2022-12-29 - Interview Dr. David Sinclair - Moonshots with Peter Diamandis - Age Reversal Breakthroughs, FDA Approval, and Living Forever



0:00 yeah we are kicking the can down the
0:01 road but that's the point you know life
0:04 is wonderful and the more times we kick
0:06 the can down the road the more life and
0:09 wonder we have and so yeah that's what
0:11 it is I don't think that we're going to
0:13 be able to Kick the Can down the road if
0:16 for in an infinite number of years based
0:18 on technology that I can foresee In Our
0:21 Lifetime now I could be wrong because I
0:23 didn't foresee reprogramming uh as
0:26 effective as it has become an age
0:28 reversal so I'd never say never but
0:31 given my viewpoint right now I think
0:33 that 150 is achievable in many of our
0:36 lifespans but not immortality
0:39 and a massive transformative purpose is
0:42 what you're telling the world it's like
0:44 this is who I am this is what I'm gonna
0:46 do this is the dent I'm gonna make in
0:48 the universe
0:52 hey everybody welcome back to another
0:54 episode of mindsets and moonshots uh my
0:56 name is Nick I'm Peter's producer and we
0:58 have today here Peter and David hey guys
1:00 how are you hey Nick hey Nick cool so uh
1:03 we have fielded hundreds of phenomenal
1:06 questions over the course of the past
1:08 day from both David and David and
1:10 Peter's Twitter and I'm going to be the
1:13 lucky one uh Fielding through them and
1:14 picking and popping so let's start off
1:16 with some fun ones

Why Hasn't David Been On The Podcast Scene?

1:18 uh David I'm going to direct this one at
1:20 you fans want to know why has David not
1:23 had a podcast since February ah
1:27 well I'm writing my second book
1:30 I'm editing a paper that's going to come
1:33 out in
1:34 a big Journal that's going to be high
1:36 impact uh and I'm working on making my
1:40 podcast even better uh better produced
1:43 and so trust me it's coming I know that
1:48 there's a lot of demand for it and I
1:49 thank everyone for their patience cool
1:51 that's a fair answer
1:53 um all right let's dive into one that we

Where Are The Breakthroughs & When Are They Coming?

1:55 had a bunch of and I'll read it verbatim
1:59 this one is from Tony and Megan they
2:01 asked and I'm going to ask it to both
2:03 Peter and David
2:05 um why is it taking so freaking long to
2:08 have meaningful longevity therapies come
2:11 to Market I feel like we're not making
2:12 any meaningful Headway and we're stuck
2:14 taking supplements that give us five to
2:16 ten years if we're lucky where are the
2:18 breakthroughs when are they coming well
2:21 some of them are already here uh in my
2:24 view we've got some drugs already
2:26 metformin rapamycin that I strongly
2:29 believe can slow down aspects of Aging
2:32 so we already have some technologies not
2:35 evenly distributed it's not available to
2:37 everybody because most doctors are
2:39 unaware or unwilling to prescribe these
2:41 medicines to people who are healthy
2:44 uh but the data looks good now what
2:47 about the new medicines that are in
2:49 development well one of them that I'm
2:51 developing actually a few of them at
2:54 Metro biotech are spin out from my lab
2:56 from 10 years ago is pretty Advanced
2:58 we're actually in in phase two studies
3:00 we've had some positive data we're
3:02 looking to publish now we've written up
3:03 the manuscript and so that is a a study
3:08 and a company that looks at NAD boosters
3:10 for pharmaceutical use for diseases of
3:13 aging and that one if all that all goes
3:16 well it's uh probably two to three years
3:19 away so that's uh that's the good news
3:21 also reprogramming of the eye to cure
3:23 blindness which we did in mice a couple
3:25 years ago we're in non-human primates
3:27 and that that could go into humans as
3:30 soon as next year
3:32 now the the question is why uh isn't it
3:34 quicker well it's because drugs are hard
3:37 super hard you know what industry can
3:40 spend 400 500 million dollars and still
3:42 fail not that many and that's what it's
3:44 like to develop drugs and there's a lot
3:46 of safety and efficacy that needs to go
3:49 into these products thanks to the
3:51 oversight of the FDA here in the US and
3:53 other countries under different auspices
3:55 and it's there's a high high hurdle
3:58 rightly so we don't want something that
4:00 doesn't work or can harm people getting
4:03 on the market but to get over that
4:04 hurdle takes time and a lot of money
4:06 that's a fair answer Peter I'd love your

Peter's Thoughts On The FDA & The Future Of Medicine

4:08 take and in your take I want to include
4:10 your opposing somewhat opposing thoughts
4:12 to David on how you feel about the fdm
4:15 bureaucracy well so listen the the
4:18 reality is what we're talking about is a
4:22 radical departure from traditional
4:24 medicine medicine has been you know you
4:27 go to we've all come to expect we go to
4:29 our doctor and we go for are once a year
4:33 physical if we're lucky and that doctor
4:35 will listen to your lungs your heart and
4:37 and it's expected you know old age is
4:41 something we come to expect and we don't
4:44 fight against it uh we expect it we try
4:46 and do a gentle Landing if you would uh
4:49 and the FDA is an organization built
4:52 around safety what I mean by that is
4:55 they will value the lives lost if they
5:00 approve a drug that kills people those
5:01 lives are much more valuable than all
5:04 the lives lost by not approving a drug
5:07 it's just the way it is today and so
5:11 until the science is Rock Solid
5:16 they're going to be hesitant to approve
5:18 something and it takes a huge amount of
5:20 capital Investments billions of dollars
5:22 and sometimes Decades of time
5:26 um
5:27 the reality is you know even this the
5:30 world of stem cells um stem cells are we
5:33 know that we exhaust our stem cell
5:34 population uh that when we're young we
5:37 have uh you know a hundred x a thousand
5:40 X number of stem cells in different uh
5:42 different pockets of the body from uh
5:44 from fat to muscle to neural stem cells
5:48 and they reduce and we can supplement
5:50 our stem cells
5:52 um and but today you have to go outside
5:54 the United States to do that because the
5:56 science isn't there to have proven its
5:59 efficacy and its safety yet and we're
6:01 going to get there but until it's you
6:05 know rock solid
6:07 um you're going to a different
6:10 jurisdiction to get those treatments it
6:12 takes time to be available what we saw I
6:15 remember I was in Richard Mulligan's lab
6:18 uh David back in in the 80s doing uh
6:21 early gene therapy work and gene therapy
6:25 was
6:27 was imagined back then to be an
6:30 extraordinary technology and it was but
6:32 when it was first applied to the first
6:34 patients it caused the death of a number
6:36 of children and it stopped the entire
6:39 field for decades
6:41 um so
6:42 people are cautious about taking
6:44 shortcuts David do you have any push

David Sinclair's Experience Dealing With The FDA

6:46 back there I mean you're interfacing
6:48 with the FD over the years is probably
6:51 more than most people will ever
6:53 experience in a lifetime given your
6:54 career are you friends and yeah I have
6:57 to find a way to word this so excuse the
6:59 way I'm wording it are you friends of
7:01 the FDA in the sense that you're happy
7:03 with how they work does it frustrate you
7:04 at times that they move slow uh are you
7:08 in alignment with Peter that there is a
7:11 increase or there should be an increase
7:13 in speed of how they approve things
7:15 coming up or what's your take well the
7:17 FDA was surprisingly receptive
7:20 um
7:22 to the idea that aging can be treated
7:24 with a medicine and they are still of
7:27 the opinion that if we can show that
7:29 aging is
7:31 uh slowable with with a treatment that
7:33 they would
7:34 strongly consider approving that
7:37 medicine for the treatment of aging and
7:40 I didn't realize that that was true but
7:42 what the individuals at the FDA the
7:44 human beings in this bureaucracy as it
7:47 is
7:48 um have to deal with a big organization
7:51 with lots of rules and procedures and
7:54 those rules dictate how quickly we can
7:57 move and their mandate is to protect the
8:00 public so that there's not as much
8:02 incentive to to get a drug on the market
8:05 as there is to protect them and that
8:07 does lead to this being rather a slow
8:10 process that's for sure now what I would
8:13 love is if there was increased public
8:14 opinion uh pressure
8:18 from all places from politicians from
8:21 Grassroots to increase the dialogue and
8:26 help the FDA find a way to make it
8:29 easier for us to get a drug on the
8:31 market that's based on Aging research
8:33 right now we cannot make a drug for
8:36 aging because aging isn't a medical
8:38 condition
8:39 if it were we'd have a lot more
8:41 investment and a lot more successful you
8:45 know David one thing I hope for in the
8:47 future is a right to try uh strategy
8:51 right in other words I always call it an
8:53 accredited patient program where if as a
8:57 patient as a subject I get permission
9:00 from my physician my husband my wife my
9:03 kids whatever that I want to try a
9:06 treatment that isn't FDA approved but
9:08 you know I've got this disease called
9:10 Aging and I want to try this even if
9:13 it's you know to be a subject
9:15 I think Reinventing How We Do now we do
9:19 have investigation new drugs and we do
9:21 have you know experimental protocols and
9:23 so forth but how do we we make it
9:26 um
9:27 more agile in that regard Peter I love
9:30 that idea that that you wouldn't be able
9:32 to just go online and order up if it's
9:35 an experimental drug right that's that's
9:37 too free because there could be
9:38 accidents
9:40 um and there's a maybe abuse of that
9:41 system for monetary reasons that said if
9:44 there were a certification whether it's
9:47 an MD or something an MD can can get
9:49 that would allow the use of experimental
9:52 drugs right now that is possible but
9:55 it's not widely used it's generally on
9:58 um if it was more widely available if
10:01 you have a terminal disease or something
10:02 that
10:04 um
10:05 doesn't have any current cure
10:07 why not try something that is at least
10:09 already shown in Phase One to be safe
10:11 yes exactly in fact uh David feigenbaum
10:15 I don't know if you know David he he's
10:16 uh uh he cured his or I didn't cure he's
10:21 treating his uh castleman's disease
10:22 using rapamycin and so they're you know
10:26 the numbers are interesting right there
10:27 are 3 000 FDA approved drugs and there
10:30 are 12 000 diseases and his work right
10:33 now is saying can we can we fund looking
10:37 at which of those 3 000 drugs might have
10:40 a dual use for the 9 000 diseases that
10:43 don't have a treatment right they've
10:45 already they're already on the market
10:46 they're already in production they're
10:47 already shown to be safe in in humans
10:51 um and so it's a rather than developing
10:54 a brand new treatment so his his efforts
10:57 called uh called uh every cure and it's
11:01 uh he just announced it at the Clinton
11:03 Global initiative a couple of weeks back
11:05 David and Peter what is your purse

When Is The Right Time To Show Your Findings?

11:07 personal preference to when you feel
11:09 comfortable enough to try something
11:11 David you probably have a lot of
11:12 exposure to this because you're
11:13 constantly testing things in the lab
11:15 when do you say okay you know what I'm
11:17 good enough to uh put myself on the line
11:20 here and Peter likewise I'd like to know
11:22 for you
11:23 uh I consider myself a chief guinea pig
11:26 for a lot of uh of what's out there uh
11:30 Tony Robbins who's a deer mutual friend
11:33 of both of ours and I think about that
11:35 all the time it's like huh interesting
11:38 so
11:39 um listen if it's
11:41 I'm probably not likely to be the first
11:45 human ever to take something but I will
11:47 be an early user of it let's leave it at
11:50 that yeah I'm the same I I I'm an
11:53 experimenter I'm assigned to stylist I
11:56 feel that if I'm going to be talking
11:58 about something I need to have
12:00 experienced it myself I would really
12:02 never talk about something unless I I
12:05 tried something and so I never recommend
12:08 anything I'm not even an MD I'm a PhD
12:10 but I will talk about my own experience
12:13 um in a way that will allow others to
12:15 think about it themselves
12:17 Sam yeah I think I think it's important
12:20 I think it's important uh as we're as we
12:24 are
12:25 speaking about this field and what's
12:28 becoming available uh to to explain
12:31 either that something I do do or the
12:34 reason I haven't right and actually a
12:37 New York Times article was written about
12:39 my lab and me and they said uh
12:43 um I think it was posed to the effect of
12:46 well David you're conflicted because
12:49 you're studying this molecule in the lab
12:51 and you're taking it you can be biased
12:54 and if there's something bad you'll hide
12:56 it and I'm I'm thinking to myself I want
12:59 to be the first person in the world to
13:00 know that there's something wrong with
13:02 this molecule because my father's taking
13:04 it I'm taking it and I will tell the
13:06 whole world to stop taking it if I see
13:07 something and I want to be that person
13:09 to find it ASAP so it's actually it's
13:12 it's flipped is that I'm looking for
13:14 problems with these treatments because
13:17 if I'm taking them or I tried them I
13:19 need to know if there's a problem and so
13:21 you know you can trust me that you'll
13:24 hear from me first if there is something
13:25 that's negative yeah uh I'm Ahmet
13:28 Foreman I've just started rapamycin five
13:31 milligrams my own body weight and I did
13:33 a lot of research and talked to a lot of
13:35 Physicians about it and felt that the
13:37 you know it's always a risk reward
13:39 situation and I just felt like at this
13:43 point the reward side was higher than
13:46 the risk well for sure and the older you
13:48 get
13:49 um the more so but we we tend to
13:51 underestimate the risk of Aging we don't
13:53 think about it as much as we should
13:54 aging is really really risky in fact we
14:00 it's no it's known to cause death yes it
14:03 runs in my family
14:06 David do you mind if I cut a night build

Are We Doing It? Are We Going To Live Forever?

14:09 off of that for a moment so one of the
14:11 questions that came in was uh let me
14:13 find it here
14:15 um it was uh are we effectively I'm
14:20 gonna shorten what they said but are we
14:22 effectively just kicking the can of
14:24 dying here and are we just prolonging it
14:26 say 120 500 years whatever the case may
14:29 be
14:31 um or or is the proposition that we're
14:32 going to live forever and
14:35 um what's your take and Peter what's
14:36 your take uh all right uh yeah we are
14:39 kicking the can down the road but that's
14:40 the point
14:41 life is wonderful and the more times we
14:44 keep the can down the road the more life
14:46 and wonder we have and so yeah that's
14:50 what it is I don't think that we're
14:52 going to be able to Kick the Can down
14:54 the road for in an infinite number of
14:56 years based on technology that I can
14:59 foresee In Our Lifetime now I could be
15:02 wrong because I didn't foresee
15:03 reprogramming uh as effective as it has
15:06 become an age reversal so Never Say
15:08 Never but given my viewpoint right now I
15:12 think that 150 is achievable in many of
15:15 our life spans but not immortality Peter
15:18 yeah so it most definitely kicking the
15:20 can down the road the analogy is and I I
15:22 was you know on a vacation with my
15:24 family and we're having so much a fun
15:26 time it's like let's stay an extra week
15:28 you know if if you're enjoying life uh
15:31 you know adding decades to it but let's
15:34 not forget we're in the steepest part of
15:36 the exponential curve uh you know in
15:39 terms of what's coming in Ai and
15:42 Robotics and Quantum computation that's
15:44 that's just on the edge of uh of our
15:47 capabilities so yeah I may not want this
15:51 Mortal body uh five you know not five
15:55 you know 50 years from now I may want a
15:58 upgraded body but the idea of being able
16:01 to see my grandchildren my
16:03 great-grandchildren to go to the moon go
16:05 to Mars to see what happens next
16:09 um is extraordinary I don't you know Ray
16:13 Carswell talks about the singularity
16:15 right the point at which the speed of
16:17 technological change is so rapid that
16:20 we're unable to predict what's next and
16:23 that number is Circa you know the early
16:26 2040s let's not forget that's 20 years
16:28 from now I mean it's not like a hundred
16:31 years it's 20 years from now so uh part
16:33 of what we're talking about is
16:35 intercepting the technologies that will
16:38 give us longevity escape velocity but
16:40 beyond that the technologies that will
16:42 allow us
16:43 to connect our minds to the cloud maybe
16:46 it's uploading ourselves
16:49 um I'm not a huge fan of freezing myself
16:51 are you David
16:53 um yeah so I I definitely want to get
16:56 immortality or at least extreme
16:58 longevity is that a reason like an
17:01 awesome powers freezing yourself thing
17:02 yeah I know sure there's a lot of people
17:04 here yeah cryonics is the technology
17:07 it's the notion that if I freeze myself
17:09 and I don't rupture the cells and there
17:11 are ways to do that that hopefully
17:13 technology super advanced technology you
17:16 know a hundred or a thousand years from
17:18 now will be able to bring me back and
17:19 restate my neural structures and my
17:21 memories and so forth but that's that's
17:24 a subject for another conversation hold
17:25 on I have a question on this David uh
17:27 have you ever visited or Peter VA has
17:30 ever this is a very interesting question
17:31 visited a facility where people are
17:34 Frozen I mean is this a I I I thought
17:36 that this was all hearsay uh I have not
17:39 uh either have I but there are a number
17:41 of them and people I mean the first
17:45 person I just saw an article about this
17:46 the first person Frozen
17:48 uh was about 50 years ago and there are
17:52 companies today that you'll wear a
17:55 bracelet and
17:57 um at the moment of death uh when your
18:00 body when your your brain function
18:02 ceases they will come in and they'll
18:05 pull out your blood replace it with
18:07 effectively an antifreeze and uh and
18:09 freeze you and you can have the choice
18:11 of freezing your entire body or coughing
18:14 off your head and just freezing your
18:15 head because it takes less energy to do
18:17 that it may actually work
18:20 um I didn't think it would but actually
18:22 given that we can now reset the age of
18:24 cells I can imagine that you can quickly
18:27 unfreeze a person and get their cells to
18:30 begin the Rejuvenation process that we
18:33 seem to be able to control now
18:34 and uh yeah so I think it I wouldn't do
18:37 it myself at least currently uh but I
18:40 think that it's not as crazy as it once
18:42 seemed
18:44 um but I I would rather stay alive by
18:46 being alive and I think the Technologies
18:49 to do that are increasingly here it's
18:52 it's a it's a fun subject to think about
18:54 but I'd rather put my energy and focus
18:56 into extending the healthy human
18:58 lifespan you know what Peter and I are
19:00 very much into democratizing
19:02 Technologies and and cryonics is not
19:05 going to be for everybody it's a very
19:07 small few people number of people that
19:09 can afford this so that's again not a
19:11 good reason to focus our energies on
19:13 those kind of Technologies I have a lot

How Are David & Peter Going To Reduce Aging?

19:16 of deep appreciation for that answer I
19:18 have a great one I want to end it with
19:19 but uh Peter this one was directed at
19:22 you uh somebody wanted an update on I
19:24 didn't even know this was public yet the
19:26 age reversal prize and I'm not sure if
19:28 David you know about the age reversal
19:30 experts here has but obviously and let
19:32 me just cue this up for everybody
19:33 listening David efforts are
19:35 substantially documented realized and
19:38 and very public right now he he's in my
19:40 opinion the leading World expert on on
19:42 anti-aging at the moment and um you know
19:45 Peter I think that you're now going to
19:46 actively join this fight through one of
19:48 your efforts
19:49 um do you want to share how uh yeah sure
19:51 and David is is very much involved uh he
19:55 and George Church are uh are my
19:58 co-conspirators uh if I would our
20:00 scientific co-chairs of a 101 million
20:04 dollar age reversal X prize uh and the
20:08 question we've asked I mean we've been
20:10 talking about the idea is could we do
20:12 and it's not launched yet to be very
20:14 clear we're majority funded uh David and
20:17 I have been having a conversation every
20:19 uh every few days on the rule sets and
20:22 getting them really honed in I hope to
20:25 launch an early part of 2023 but uh we
20:29 talked early on about a longevity prize
20:31 but the problem with the longevity prize
20:33 like can you add 30 healthy years and
20:34 person's life which we will is you have
20:38 to wait 30 years to see if you have a
20:39 winner but can you in fact reverse aging
20:43 in someone in this case the rules we're
20:45 thinking about is can you give a
20:48 therapeutic that lasts for less than a
20:50 year but reverses biological age by 20
20:55 years or more David do you want to add
20:58 your thoughts there yeah it the goal is
21:01 to inspire companies and Labs
21:05 individuals to work on methods to safely
21:07 reverse aging in multiple tissues and
21:10 organs to rejuvenate the body and make
21:12 it function better and uh and this kind
21:15 of prize money will be a huge incentive
21:18 um I think it's gonna have a big impact
21:19 on on the field and uh and drive
21:23 innovation in the same way other X
21:25 prizes have done so and so I'm super
21:27 happy to be involved we're looking at
21:29 you know we're trying to decide where
21:31 what the focus will be I I you know Dave
21:34 and I are honing in on on cognition on
21:37 muscle on skin on immune system I mean
21:40 these are the things that as you age you
21:42 want to look good you want to move well
21:43 you want to think clearly you want to
21:45 have able to have a good immunity in a
21:47 world of covet and influenza
21:50 um
21:51 but you know this is about getting the
21:54 smartest people on the planet to focus
21:55 on one of the biggest problems one of
21:58 the biggest Grand challenges on the
22:00 planet which is extending the healthy
22:02 Health span and David on a previous
22:05 episode you mentioned the economic
22:08 impact for adding one healthy year on a
22:11 person's life what was that number again
22:12 it was staggering well for the us alone
22:14 it's 86 trillion dollars in the long run
22:17 of doing that so so David uh where

Where Can You Get To Know More About David Sinclair?

22:20 should people go to find you
22:22 well I'm I'm active on social media
22:25 um so find updated news there
22:28 uh my podcast is still available and I'm
22:31 working on season two uh and that's on
22:34 all podcast Outlets uh my book I think a
22:38 lot of people got inspired by
22:40 um and I was inspired by yours too Peter
22:43 my book is called lifespan why we age
22:45 and why we don't have to and I didn't
22:48 get to talk a lot about what I do on my
22:50 in my daily life which supplements and
22:52 that kind of thing but that is outlined
22:54 in large part on page 304 of lifespan so
22:59 check that out that's the cheat sheet
23:01 but please do read the science as well
23:02 and all of the future that's coming so
23:06 that's where to find me um that is a
23:08 good spot other than that
23:10 um I'll be I'm working on it on a TV
23:13 show that uh I'll let you know how that
23:17 goes
23:18 show people the insides of our bodies
23:21 and how we work and how to improve our
23:23 bodies in our daily lives in a way that
23:26 no show has ever done before so stay
23:29 tuned for that too Nick do you have a
23:30 last question for us I do and I'm going

The Human Side Of David Sinclair.

23:32 to direct it at David and then Peter
23:33 will have you recorded on this too David
23:36 the the question that came in I thought
23:38 it was novel is uh are you happy if so
23:40 why and was there ever a point in your
23:42 life in which you weren't and what did
23:44 you do because uh I like this because a
23:47 lot of your research is pending on this
23:49 fulcrum of whether or not people can
23:51 resolve that okay uh am I always happy
23:54 uh no uh most days I'm happy because I'm
23:58 doing something that I dreamed of doing
24:00 and I'm fulfilled but I have down days I
24:03 have days where I get attacked by Lodge
24:07 farmer by colleagues I've learned to
24:10 have a thicker skin so I don't get
24:12 full-blown depression but it's still
24:14 it's still upsetting but I've learned to
24:16 trust in myself and be resilient and get
24:19 up um I find that having teenage kids is
24:22 the most challenging thing in life and I
24:25 have three of those and I'm still trying
24:27 to be a great dad uh so I'm a struggling
24:30 vegan and a struggling teenage guy
24:33 so that that's who I am outside of
24:36 research David thanks for being on the

25:19 Outro

24:38 show
24:39 um let us know what you think great
24:40 review and give us a follow find David
24:42 across all socials he's very active and
24:45 I think
24:46 um we're just really blessed to have had
24:47 him Peter do you want to share any
24:49 closing notes David it's a truly a
24:52 pleasure to call you a friend a
24:53 co-collaborator co-conspirator on this
24:56 journey we're ahead of uh and have a
24:59 beautiful day pal yeah you too it's
25:01 great to have you as a co-pilot on on
25:03 this final frontier of biology
25:05 appreciate it yeah appreciate you too
25:07 take care
25:10 [Music]