2023-03-18 - Interview Dr. David Sinclair - India Today - Exclusive Conversation With Geneticist & Harvard Professor David Sinclair

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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsUUgTPtwnc&ab_channel=BusinessToday
  • Interviewer: Kalli Purie
  • David Sinclair is a man who claims his ‘biological age’ is 10 years less than his actual age of 53. The Harvard Geneticist is a leader in longevity science. Watch him in a riveting conversation with Kalli Purie, Vice Chairperson, India Today Group at the #IndiaTodayConclave. The two discuss the formula to look younger, how healthy sugar is for you, whether fruits are a good substitute for sugar, the newly-researched stress-busting food, the benefits of red wine and the magic of metformin


good afternoon everyone

we're fast coming to an Era where we

will be celebrating our DNA age and not

our birth age

our birthdays will mean we get younger

and not older imagine that

I have with me

the handsome Miracle almost 54 year old

doctor from Howard Middle medical school

who specialized in molecular genetics

he promises no aging no wrinkles no

disease and possibly choosing your own

death date

author of lifespan and professor of


welcome there are many beautiful people

here today in the audience but Everyone

likes a few tips right

so first of all can you explain to the

audience here what is the basic theory


reversing aging and bio switches

well thank you Kali thank you for having

me today

uh so the science of aging and aging

reversal has come a long way in the past

20 years

uh when I started at Harvard Medical

School it was considered crazy to try

and slow down aging let alone reverse it

but the science is now at a point where

we really do understand

what drives aging and also that there's

a backup copy of Youth in every one of

our many trillions of cells that we've

just recently learned how to access and

reboot the body like you would reboot an

old computer

and reinstate the youthfulness of


and organs and make them work again like

they were young and this is only a few

years old now but it's the technology is

far beyond what I thought I would see in

my lifetime and it's only getting faster

in its development

so can you explain the basic Theory

which is about keeping the body under a

state of constant stress to activate the

longevity genes how does that work

Yeah you mentioned the bio switches what

we discovered in my lab and in many labs

around the world

that is that there are genes that

control how long we live

some of us are born with

the best versions of those genes and

those people tend to live over a hundred

those with parents like the Prime

Minister that lived over 100 I tend to

live also for a long time but most of us

are not born with the perfect set of

genes so we need to do a little extra

and what we've discovered is that how we

live our life what we eat how much we

move the type of molecules that we

ingest every day how we sleep how

relaxed we are how many friends we have

this modifies another type of system in

the body

that's called the epigenome the

epigenome is different from the genome

I think you all know that the genome is

the DNA that we get from our parents the

epigenome is what controls the DNA that

tells a brain cell to be different from

a liver cell from a toenail producing


and over time we lose those instructions

the epigenetic instructions

become lost

and what we've found is that by living a

healthy life

the kind of life that we'll talk about

later you can slow that rate of Aging

and prevent this this Corruption of the

body software

and even reboot it

so can we talk a little bit about this

style of living what are the things that

we can do to slow that aging process

down and activate these genes

yeah well there's there's some good and

bad news the good news is that aging is

much easier to slow and reverse than we


the bad news is that what causes us to

slow our aging process is to give our

bodies a bit of a shock

in today's lifestyle most of us have an

abundance many of us we have enough food

and we don't need to exercise

that's not the way we used to live and

it's not the way our bodies perform the


by sitting for most of our lives and

eating almost you know constantly three

meals a day for many of us we end up

turning off these body switches and the

body ages faster and faster so we've

built a world that's very comfortable

but the backlash is that we age faster

so what we've discovered in my lab in

studies in yeast cells that make bread

and beer in worms and flies and mice and

monkeys and now humans is that we want

to put our bodies into a state of

adversity make the body feel a little

bit uncomfortable so how do we do that

well we can skip meals we can exercise

we can eat food that it's that is

plucked from the ground when it's also

stressed because they have wonderful

chemicals in them that make us healthier

and we can also get enough rest and calm

down the sleep that leads to

inflammation and other things like that

so really you want to make your body

fearful of running out of food or

fearful that you're having to run away

from a from a tiger and that turns on

the body's defenses against aging we've

learned but that doesn't reverse aging

so much that's requires a little bit

more attention which we've only recently

figured out how to control

and before

can we talk a little bit about skipping

meals what what do you recommend as a


for slowing down the aging process

there is a set of genes that I wrote

about in my book lifespan that's called

the sirtuins and they get turned on when

there's not enough energy in the body so

if you don't have a lot of sugar in your

bloodstream or a lot of protein they

will get turned on and they defend the

body against the damage that causes the

the aging process and so what I've over

time learned to do is to skip meals I'm

not always successful

sometimes I have breakfast in in uh in

beautiful places but from my my goal is

to not eat a large meal until dinner

and then I eat a very healthy vegan meal

uh and very rarely alcohol and this diet

that I have gone on to for now about 18

months my partner Serena poon who's a

nutritionist and a longevity expert as


moved me from what I thought was a

healthy diet Mediterranean diet with

some red wine and cheese I went

completely to mostly well almost

completely to plants and my body has

responded I look better I think my skin

is better I feel better my memory is

certainly better

but I think it's not just what you eat

it's also when you eat and this constant

eating three meals a day plus snacks is

making us age faster than we need to

so are you recommending intermittent


well the way we put it Serena and I is

you want to eat within a certain window

and so I like to eat within a period of

about six hours a day and not more I can

snack you know some snacks might be some

sugar-free chocolate or some nuts or

some avocado it's not a crime to eat if

you're a little bit hungry but don't eat

a big meal and if you can until either

late at night or or have it in the

morning because you want to have a

period where your body is not ingesting

food and it will turn on its defenses

against disease and aging see can you

talk a little bit about the fact when

you went almost 20 hours without eating

and you did that for a period of time

yeah so 20 hours is a long time to go

without food every day but your body

gets used to it I found that after two

weeks of doing that I was not hungry

anymore if I felt a little bit hungry I

would drink a lot of tea Serena and I

have a green tea matcha which is filled

with all these wonderful chemicals from

stress plants

and drink drink a lot of water and tea I

think here in India we know how to do


and that is the solution and

we often think oh we need to feed the

body the sugar that you know have a

dessert have a have some some lollies

but really your body can make its own

sugar your liver makes sugar you just

need to wait two weeks for it to get

used to it our liver is pretty lazy but

after two weeks it learns ah in the

morning I have to make some sugar and

what what I found is that my liver

making sugar is a lot smarter than my

eyes and my mouth eating sugar because

when we eat three meals our sugar goes

up and down and up and down and we get

we get lots of energy then we crash and

we get brain fog and then we need eat

again and we're hungry and you go like

this through the day when you don't eat

until dinner

your steady with your sugar because your

liver knows what to do and you can focus

and just have a lot of energy

so one meal a day

um you would recommend that and what

would you recommend in that one meal

yeah well try to eat and try to at least

skip one meal a day that would be my

recommendation and if you can do two

even better some people go without food

for three days I've never been able to

do that I like food

but what's in the food well as I

mentioned I went from drinking a lot of

red wine because

red wine actually that the component of

red wine Resveratrol was discovered in

my lab to slow aging so I thought drink

a lot of red wine that's got to be

healthy but the new research just over

the last two years says that alcohol

drinking drinking alcohol every day is

really not good for you so I've cut out

alcohol and I've focused on Plants so

this vegan diet has no Dairy which is

very difficult here in India yes uh but

we we do that we substitute milk with

coconut and nut based milks and yogurts

they taste very good as well and then so

a typical dinner would be

well plant-based meals that that taste

just or even better than what I used to

eat and I don't feel like I'm lacking

anything and you might ask well why

would you do that well there's a lot of

science behind it

the Protein that's in plants is actually

has a ratio of amino acids that

stimulates these longevity genes the

septuans and another one called mtor and

if you always eat meat every meal your

body is just not fighting aging the way

it could if you ate more plants

so you're against meat in that sense

well I love meat I would love to eat

meat they taste it tastes really good

it's just the science says plants give

you better bang for the Bark for

longevity than meat I mean you can eat

meat occasionally fish for example has a

lot of great omega-3 fatty acids

um so I'm not against meat I just think

try to focus more on plants if you can

you say you said something about

stressed vegetables okay you talk a

little bit about that what is that

versus you know normal organic


yeah so when Farmers grow vegetables

they try to grow them as fast as


it's much more economical the problem

with that is that giving plants a lot of

sunlight and water and fertilizer

makes them very happy

and as I just told you a happy organism

does not is not a healthy organism so

when plants have a little bit of stress

so a little bit of lack of water or

there's a little bit of a caterpillar on

there or even not a lot of sun in the

case of green tea matcha they put the

plants in the shade then those plants

respond in a stress response they turn

on the production of chemicals

called polyphenols Resveratrol from red

wine is a polyphenol that's produced

when the plants get stressed and it's my


which has a name a terrible name I

apologize it's called Xeno hormesis

zenor means I was hoping you were not

going to bring it up because of the

terrible name yeah well just remember

eat if your food is stressed then you

get the benefits

stress your food so you don't have to

and so what we focus on Serena and I are

plants that are full of color Serena

says eat the rainbow so try to eat

bright red and purple dark green colored

vegetables because those are the ones

that have these polyphenols that can

turn on the body's defenses and actually

in my lab if we give polyphenols to mice

they actually get healthier and run

further like they've been exercising so

these little molecules polyphenols can


not substitute but can help you with

your exercise and your otherwise healthy

plant diet so in Superstores we're going

to have inorganic organic and stressed

vegetables now

that's a great business plan we should

do that

sugar sugar

is very addictive of and it's a real

pick me up so is there a healthy way to

have sugar

uh depends on the sugar if you're

talking about cane sugar sucrose I would

try to limit that as much as possible

unfortunately I gave up eating

desserts in my 40s though I do steal it

from people at the table so Serena

orders the desserts for me but really

sugar is something that is known to be

toxic in the long run it's

sucrose which forms glucose will attach

to your your body's components your

proteins will become what's called

glycated and that's known to drive aging

as well so that's why we try to not eat

too much and so we don't want to eat a

lot of sugar but there are substitutes

there's for example monk fruit produces

sugar which Serena has told me to try

and it tastes just as good as sugar and

it doesn't give you that Spike and that

should be good for longevity what about

Stevia maple syrup honey coconut sugar

um they're all on a various scale um

honey has is not so good in large

amounts Stevia I think is okay but it's

all on a scale I think the best is

allulose or monk fruit and then a bit

above that a bit worse than that is

Stevia but at the bad end is glucose

sucrose and honey but honey has a lot of

good goodness in it so I wouldn't say

avoid honey just don't eat too much of


how would you classify sugar and fruit

like would that be something you would

stand replace desserts with like at the

end of a meal would you just have a

piece of fruit yeah for sure fruit is


um I would avoid fruit juices unless

they're from fruits that don't have a

lot of sugar but oranges and apples and

pineapple have a lot of sugar that I

generally avoid


um I'm going to talk to you a little bit

about your Vitality pills

why don't you tell us a little bit about

the Vitality pills and what we can do to

make ourselves you know

eternally Young and Beautiful yeah

so I I've been taking supplements for

and experimenting on myself for about 20

years and my father has also been doing

it he's now 83 and in perfect health

and what I learned through my research

and through my own

self-explanation and then clinical

trials in hospitals is that there's

certain molecules from Mostly from

plants that provide the benefits of

fasting and exercise as well

and so I was taking these separately I

take a variety of them

do you want me to go into which yes I

mean don't go into the details but we

would all like to know where these pills

are available and what's in them sure

everyone's thinking where can I get the

prescription all right so if you don't

have a pen uh you can go to my book and

I wrote these chemicals these

supplements down in my book in the

English version it's page 304.

um and there are three main things that

I take and have taken for over a decade

the the one chemical that I take every

day is Resveratrol which is the red wine

chemical and that comes from grapes

and so that one gets sprinkled into some

yogurt in the morning

I also take a moment that's the one

where which which red wine has right but

it's the amount you take is equivalent


750 glasses of red wine per day

I don't recommend getting it from red



so the the other molecule is called nmn

nmn not to be confused with M M's don't

don't mix those up nmn is a a version of

vitamin B3 that makes a chemical in the

body that we need for life and that's

called NAD and as we get older we make

less and less of this and without NAD

these sirtuins that we discovered slow

aging remember the genes that we

discovered they don't work without a lot

of NAD so as we get older our defenses

Decline and so by taking this supplement

we know that it doubles the levels of

NAD back to when I was age 20. and

there's now clinical trials that my

colleagues at Harvard have done that

says that nmn has some health benefits

in early studies such as lowering

cholesterol and blood pressure and so I

take that one every day as well

um I take a half a gram of that

currently and then the third one is

metformin metformin is a little bit more

controversial because it's a drug

and it's just classified as a drug and

uh that doesn't mean it's necessarily

dangerous in fact it's one of the

world's safest drugs it's used for type

2 diabetes to control blood sugar

and what's been found is that people who

take Metformin tend to live a lot longer

even those who don't have type 2

diabetes there's evidence that they are

protected against

cardiovascular disease and Frailty and

even Alzheimer's disease and so what I

do is I take metformin even though I

don't yet have type 2 diabetes

so metformin is it a form of this glp-1

receptor blockers a skinny pen orozmic

which all of Hollywood is apparently on

and they're getting thinner and thinner

if you see the red carpet at Oscars is

that what it is a form of that well no

it's actually very different metformin

will activate your body's energy

production and boost mitochondria which

are the little energy packs in your

cells so that's that's a healthy way to

do it uh I won't say the brand name but

yeah this GOP one agonistar

um causing your body to become more

insulin sensitive and take up the sugar

from your blood and burn fat and people

who take this drug uh it's uh they

actually they do lose weight


so the it I mean the drug is designed to

treat type 2 diabetes and it's it's

actually a blockbuster very effective

drug one of my colleagues over uh in New

York near barzalai says that in his

practice he essentially now thinks of

type 2 diabetes as a curable disease

only in the last few years because of

these new drugs but people who don't

have obesity or diabetes are taking it

or they might have obesity but they

certainly don't have type 2 diabetes and

they lose weight the one negative side

effect that everyone should be aware of

is that people can lose too much fat in

the wrong place including in the in the

face where you don't want to lose it

especially if you're older and you can

tell if somebody's taking this medicine

because they start to look it's called

the brand name face right I'm not taking

the brand name either but that's what

it's called yeah it is so you have to be

very careful I would say it's much

better to eat less often and exercise

and you'll get much bigger health

benefits than taking that drug let's

talk a little bit about exercise what

kind of exercise are you recommending

like a lot of intro training running

Strength yoga

you know yoga is very important uh I

think here are you just saying that

because Serena is sitting opposite us so

yeah screen is down there

below the stage here so Serena is um the

equivalent of me with more of a practice

and knowledge about yoga and nutrition

and mind and body and I missed I missed

the biology and chemicals but together

we we we do recommend a lot of

stretching and yoga meditation to reduce

stress though I'm not I'm not good at it

and I'm also not good at exercise I'm

often on planes Serena and I have been

traveling for two months now so we don't

get a lot of exercise in

that said I used to and what I used to

do was to exercise three times a week

and Lose My Breath you want to be able

to be moving so fast that you cannot

carry out a conversation easily that's

when you know you're becoming

hypoxic low in oxygen and this low

oxygen we think is a very good

stimulator of this

stress on the body and it your body

responds in a positive way to build

muscle get better blood flow and also

your tissues will put out chemicals that

slow aging so really if you can just

lose your breath for 10 minutes three

times a week that can give Remarkable

Health benefits lowering the rates of

disease by 30 percent

so a little bit goes a long way can we

get a mic to Serena

so Serena is a proponent of yoga and I

want to know what she thinks about that

because in yoga you don't necessarily

stress the body to a point where you

lose your breath or you get out of



types of Yoga yoga of course especially

in the U.S I'm based in La there's yoga

that is used more as a form of exercise

and that can be quite stressful in the


I think we stress our bodies in a

slightly different way when it comes to

yoga because we're really stressing our


you know it's really about uh

how how long you can hold still

how you can clear your mind how you can

hold a pose that's stress in a different

way it's really more stress on the Mind

whereas Dave is talking about the

stresses on the body but effectually it

will still have the same results so and

David can share about that so we're

looking for that balance in a way where

we're balancing our body but there is a

stress to our mind and getting to that

stress point is then where we find


so you two are from two opposite ends of

the Spectrum in a way you move from a

western school of thought she's moved

from an Eastern school of thought what

are the things that you guys agree on

over the dinner table and what are the

things that you don't agree on

yeah it people wonder how do we get

along because uh I'm opposites

attractive 100 reality and Serena is

very spiritual uh but but we we bonded

over uh our love for health uh and

wellness and respect for the human body

we both believe that we can help

Millions if not billions of people live

healthy and longer lives with our

message that covers both eastern and

western what do we agree on we agree on


um basically because I do whatever

Serena tells me to do

uh but what we disagree on are things




how important is


the the spiritual side of life I

struggle trying to believe in things

that I have no evidence for and Serena

has a lot of faith uh and she's always

right so I think she's onto something


we tend not to disagree on a lot of

things I think our interpretation of How

It's Working is different I will say oh

well it's this molecule it's this

molecule and she says no it's that the

body has different energies and it's

working this way and according to

aerobatic practices this is how it's


well it it really is it's a it's a

wonderful combination the two of us

because we we learn from each other and

often we we end up with a

an explanation for phenomena that

includes both old and new science

that's a very

that's a core practice that uh

David sort of dabbles in a little bit

doubles in means what like two minutes a

day or I don't know honey how many how

much do you meditate a day well my

problem is I I try to meditate and I

always fall asleep and yeah

I start snoring so I'm not good at

meditation what I found instead works

for me is to have quiet time we call it

I close my eyes for 11 minutes uh

hopefully at least twice a day and have

some gratitude during that quiet time or

listen to someone talking about stoicism

that's what I like to do I struggle with

meditation I will admit with my crazy

lifestyle and my lack of commitment to

that I haven't been successful really

but I really should be because the

benefits on controlling your mind have

been proven I like to talk about animal

studies so in mice if you modify the

Mind Of Mice so you can change parts of

the brain of a mouse you can actually

improve immunity improve health even

make the mice live longer just by

changing parts of the brain it's very

clear that if you can control your mind

calm it down get it to focus

have the positivity as well you can have

Whole Body Benefits that are often

misunderstood by Western person

so with some of the things that you're

suggesting um which are not by the way

easy going 20 hours without food or you

know giving up sugar we differ too

you differ there what what is it that

well I'm I'm more about eating within a

window which David share that we we talk

about eating Windows uh

so you're

you know which may mean more than one

meal a day so you can fast for 12 hours

or 14 or 16 or 18 or David can go to 20.

uh but it's really about making sure you

get the nutrients that you need for your

body during that window of time that you

do eat

and my belief more than trying to cram

everything into one meal so we differ

just slightly on that as well

so we have um you know there's a lot of

pressure to look good and nobody else

has that pressure more than people who

are in a public space we have a few

actors here who are coming in from a hit

Ott show called the class you can see

all all the very brightly dressed

fashionable people right here up in


um I'd like to ask them how tough is the

pressure on you guys to look good and

what are the extreme things you've done

I think uh it's it's huge I a lot of us

had to de-age essentially for the

character and what you were saying about

losing breath or being out of breath I

chanced upon accidentally because while

I was

uh working out for the role I was boxing

like four times a week and I found that

I genuinely like now when people ask me

they're like oh we can't guess your age

I can't believe you're so much less

older than you she's not giving her age


uh no but but it genuinely I feel like

we kind of chanced Upon A lot of the

things you spoke about today and they're

all making sense now

I think I'm gonna hate me for this but I

had fruits for like two years straight I

was on a fruitarianism diet I don't know

if you know there's the Robert Moore's

concept of raw vegan diet so I was on

that and I still sort of follow it not

exactly because now I have temptations

and I go and have something whatever I

need but mostly I used to drink a lot of

juice uh and still in the morning I had

like I think a liter of juice from the

hotel itself and they were like your

wife just drinking you have a drinking

problem of juice so yeah so that was one

thing with me so I I just wanted to know

your version one thing if I ca if I may

please most of the things that you said

and most of the things out there

everything revolves around one thing and

that is uh firstly uh separating your

body from mucus like the mucus we

produce due to eating a lot of cooked


one thing that hasn't been resolved yet

is the uh the male pattern baldness

because even in fluterine is uh in the

fruit diet nobody has actually given a

solution to that so look at David's hair

just look at David's hair yeah exactly

that's why I was asking because I want

people to this yeah I want this hair

yeah so yeah

yeah well I I think I'm lucky

um but I also think that if you slow

your body's body's aging your hair will

also slow down in its changes I I don't

yet have much gray hair

um I I will admit my mother also had

good hair so it might be that uh but

there's a lot of really good signs going

on in fact Serena and I have

co-developed a product that uh is was

developed for the skin in collaboration

with NASA

um and it has this uh space resistant

organism extract in it called bacillus

lysate and the clinical trials so far

are showing hair regrowth I don't think

it's it's crazy to think in five years

it'll be common to be able to get your

hair back

um just by spraying something on the

science is there what we're doing in my

lab is we can grow skin and hair

artificially in the dish from stem cells

and we can age that skin forwards and

then reverse the age and we're looking

for ways to do that with natural ways to

do that so that we can put it into a

cream that you could put on the hair and

not just make your hair look better but

actually make your whole skin on your

head literally be younger than it used

to be and that's what I want to do is to

make the body not just look younger but

literally be younger

so you know a question comes up from

there that if we reboot reboot our body

to let's say


does our mind reboot to 16 or 21 as well

I mean am I going to have the same sort

of intelligence creative

urges as a 21 year old or a 16 year old

uh well Serena says sometimes I I get

too young uh but there's a there's a

happy ending what do you do when you get

too young do you get frisky do you want

to go dancing or what do you do

uh you know what young men are like

they're a little bit um

a little bit immature

no don't don't give Serena the mic I

tend to be a little bit uh

uh over enthusiastic let's say about

things and and I've learned to to calm

my decision making and be be less


in all seriousness what we're doing now

in my lab at Harvard is

um so what we do is to reverse aging is

we put we we turn on three genes that

are normally only turned on in very


uh embryos so when we're young we when

we're just born or before we we are very

young and we stay young because there

are three genes that are turned on

they're called O S and K for short

and when we turn on these three genes in

the adult tissue

in human adult tissue or in a mouse

those three genes make the body younger

again this is the reset of the software

and uh and we can do that not just with

uh the eyes and cure blindness which we

did a couple of years ago we recently

published in January that we could


a whole Mouse and and see aspects of

Aging reversed

um and so that's where we're going is to

truly do a full age reset

now what we're doing is asking what

happens if you reset the age of the old

brain and we can grow human brain in the

lab if you looked on my Instagram

account you can see little pictures of

human brains that we grow we can make

them old throw them make them old in

about a month make them 70 years old in

a month and then we can reverse that we

can give them Alzheimer's disease see

what happens and if we reverse it so

here's the punch line if we reverse the

age of an old Mouse's brain to make it

much younger by 70 it gets its ability

to learn back again and we're now just

testing if it also remembers lost

Memories We don't know the answer but we

hope to find out soon so we may have a

situation where teenagers are world

leaders and running the whole economy

and every space I don't know what kind

of decisions they would make then I mean

teenagers are great teenagers are great

but I don't know whether we want them to

be running the world we just have a

minute a minute left

um I wanted to get a little bit into

this philosophical and spiritual

areas with anti-aging and age reversal

um we are in India we have an ancient

concept of Karma and God's will and here

you are creating a space where nobody

needs to suffer or at least the rich

don't need to suffer and they can choose

their day to die are you playing God


I don't think that I am I think that

the pursuit of health

and wellness and happiness

is a natural human endeavor and it's a

very noble cause

and I'm not

on this Earth to make people live


I believe my mission and with Serena our

mission is

to increase the advances extend the

advances that we made last century with


but to make it even more effective so

that with one treatment we don't just

treat cancer we can treat all the other

diseases that affect us by making us

younger and fitter

I don't believe that's playing God any

more than developing

treatments for cancer and heart disease

and dementia is playing God

and I think as humans we've always

wanted to live better we've wanted to

modify our environment modify our bodies

to be happier and healthier what part of

this room is natural I I don't think

make even this I think is artificial so

we as humans we adapt we change our

environment and this is the next step in

human evolution and I think it's the

right step because we all have a right

to decide how healthy we are we can't

choose when we were born but I hope that

one day we'll have a choice when we die

what age would you like to

well it's a strange question to ask but

how what age would you like to die

um I think the answer would be uh not

tomorrow and and that will always be the

case if you're healthy and happy and

have friends uh you'll never want to die

I just I know this as a human uh a trait

and so really the answer is as long as

possible but I'd be happy with another

40 years to do more good work

that would be like a hundred

I hope more what's happening we talk

about AI at this Symposium the rate of

change in this field is going up

dramatically and so the advances that we

can make now with the assistance of AI

is dramatic and in our lifetimes we are

truly going to see the ability for our

doctors to give us medicines that

reverse our age and we can do that

multiple times and so it's an extremely

exciting time to be alive and stay alive

thank you so much doctor

so in conclusion I think basically we

need to trick our body into thinking

we're almost dying so that we can live

longer and all those people who give me

trouble for causing them stress hey I'm

helping you live longer

and I hope that after this chat about

skipping meals oh I obviously I'm giving

stress to a lot of people here you can

hear the claps right

um uh after this chat I hope that you're

going to make different choices at lunch

maybe even skip lunch the doctor is

going to be available at lunch he's

definitely not eating any lunch so you

can bomb him with some of your questions

I'm sure some of you have those and

thank you very much doctor for being

here and helping us through this process

and here's to all of you choosing your

own day to die

thank you thank you

