up with
    22:39 it but it's going to come down and it's how do you think about balancing that well that's key you know there's no point me saying you cannot eat during
    22:45 the day or you can never have dessert or never have wine or beer
    22:50 that's really not the point you know if you live a life like that and you're not enjoying it life may not be longer
    22:57 but it'll certainly feel that way and you don't want that and you know sometimes people see me eat
    23:04 a sorbet or you know i'll have a lunch a salad or whatever and they say oh david
    23:09 you said you don't eat lunch well i never said that i just said i try my best not to
    23:14 and that's what it's all about and you should be able to indulge yourself but you know try to focus on certain
    23:21 types of diets mediterranean you know that can include dessert but i'd like to have some rules in my life because i'm
    23:27 i'm not that good at being ambiguous and so my rule that i set for myself when i was 40
    23:32 was no more desserts at dinner but i've modified it i'm allowed to steal tastes
    23:38 of other people's desserts and that's worked really well and i think that's the key to success is don't be too hard
    23:44 on yourself and if you fail at something or you eat something that you probably shouldn't have don't be hard on yourself
    23:50 everybody needs a treat once in a while and otherwise life's not worth living anyway 100 agreed
    23:57 so yeah we've talked about nutrition we've talked about intermittent fasting we've talked about
    24:04 exercise i think everyone understands sleep you need sleep you can't run on is that true just uh something you you
    24:10 can't run on no sleep well you can but you'll crash plus it's going to accelerate aging as well the genes that
    24:17 we work on called the sertums that control aging they also control the sleep wake cycle
    24:22 and so those two things are totally connected and if you disrupt your biological age get older you'll disrupt
    24:27 sleep and sleep will disrupt longevity so you just got to keep both of those in check in parallel because they're going
    24:33 to affect you and so the last one i'll i'll touch on

    anxiety loneliness

    24:39 anxiety loneliness we're experiencing a mental health epidemic you know there's obviously a
    24:45 big trauma but the big t and then little trauma with little t and and you know being in this pandemic you know there's
    24:51 definitely collective trauma for some it's the little t for others it's the big team i think it's safe to say it's been difficult for most everyone
    24:58 and so how do you think about anxiety stress mental health in general
    25:03 and the role plays and longevity yeah well it's really important getting
    25:09 back to the cortisol levels um your brain controls your longevity you know this uh
    25:15 in my lab we've manipulated mouse brains uh to make them turn on longevity genes and then the whole mouse
    25:22 is healthy so we just know that the brain is putting out factors that will either accelerate aging or slow it down
    25:28 so your mental state's important it's also important for immunity a beautiful paper was published last week in one of the world's top journals
    25:34 that showed that if you change a few neurons in the center of the brain again in a mouse but
    25:40 pretty interesting that you'll change the amount of circulating
    25:46 immune cells in the body and those immune cells can pick off cancer cells and viruses
    25:52 and so you know i used to i believed that the mind could control
    25:57 the body but now we just have proof that's actually working and which neurons are doing that so what does this
    26:02 all mean it means that you should keep your stress levels down if you can up meditate i now meditate as often as i
    26:10 have time for again serena poon has been a good influence on me in that regard
    26:16 but if you have the big stress the big t then you do need some help and
    26:21 increasingly you can go online and speak with a therapist and i've seen some really great results from
    26:27 particularly young people who become anxious you know in this day and age with social media
    26:32 with school and college and the stresses of all of that and code 19 on top of it
    26:39 it's really it's hard to be a young person without the coding skills that we had also to want agreed it's

    top 5 longevity foods

    26:45 tough out there it really is and you know i'm an optimist i like to think
    26:50 there's a silver lining here but we shall see going into 22. so just rounding out lifestyle we kind of
    26:56 covered everything but i'll bring it back to food since we all love going grocery shopping
    27:02 i'll put you on the spot if you had to pick you know your top five longevity foods that
    27:08 everyone would be better off consuming as frequently as possible what's on david sinclair's longevity food grocery
    27:16 list oh food lots of yeah okay so good food so as a as a
    27:22 guide i try to choose foods that have been grown under stressful conditions
    27:27 so these would be organic for a start a locally grown
    27:33 and not in a just a regular hot house with lots of nutrients and water so
    27:38 if i can go to a local farm i'll do that and but the other way you can do it is you
    27:44 can look for foods that have a lot of color the purples the reds the very deep greens
    27:50 these are signs that the plants are making healthy molecules for you these xenohormetans as i mentioned so that the
    27:56 top foods would be if i could only eat one food it would probably be avocados the next one i do
    28:03 like very high quality fresh very tasty you know with maybe a little bit of bread or gluten-free bread
    28:09 dipped in there but not a lot i've tried to avoid carbs like that so we've got two the third one would be a roasted brussels
    28:16 sprouts pan fried bit of garlic and salt pepper that's three but the next would be um
    28:24 cantaloupe or rockmelon as i would call it as a fruit that's the most nutritious
    28:30 you can get and if i could pick another one in that category i'd say blueberries
    28:35 as well i snack on those pretty often and then the fourth category our fifth category that's important would be the
    28:41 nuts and so cashews are my favorite but i also have brazil nuts basil and just a whole variety of nuts during the day so
    28:48 if i'm peckish i'll take a few and the protein in the nuts suppresses appetite


    28:53 i love it everyone get out their pencils go on their instacart or amazon prime or go to their local farmer's market
    28:59 wherever you go shopping you got your list personally i think you made me very happy with avocados
    29:06 taking the number one spot i'll never forget there was a moment on the podcast where we had walter longo
    29:12 the famous walter longo on the show this was like two years ago and we were talking about avocados and
    29:19 he said i'm not sure we don't have the data if if all this avocado consumption is good
    29:25 for us and i was like hold on you just said like there's no santa claus to everyone
    29:33 so i'm very happy to hear avocados well well i'm i'm a good friend and colleague of falters we've known each
    29:39 other since we were kids actually in our 20s and we like to debate but where i would disagree about that is
    29:45 that we know that avocados have high levels of oleic acid as well as sodas olive oil and oleic
    29:52 acid will activate cert-1 which is an enzyme that controls longevity in our bodies and so we know at least some of
    29:58 the components such as oleic acid are extremely beneficial as well as those unsaturated fats that come along

    longevity movement

    30:05 so in closing there's so much happening in the longevity space
    30:10 is there something specific you're just beyond excited about in the movement that you'd
    30:17 like to share in the movement this is the movement this is a longevity movement i feel like everyone longevity
    30:23 wasn't in the lexicon i feel like a couple years ago right yeah yeah you're right about that it's
    30:29 been really a thrill for me to see this movement occur because i was banging my
    30:36 head against the wall for 25 years and no one would listen my book helped it's sold close to a
    30:42 million copies around the world so that was good but what i'm most excited about is the fact that the younger generation
    30:48 has embraced longevity unexpectedly because you know stupid me i thought only old people cared about aging but no it's
    30:56 you know gen y and gen z that have realized that humans can achieve anything if they put their minds to it
    31:01 and we now realize a lot of young people realized is that aging begins before
    31:06 birth and every day is important and the clock is ticking and you can slow that down by living well and eating well and even
    31:13 some supplements that i mentioned these will slow the process down and the longer they live the more technology
    31:19 they can be exposed to so many people who are born around now in the last 10 years can
    31:24 make it to the 22nd century and imagine what's going to be available then if you know the last five years has
    31:30 totally changed everything and we can now reverse aging so yeah that's mostly what excites me is
    31:36 that every day i'm contacted by young people in their 20s and 30s who are excited about what we do and want to
    31:43 join the movement and either get involved in social media or medical research and devote their
    31:49 careers to it and for the record again what is your biological age versus your uh

    my biological age

    31:56 your real age if you will well i'm 52 and uh
    32:02 my biological age is in my low 40s depending on the measurement but
    32:07 when i'm really good then i can get it down into the low 30s but yeah right now my blood by chemistry if you looked at
    32:14 it you'd say and you didn't know me you'd say i'm in my early 40s you know i'm still waiting for that gray hair to
    32:20 appear so so far so good the good news is that what i'm i've been
    32:25 doing to myself which is listed also in my book page 304 if you want to jump to
    32:31 that it doesn't seem to be hurting me which is a good start but also as i get older seems to be benefiting me as well

    David Sinclair program

    32:37 i gotta get on the david sinclair program i'm getting up there i'm 47 now so you know i gotta do the biological age
    32:44 test i i'm somewhat i did you know look i believe
    32:50 wellness is a journey and and it doesn't matter how old you are it's
    32:55 never too late to start yet there are times when i look back at my 20s and oh man i was just a mess
    33:03 right and and we did damage to our uh bodies in those days and we we think we're immortal in when we're 20
    33:10 but now that we can measure the biological clock we can take a blood test we're developing in my lab
    33:16 this cheek swab which will be a lot cheaper than the current tests
    33:21 that can tell us our biological age and we know that even in your 20s you're aging your body if you don't look after
    33:27 it and that goes for things you might not think of when you go to a rock concert and you listen to super loud music
    33:34 you're aging your ears so that by the time you're our age you'll have less hearing so that actually leads me okay

    Whats under the radar

    33:40 this this is the real last question so is there something that's really under the radar you know that's a great
    33:47 example that is either on on one hand it's
    33:52 aging us that we're not aware of like like going to a rock concert or on the other hand the behavior
    33:59 that is promoting longevity that we're unaware of like what are we unaware of that is working for us or against us in
    34:06 terms of the longevity that'll be i mean it that's the last question yeah well what we have found is that if you break
    34:13 dna that accelerates the aging clock dramatically in my lab we can drive aging forward in a mouse and make it get
    34:19 old within a few months but the good news is we can now reprogram them to be young again so we're driving aging forwards and backwards but what this
    34:26 tells us is that things that break chromosomes are really potent accelerators of aging now
    34:32 smoking will do that going in bright sunlight for hours and burning your skin will do that we know that from
    34:39 experience we didn't realize it was aging but it really is but there are other things that break dna in our lives there are chemicals
    34:46 from plastics even the new car smell is breaking our dna when we fly
    34:52 at high altitudes we're breaking dna because the cosmic rays hit us i'm skeptical of these scanners that they're
    34:58 neutral on breaking dna and getting an x-ray and a ct scan will break your dna
    35:04 now we need ct scans and x-rays for good reason i wouldn't refuse one from your
    35:09 doctor but don't get ct scans and x-rays if you don't need them so i've had big arguments with my dentist
    35:15 please don't x-ray my mouth every year i don't want it and they say you gotta have it
    35:20 and i say why because you need to pay for your machine so i i try to reduce my exposure to radiation
    35:27 in general for that reason david always a pleasure thank you so
    35:33 much jason it's been great to see you thanks