Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)


Laboratory rats or lab rats are strains of the rat subspecies Rattus norvegicus domestica which are bred and kept for scientific research. While less commonly used for research than laboratory mice, rats have served as an important animal model for research in psychology and biomedical science.[1]

Strains used in Longevity Research

Strain Characteristics Relevance to Longevity Research
Wistar General-purpose strain, albino coat Commonly used in aging studies due to well-documented lifespan
Sprague Dawley Outbred, albino, large size Popular for age-related disease studies
Brown Norway Inbred, brown coat, long lifespan Known for its exceptionally long lifespan, useful for studying aging processes
Fischer 344 Inbred, albino, prone to certain age-related diseases Frequently used in gerontology for studying age-related pathologies
Long-Evans Outbred, hooded coat, good healthspan Utilized in research focusing on the quality of life and health in old age
SHR (Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat) Inbred, used in cardiovascular research Valuable for studying the interplay between hypertension and aging

See Also


  1. Vandenbergh; "Use of House Mice in Biomedical Research" , https://doi.org/10.1093/ilar.41.3.133