2023-06-26 - Interview Dr. David Sinclair - The Longevity Experts - Why We Don't Have to Age & How to Fight Aging

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thank you


I've heard you say that there's no

biological law that says we have to age

which is which is a pretty radical

statement break that down for us a bit

we tend to think that what we see is

inevitable and it used to be the case

for the speed of humans on the planet we

used to think that

horseback was the fastest humans could

go we used to think that when you got an

infection from a splinter that went

gangrenous that was the end of that limb

or death we used to think that

childbirth was always going to be

potentially lethal uh these things we we

used to think were inevitable now we're

in a world where I'm trying to let the

world know that aging is no longer


um and in I'm a biologist I'm a

geneticist at Harvard where I've been

studying this for close to 30 years now

and there's been no evidence from my lab

or any lab around the world that has


evidence of any mechanism that tells us

that we must age there are processes

that we've identified that happen over

time but we found that those are highly

malleable we can slow them down and even

in the last few years almost completely

completely reset the system and reverse

aging and so I I challenge anyone to

correct me when I say that aging is not


and also that there is a limit to human

lifespan where's the evidence for that

there are plenty of species that live a

lot longer than we do and genetically

they're not that different from us

and with the technology that we have

today like let's say we stop developing

technology today what do you think the

upper limit is of how long people can


well with today's technology uh if you

have the means I actually think we're

pretty close to being able to prevent

most cancers and heart disease and

diabetes so those major killers are

already largely preventable and I'm

including things like DNA tests for

cancer and MRI scans so yeah not

everyone can afford those yet but

shortly they hopefully will be able to

so if we stop technology right now I

think that

with a good diet and that knowledge and


the average person could probably make

it to 95. you know there are plenty

people who don't have the the knowledge

or the means to do the right thing and

that's one of the things that I'm doing

is education but I think that we're

about to completely blow past human uh

longevity expectations and history of

longevity so right now people who don't

look after themselves bring the average

down there's covert there's drug

addiction uh that brings the average

down across the planet especially in the

US and so the average is almost 80 years

old here but those people who

um look after their bodies from an early

age and do the right things and live

long enough to to be able to reap the

benefits of today's technology

um not even the future ones

um can expect to live into their 90s my

father looked after himself late in life

and he's now 84 and as healthy as he's

ever been in his whole life so these are

the this is what people can expect now

even with today's knowledge and


and where do you think like where where

you said we're kind of like at the point

we're hitting some of these

breakthroughs what are the big

breakthroughs that have to happen to go

from let's say people living into their

90s to people living into their 150s

well they're happening in real time

actually uh every week there's another

breakthrough in aging research it's it

was a slow field when I started in yeast

cells we were excited to make a yeast

Cell live 30 longer that's 1995


uh things are happening at a rapid Pace

we've got the discovery that there's a

backup copy of Youth in every cell in

the body that can be tapped into where

curing my lab and companies that I've

started and others that are competing

with mine or at least uh friendly

competition uh are showing that that

it's not that difficult to reverse the

age of an animal

um we've done this in mice many times

now it's not that difficult a high

school student could do it with the

knowledge that we have now

um we're at the point where we're

awaiting uh next week we'll announce

results in monkeys for age reversal

we're curing blindness using this

technology out of my lab so we you know

I would say that the Wright brothers are

flying already do we have Commercial Air

flight do we have a Concord yet no but

we know it's possible to fly so it's

really not a question of of uh if

anymore it's just a question of when

these Technologies become widely


so what's gonna what has to happen we

need to figure out a safe way to

reprogram tissues in the body and

eventually the whole body uh

we already have done some clinical

trials in my companies we have positive

human data that shows that we can slow

down and reverse some aspects of Aging

biochemistry and the body can be

reversed such as cholesterol levels

blood pressure these are all doable with

today's technology out of my lab there's

a new technology which is even better

than that which is a little a little bit

behind that we haven't gone into humans

but we are in monkeys as I mentioned

that in the next two years will treat

our first patient it'll be uh to cure


um and so you know the answer really is

that I think we've already made a lot of

the breakthroughs that can extend human

lifespan by decades

um getting to 150 I don't think those

breakthroughs are that far away given

how fast the field is going right now

the investment in the billions of

dollars into not just Labs but in

particular industry that has virgin just

since our paper in 2020 showing that age

reversal is safe age reversal is


so I'm I'm 49 and let's say relatively

healthy like what what what's a

prediction and have have some money I

can spend on some of these things what's

a prediction for the average person like

me like how how long is somebody like me

going to live do you think yeah I think

you need to throw away any uh

preconceived ideas by looking at your

parents and certainly your grandparents

uh we are going to live very different

lives we're actually approaching a big

inflection point for those who are alive

when these Technologies come on board in

the next decade

um so the point is if you know you're

young uh or but some people who are in

their 70s 80s and 90s

you got to stick around do your best to

live as healthy as possible seek the

best medical care

uh get scanned if you if you want to

detect cancer invest in your health is

the point you know you can invest in

coffee every morning from a certain

store down the road or you can invest

that same money and afford an MRI scan

for cancer so stay alive for yourself at

your age uh things are going to happen

rapidly by the time you're my age I'm

now almost 54. uh the technology

hopefully will be here that you can be

prescribed in medicine uh to not just

slow down aging but reverse parts of

your body for for age Eyes Ears uh

probably other parts of the body and uh

and certainly within our lifetimes we're

going to see a dramatic change not just

in what we can do to the body which I

believe is going to be reset multiple

times but the approach of medicine the

approach right now of medicine and

doctors around the world typically is

well come see me when you get old and

sick and and then I'll treat you yeah

well that's waiting till the end stages

of 8 aging cause problems we call them

diseases but they're really the

manifestations of this process called

Aging which we Now understand is a

universal process across the body in the

same same process and different tissues

that we call Alzheimer's and diabetes

and heart disease these are all the end

products of this same process of

information loss in the body which we

call aging and uh those diseases are

currently tackled at the end of life we

need to tackle them uh early and doctors

will have the attitude

and it's happening right now thanks in

part two people have read my book and

and the wave of longevity science

they're looking at patients now some of

the leading doctors and saying we can

treat aging itself we can start early we

could take someone in their 40s and use

today's knowledge technology to prevent

that process or at least prevent it um

for another decade or two and when you

do that then what happens is you stay

healthier for much longer and that's

going to be a big shift as well it's not

just technology it's the approach of

medicine as well and you mentioned these

like things like getting MRI scans and

some of these other kind of like tasks

to do early detection on things and one

of the and I I recently got a MRI scan

which I thought was very very helpful

full body MRI scan but I can imagine for

certain people

um there's going to be a lot of false

positives with these things and there's

going to be other types of things to get

people to worry and the stress of some

of these early detections may not

outweigh like knowing about it like how

do you think about that or is it like

hey okay if you happen to be a more

neurotic person you have to work on that

first or how do you think about when

you're when you're when you're advising

friends to do these things

um yeah I think that that's a big

mistake and I've heard a lot of people

say that and particularly doctors


I think that that's that's misguided for

the following reason there are plenty of

tests that we do on pregnant women for

children looking at the risk of say


um a child with Down syndrome yep it's

not proof but it's evidence that we

might want to follow up

um same truth is true for these MRI


someone who's young uh like the two of

us I regardless as relatively young we

want to get a baseline reading of what

do we look like now

and then compare that every year and see

what changes it's the changes that are

important you don't go in necessarily

like the Deltas every year every two

years or something like that yeah and

it's no longer just a doctor looking

comparing before and after there's AI

systems already commercially available

that allow a machine to say oh that part

of your body just changed in the last

year let's take a look at that or

monitor it a little more closely maybe

you want to come in for a scan every six

months to keep an eye on that you know

it's not all about a waiting till you

see a tumor it's about knowing how your

body's changing and getting ahead of

that and it's not just cancer that you

see with these scans you're looking at

changes in your prostate size your gut

health your bone health your brain

health your blood vessels all of these

things are important to monitor changes

of and get ahead of it before it

actually becomes a disease

now I'm having Brian Johnson on the

podcast soon he's trying to spend a

couple million dollars a year to reduce

his biological age you're an avid

tracker of your own biomarkers do you

have like an official kind of

figure for your own biological age and

how does one even like determine that

well there are lots of ways um a very

simple one is if you cross your legs and

sit on the floor how easy is it for you

to stand up without touching the floor

if you can do that you're you're doing

well uh someone middle age typically has

to push themselves off with one hand and

if you're in your 80s you might need to

get onto one knee that's easy

um but that's not very accurate the real

data comes from blood tests or cheek

swabs what I've been doing for now a

dozen years is monitoring my blood work

I don't do it that often I'm not like

Brian where I'm doing uh you know lots

of different tests and taking lots of

supplements but I do believe that

without measuring anything you're Flying

Blind like driving a car without a

dashboard nobody would do that uh who's


um and so take some blood tests there

are some ways to do that you can ask

your doctor or go to some of the

commercially available

tracking sites I've been an investor and

an advisor to inside tracker for many


um and they've been looking at my blood

work and they and I together developed

an algorithm to estimate one's

biological age using that and according

to that test I'm in the top two percent

of people of my age for youthfulness I'm

about 10 years younger based on that

than my actual age so I'm 43. there are

other tests there's DNA methylation

tests I launched a company recently

called Telehealth which is for testing

epigenetic age which is measuring your

DNA uh chemical changes and so there are

a variety of ways there's no one test to

rule them all I'd like to do those two

kind of tests to give me an idea of how

I'm doing but most importantly it's

about looking at the changes and see how

you're doing and trying to correct those

errors or non-optimal numbers that can

occur over time and you want to adjust

things you want to be scientific about

it to me it comes naturally of course

I'm a scientist

um so you measure a change measure again

that's the the way to go about life I

think and optimize your body and often

I'm asked you know tell me what to do

Professor just tell me what pill should

I take now there are some rough rules

but really everybody's different

everyone has a different genetics

different background different lifestyle

different history different parents

different environment and so you need to

monitor yourself but I agree you know

it's not easy to do what Brian does

there's no way everyone can afford it

let alone spend as much time on it but

for very little money you know

investment like giving up a cup of

coffee or the money that it would take

to have a Year's worth of those coffees

you can spend that on your own health

and you'll reap much greater Awards or

rewards than you'd get from drinking a

cup of coffee and if you can afford it

do both

thank you

yep now I I read your book lifespan I

took extensive notes and actually

changed a lot of my own behavior and

would love to dive into a couple things

one things that you got into in the book

was this kind of idea of hot cold

um and I I had a little trouble just

following the science of that even

though I now do it because it's fun

um why why is this kind of hot cold

combination good

yeah so the big breakthrough

um well one of the big breakthroughs in

the field that I was fortunate to be

part of in the 1990s was the discovery

of longevity genes and they exist in all

life forms except viruses uh and uh and

viruses hijacked them to infect us so

that's you know still important there

but yeah these longevity genes exist in

yeast and plants that's also important

plants that we eat have longevity

activating molecules uh but really the

point is that these longevity genes we

discovered in the early 2000s respond to

biological adversity sometimes we call

it stress but I don't think stress is

the right word because it invokes

psychological stress which is not what

we're talking about we're talking about

cells and tissues and organs

sensing that the food supply or the

environment or having to run away from a

saber-toothed tiger or an invading Army

is dangerous and without danger our

bodies are complacent we don't like to

waste energy so we put our energy into

building fat and uh and at the expense

of getting older

um and and staying young so that the

problem really is that our society is

built to make us feel comfortable and

take away any perceived threats to our

survival we don't have to go hungry most

of us we don't have to run if we don't

want to even our suitcases have wheels

on them we go up elevators and our body


perfect great I don't need to put energy

into activating longevity genes and they

don't and what we end up with is early

aging rapid aging diabetes heart disease

as a result of the lifestyle that we

have which is an abundance rather than

an adversity memetic as we call it as I

like to call it and so hot and cold

those are similar as exercise and

fasting are that they invoke this

defense response adversity pneumatics

and so you can do that so it's really

about just it's about the stress yeah

um and it's a it's a very uh and and

doing hot and cold or doing like

interval trainings or or

um you know doing some sort of

um some sort of fasting type of thing

it's a very low risk way of of stressing

your body

right well you can always overdo it if

you stay in a sauna all day you're

probably not going to reap the benefits

or if you freeze your body parts same

with exercise you can overdo it and

fasting of course if you don't eat for a

month it's probably not going to be good

either so you know you can always go too

far but the concept is called hormesis

which is what really doesn't kill you

makes you live longer and and that's

what I recommend people live by is that

don't listen to the marketing uh from

companies that want you to eat as much

as possible and snack between meals

listen to your body listen to me

hopefully and others like me like you

know bars alive my good friend who say

that you want to put your body in a

state where it it feels like it's

working or feels like it needs something

and food and exercise and hot and cold

are the best examples of that

on the interval training side is it uh

obviously the stress is probably a

really good thing what else is why what

is the other big reasons for this kind

of like interval workouts and why

they're better

yeah well it's the shock to the system

um most of what we've learned is that

you can you can eat as much as you want

during one meal but then you you taper

it off during the day uh same with

exercise you can sit around but but then

you want to put your body into a hypoxic

state where you're panting and cannot

carry out a conversation and it's mixing

it up it's it's the contrast between

relaxation and the hormesis the the

adversity it's not so much the constant

adversity which we know constant

adversity is not as good as mixing it up

athletes know this uh people who train

their brain know this

um and it's it's

so that's the good news is you don't

always have to be running on a treadmill

slowly or walking to get the benefits

you can just push yourself hard for 15

minutes three times a week and get

really great benefits same with heat

same with cold do it shock the body get

out and do something else

yeah one minute cold shower or whatever

just something crazy

yeah you know I will freely admit that

I'm pretty lazy I I try to be a role

model as best I can but

um I often snack um because I'm stressed

I often don't exercise in fact I rarely

exercise like I should

um but I do know the science and I do

think that

um doing a little bit goes a long way

now one thing you um on the diet side

you you advised cured meats like cold

cuts and bacon like why is that

oh well there's a lot of science about

uh nitrogenous uh compounds so those


um are damaging of to DNA and there are

two problems with damaging your DNA one

is that it'll cause mutations to your

genome which is the digital information

in the body and that's a cancer type of

thing cancer is the main readout of that

we used to think it was also aging but

actually there's more and more research

saying that it's the other type of

information in the body that's more

important for aging which is the

epigenome The Regulators of the the


um and that's what we are manipulating

in my lab to control the aging process

forward and backwards and so when you

take nitrogenous compounds what you're

doing is breaking chromosomes

um and that we've shown leads to aging

because the body has to react to fix

that DNA and in doing so it eventually

loses the ability to regulate the DNA


okay got it now you're you're a big fan

of nmn and before I read your book I had

never even heard of nmn why why is that


well now we're talking about research uh

from my lab in the early 2000s we found

that the sirtuin longevity genes that

we've my team and well I should say my

mentors team Lenny guarante uh

discovered certain so let me tell you

about sirtuins these are seven genes in

our body some of us have better versions

than others and in general it's it's

found that they protect the body against

diseases ranging from um Alzheimer's to

diabetes now these genes are get

Switched Off over time

the the main role is to make enzymes

that tell the body how to survive during

adversity so when you're exercising and

dieting and in sauna they come on

protect the body but the problem is as

we get older they become less active and

one of the biggest problems is that for

their activity they require a a little

molecule in the body a very abundant one

called NAD NAD is required for life it's

involved in chemical reactions but it's

also used as a sensor for the body of

adversity when we have

no adversity we're eating a lot and

sitting around

NAD levels go down that's true as we get

older as well so a 50 year old has half

the levels of a 20 year old for NAD


and what we like to do is to boost the

levels of NAD back up to youthful levels

and mimic exercise mimic dieting or even

enhance those modalities now we've even


um human clinical trial data I was

mentioning one of my companies has done

clinical trials already for the last few

years and by raising NAD levels we can

actually improve human health and we

hope that this will be a drug one day to

treat diseases ranging from kidney

failure to even

covid-19 survival

so what about nmn well nmn is a

precursor that the body uses to make NAD

and by ingesting nmn we've shown in

humans that you can raise your NAD

Levels by about two to three-fold

um and that's beneficial uh in humans

based on clinical studies

um you know when I say I'm a fan you

know I'm not selling the stuff a lot of

companies claim that I'm involved with

uh selling it that's not true I spend

fair amount of legal fees on trying to

stop that

um but yeah any NAD boosters as they're

called seem to be really beneficial I

take nmn um and I've been doing so for

probably about eight to ten years and uh

so far so good I've only seen benefits

some people ask about and so basically

you're saying the goal is to increase

your NAD

um one way to do that is through

exercise you know you can do that by

fasting sauna um but there's this other

way to do it is to take this nmn

um essentially it's a softball elements

and you and and that can also boost your


uh yes that's what the science is saying

and others have shown to improve six

minute walk so it's being used for

performance uh endurance and overall


it's not proving that it extends

lifespan in fact we've only just

recently found it extensor mouse's

lifespan and haven't published that yet

so it's early days we still have a lot

to go on or to do at least but other

side effects for taking it or their

um or does doing one thing make it

harder to do something else or

it doesn't seem to be I mean mice in

mice there's a couple of studies in some

rare cases of genetically inbred mice

that don't have an immune system uh that

they there's hints that cancer might


slightly more frequently in a very small

study but these are mice that are in

bread and have no immune system so

it's still full steam ahead with human

clinical trials there's been no Adverse

Events in any of the patients that have

been tested

um or the subjects I should call them

um and yeah so I'm I'm not yet ready to

say that there's any known uh or at

least uh tangible provable risks that uh

you know I want to be the first person

to know if there's a risk because yeah

football takes it my friends and family

take it I take it

um so I'm not I'm not selling it I just

want to know the science but I do know

that my father is too old to wait till

100 proof that this extends lifespan you

and I are getting to that point where we

can't wait

um and so that's really what I'm doing

is I'm educating the public about the

risks and rewards there are a couple of

male studies that I want to point out

but you know all weight up I think that

the risk right now for me and my family

is it's worth taking that risk until

until further notice now you also take


um and um and

um like I don't even know how to

pronounce it but sorry oh it was virtual

where's virtual yeah yeah

um and you know uh and often I'll you

know when I talk to my doctor he's like

well I feel like you know maybe you're a

bit too young to take metformin and I

mean yeah I I often encourage my

patients who are let's say 60 or over

but it has some side effects and that it

makes it a little bit less likely to

build muscle mass and stuff like that

like how do you weigh some of those


uh well let's start with when should you


um I had a a real

um heart to heart with my doctor when I

was 29. I had super high cholesterol

levels and he said I don't want to put

you on a medicine because you're too

young and I said dude

it I don't want to wait till I get heart

disease to go on a medicine get put on

me put it on put me on it now

so I've I've always been

of the philosophy that

it doesn't matter what age somebody is

you treat everybody the same way you

know within reason of course 20 year

olds are a bit young for this kind of

stuff but if you're in your 30s and you

want to uh prevent heart disease prevent

diabetes I think that it's perfectly

fine uh under Dr supervision taking

medicines that will prevent disease

especially when does these medicines are

extremely safe you do it under doctor

Supervision in case there's a problem

but with metformin for example and

certainly Resveratrol very very very

rare that somebody uh gets so sick that

it's a problem and it's it's always

reversible as well you just stop taking

it if you get sick so these are risks I

think are worth taking I don't prescribe

anything I don't even recommend anything

publicly so I would say talk to your

doctor you know it's if they say you're

too young

I would keep fighting it I would show

you your data and if if you want there's

always alternative doctors

um I just I think that the the argument

that when you're young it's too early I

you know there's a there's a at least I

heard that there's this trade-off of

like okay it's hard to build muscle mass

building muscle mass is very important

as you get older

um and so

um and so you know so you have to figure

the trade

well it's frustrating to me as a

scientist that

when somebody says something in public

or someone a podcast just says it's a

problem it becomes locked into the

Public's Consciousness and unfortunately

nobody ever goes back

and reads the actual paper that this

came from and that that was also true

for the women's health initiative and

breast cancer people still believe that

HRT causes breast cancer and uh that

turns out it doesn't same for metformin

and exercise when you look at the data

uh and it's really easy to see it's not

difficult you can look at it the graph

that says there's a difference uh first

of all is being manipulated in a way

that is deceiving they cut off the

y-axis so that you're just seeing the

very tippy top of the bars and the

actual difference is about five percent

um and it turns out that that five

percent is almost certainly due to

people just not doing the extra couple

of reps in the exercise because they

feel a bit more tired so what's the

solution well if you don't mind having

muscles that are five percent

smaller then no big deal those muscles

are just as strong and healthier

um and have less inflammation

I don't care if my muscles are still 95

there I'm not trying to win any contests

for a bodybuilding but I can also I can

avoid metformin on days I work out no

big deal or force myself to do a couple

more reps when I feel tired that's all

it is I wouldn't say that that's a

reason not to take Metformin there are

other reasons such as gastric uh

gastrointestinal issues that's more of a

an issue but I think it the point here

that I want to make is

make sure that the science is true and

the data that you're getting is true

don't just believe pundits or even uh

you know doctors who are saying this

stuff try to go to the paper read it or

listen to scientists who do read papers

and also just measure yourself do it

under Dr supervision make sure that it's

not harming you make sure you feel fine

and then by all means in my view it's

worth starting in your 40s to maximize

your lifespan because we're aging every

day it doesn't just begin after the age

of 50 or 60.

now initially I was actually kind of

skeptical to the idea that like big

subsets of the population would adopt

any of these anti-aging Lifestyles but

then I saw a couple of studies that say

10 of Americans are already intermittent

fasting every single day over 25 percent

have already tried it maybe intermittent

fasting is is not the best one to

measure because it's kind of easy to do

you just kind of skip breakfast and so

it's kind of a simple relatively simple

thing to do but how optimistic that you

actually will see widespread Behavior


well we are in in the midst of a

revolution in people's wellness and how

active they are in their own health

pandemic was a major wake-up call to

people who stared in the mirror and saw

their own mortality and then there was a

boom in home testing because people

didn't want to go into doctor's offices

for obvious reasons and so it's becoming

also easier for people to take home

tests now we don't want people you know

going rogue and testing themselves and

trying to interpret themselves with chat

gpt4 and Beyond I don't think that's the

only solution I think there's a risk

that we won't have enough doctor

supervision and some people overdo it

there's always that risk so there's a

caution here I do think though that

there's a place for people taking their

own health into their own hands you

can't always be supervised by your

doctor when you're at a restaurant

people do need to realize that most of

what affects their health in the future

is up to them not their doctor and what

you do every day in your life Echoes for

decades and that changing a lifestyle

is as important if not more important

than the medicines you will take and

that's why I think that this revolution

that we're seeing in

the population not just in the US but

around the world is a great thing and

will only become more prevalent and in

20 years it'll be the majority of people

will will be on board with monitoring on

health it's going to get easier and

easier with devices as well cheaper and

cheaper and we'll look back at

two years ago when almost nobody did

this and think that going to your doctor

once a year for an annual checkup and

having the doctor bang in your knees and

cough uh will will send medieval in fact

even to us today it seems medieval

yeah it's in the intermittent fasting

one it's while it's you know maybe uh 10

of the population it seems like it's

it's probably closer to 40 percent of my

friends oh yeah and

um and one I think one of the reasons is

well besides the fact that it's

relatively easy to do

um it's maybe one of the easiest ones to

to to to to do of of all the of all the

things that people prescribe

um it's also also pretty easy to to at

least for people to believe that has low


um and because if you say to somebody

stop eating meat or something like that

first of all I think that's hard for

people to do because they they love they

might love their meat and second they

may they may show you 40 studies of how

that actually could do harm to them

um whereas and so uh so it's it's kind

of like this both things that come in of

why people may change behaviors

yeah absolutely and everybody's

different some people like hot and cold

therapy some people don't um yeah sizes

for some it's not for me although I know

it's important to do