Hair Aging

    From Longevity Wiki

    As we age, our hair undergoes various changes, including graying, thinning, and alterations in texture. These changes, collectively known as hair aging, are a natural part of the aging process. Understanding hair aging is crucial for those interested in longevity and maintaining hair health as they age.

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    The Biology of Hair Aging

    Graying of Hair

    Graying, scientifically referred to as canities, is a prominent sign of aging. This process begins when melanocytes, the cells in hair follicles responsible for producing melanin (the pigment that gives hair its color), start to decrease in number or cease melanin production. Initially, this leads to a mixture of pigmented and unpigmented hairs, giving the appearance of gray hair. Over time, as more melanocytes become inactive, the hair turns completely white. Factors influencing the onset and progression of graying include genetics, nutritional status, and environmental exposures.

    Thinning Hair

    Thinning hair, also known as androgenic alopecia or pattern hair loss, is characterized by a reduction in hair density. This condition is influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and age-related factors. The underlying mechanism involves a shortening of the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle, and an increase in the telogen (resting) phase, leading to a decrease in the number of actively growing hairs. Additionally, in androgenic alopecia, the hair follicles gradually become miniaturized, producing finer and shorter hairs.

    Changes in Hair Texture

    As hair ages, it often undergoes changes in texture. Aging hair may become finer, drier, and more brittle, and may also appear duller. These texture changes are attributed to several factors: 1. **Decreased Oil Production:** The sebaceous glands in the scalp produce less oil as one ages, leading to drier hair. 2. **Keratin Changes:** Keratin, the protein that gives hair its structure and strength, undergoes changes in composition and quality with age, affecting the hair's texture and strength. 3. **Cumulative Damage:** Over the years, hair experiences cumulative damage from environmental factors like UV radiation, heat styling, and chemical treatments, contributing to changes in texture and appearance.

    Hair Follicle Aging

    Hair follicles, the structures from which hairs grow, also age. With time, they can shrink or stop producing hair altogether. Factors such as decreased blood flow to the scalp, reduced cellular turnover, and changes in the hair follicle microenvironment contribute to this process. In some cases, hair follicles enter a prolonged resting phase, leading to a decrease in the number of actively growing hairs.

    Pigmentation Changes

    Apart from graying, other pigmentation changes can occur in aging hair. For example, hair may gradually lose its luster and vibrancy. The underlying causes of these changes are not fully understood but are believed to involve alterations in melanin production and the hair shaft's ability to retain pigment.

    Factors Influencing Hair Aging


    Genetics play a significant role in how hair ages. The onset and extent of graying and hair loss are largely determined by one's genetic makeup.

    Hormonal Changes

    Hormonal changes, especially a decrease in estrogen and progesterone in women and changes in androgens in men, significantly influence hair aging.

    Nutritional Factors

    Nutrition affects hair health. Deficiencies in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins can accelerate hair aging.

    Environmental Factors

    Exposure to UV radiation, pollution, and harsh chemicals can exacerbate hair aging by damaging hair follicles and affecting hair pigmentation.

    Prevention and Management

    Healthy Diet

    A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can support hair health and potentially slow down aging-related changes.

    Hair Care Regimen

    Gentle hair care practices, including using mild shampoos, avoiding excessive heat, and minimizing chemical treatments, can help maintain hair integrity.

    Stress Management

    Chronic stress can impact hair aging. Adopting stress-reduction techniques like meditation, exercise, and adequate sleep can be beneficial.

    Medical Interventions

    For those experiencing significant hair loss, treatments like minoxidil, finasteride, and hair transplant surgery might be considered.

    Emerging Research and Treatments

    Stem Cell Therapy

    Research into stem cell therapy for hair regeneration offers promising future possibilities for combating hair aging.

    Anti-Aging Hair Products

    Advancements in hair care products specifically designed to combat signs of aging in hair are continually evolving, offering more targeted solutions.


    While hair aging is a natural part of the aging process, understanding its causes and adopting appropriate hair care and lifestyle practices can help manage these changes. Embracing a holistic approach towards overall health can positively impact hair aging, aligning with longevity goals.

    See Also


    • 2021, Treatment options for androgenetic alopecia: Efficacy, side effects, compliance, financial considerations, and ethics [1]


    1. Nestor MS et al.: Treatment options for androgenetic alopecia: Efficacy, side effects, compliance, financial considerations, and ethics. J Cosmet Dermatol 2021. (PMID 34741573) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text] BACKGROUND: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss consisting of a characteristic receding frontal hairline in men and diffuse hair thinning in women, with frontal hairline retention, and can impact an individual's quality of life. The condition is primarily mediated by 5-alpha-reductase and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes hair follicles to undergo miniaturization and shortening of successive anagen cycles. Although a variety of medical, surgical, light-based and nutraceutical treatment options are available to slow or reverse the progression of AGA, it can be challenging to select appropriate therapies for this chronic condition. AIMS: To highlight treatment options for androgenetic alopecia taking into consideration the efficacy, side effect profiles, practicality of treatment (compliance), and costs to help clinicians offer ethically appropriate treatment regimens to their patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search was conducted using electronic databases (Medline, PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, EBSCO) and textbooks, in addition to the authors' and other practitioners' clinical experiences in treating androgenetic alopecia, and the findings are presented here. RESULTS: Although topical minoxidil, oral finasteride, and low-level light therapy are the only FDA-approved therapies to treat AGA, they are just a fraction of the treatment options available, including other oral and topical modalities, hormonal therapies, nutraceuticals, PRP and exosome treatments, and hair transplantation. DISCUSSION: Androgenetic alopecia therapy remains challenging as treatment selection involves ethical, evidence-based decision-making and consideration of each individual patient's needs, compliance, budget, extent of hair loss, and aesthetic goals, independent of potential financial benefits to the practitioners.