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== Types of Studies Involving Non-Human Primates ==
== Types of Studies Involving Non-Human Primates ==
=== Safety Testing ===
NHPs are involved in a variety of research studies, each aimed at different aspects of biomedical and behavioral science. Their use spans across numerous fields, reflecting their importance in understanding complex biological and medical issues.
About 67% of NHPs are used for safety testing of new drugs, substances, and devices, particularly for human medicine and dentistry.

=== Biological and Medical Research ===
* '''Safety Testing:''' About 67% of NHPs are used in the safety testing of new drugs, substances, and medical devices, particularly for human medicine and dentistry. These studies are crucial for determining the potential risks and side effects of new treatments before they are used in humans.
Approximately 14% of NHPs are used in fundamental biological research, while another 13% are involved in the development of medical and dental products and devices.
* '''Biological and Medical Research:''' Approximately 14% of NHPs contribute to fundamental biological research. These studies often focus on understanding basic biological processes, disease mechanisms, and the development of new medical interventions.
* '''Neuroscience Research:''' NHPs are key models in neuroscience research due to their complex brain structure and functions. Studies in this field include research on cognitive processes, brain development, and the investigation of neurological disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
* '''Infectious Disease Studies:''' NHPs play a significant role in researching infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and Zika virus. They are essential for studying disease transmission, progression, and for testing vaccines and antiviral therapies.
* '''Reproductive and Developmental Biology:''' Research in reproductive and developmental biology often involves NHPs to understand reproductive health, pregnancy, and developmental processes. These studies provide insights into human fertility, prenatal development, and the effects of environmental factors on reproduction.
* '''Genetic and Genomic Research:''' Given their genetic closeness to humans, NHPs are valuable in genetic and genomic research. These studies include understanding genetic diseases, gene expression patterns, and the effects of genetic modifications.
* '''Behavioral Studies:''' NHPs are used to study social behavior, learning, memory, and cognitive functions. These studies often provide insights into human psychology and behavior.
The diverse range of studies involving NHPs underscores their importance in advancing our understanding of human health and disease. However, each type of study comes with its own set of ethical considerations, driving the continuous development of alternative research methods and stricter regulations for animal welfare.

== Species of Non-Human Primates Used ==
== Species of Non-Human Primates Used ==