Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Spinal Cord
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  1. Choi S & Koo S: Efficient syntheses of the keto-carotenoids canthaxanthin, astaxanthin, and astacene. J Org Chem 2005. (PMID 15823009) [PubMed] [DOI] Three keto-carotenoids were prepared by the oxidation of the stable C(40) trisulfone 6, which has been used as the key compound in our beta-carotene synthesis. The first allylic oxidation to the unsaturated ketone and the second oxidation to the alpha-hydroxyketone produced the C(40) trisulfones 7 and 10, respectively. The Ramberg-Backlund reaction of the oxidized C(40) trisulfone was efficiently effected by the use of a mild base, NaOMe, in the presence of CCl(4) as a halogenating agent to give the C(40) disulfones 8 and 11. Base-promoted dehydrosulfonation reaction of the disulfone compounds produced the fully conjugated polyenes of canthaxanthin (1), astaxanthin (2), and astacene (3).
  2. Ahirwar A et al.: "Light modulates transcriptomic dynamics upregulating astaxanthin accumulation in Haematococcus: A review". Bioresour Technol 2021. (PMID 34371336) [PubMed] [DOI] Haematococcus pluvialis is a green alga that can accumulate high astaxanthin content, a commercially demanding market keto food. Due to its high predicted market value of about 3.4 billion USD in 2027, it is essential to increase its production. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the genetic mechanism and gene expressions profile during astaxanthin synthesis. The effect of poly- and mono-chromatic light of different wavelengths and different intensities have shown to influence the gene expression towards astaxanthin production. This includes transcriptomic gene analysis in H. pluvialis underneath different levels of illumination stress. This review has placed the most recent data on the effects of light on bioastaxanthin production in the context of previous studies, which were more focused on the biochemical and physiological sides. Doing so, it contributes to delineate new ways along the biotechnological process with the aim to increase bioastaxanthin production while decreasing production costs.