
    From Longevity Wiki
    Revision as of 09:34, 31 December 2023 by Strimo (talk | contribs) (→‎See Also)

    Senolytics are compounds designed to target and eliminate senescent cells. Senescent cells are cells that have stopped dividing and have entered a state of permanent growth arrest without undergoing cell death, known as apoptosis. Despite their arrested growth, these cells can affect surrounding tissues through their secretion of inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and proteases, a phenomenon known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).

    Senescent cells accumulate with age and are thought to contribute to various age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and various types of cancer, by promoting inflammation and tissue dysfunction. By selectively inducing death in senescent cells, senolytics aim to reduce this burden and alleviate age-related ailments, potentially extending healthy lifespan.

    Researchers are investigating various compounds as potential senolytics, including naturally occurring compounds like quercetin, fisetin, and more targeted synthetic drugs. The field is relatively new but rapidly growing, with increasing interest in how clearing senescent cells can improve health and combat diseases associated with aging. However, while promising in preclinical studies, the safety and efficacy of senolytic drugs are still being evaluated in clinical trials.

    See Also


    • 2019: Scientists at the Mayo Clinic report the first successful use of senolytics, a new class of drug with potential anti-aging benefits, to remove senescent cells from human patients with a kidney disease.



    1. Mayo researchers demonstrate senescent cell burden is reduced in humans by senolytic drugs,
    2. Senolytics decrease senescent cells in humans: Preliminary report from a clinical trial of Dasatinib plus Quercetin in individuals with diabetic kidney disease,
    3. Template:cite news
    4. Arora S, Thompson PJ, Wang Y, Bhattacharyya A, Apostolopoulou H, Hatano R, Naikawadi RP, Shah A, Wolters PJ, Koliwad S, Bhattacharya M, Bhushan A; "Invariant Natural Killer T cells coordinate removal of senescent cells" ,
    5. Template:cite news
    6. Zhu Y, Prata LG, Gerdes EO, Netto JM, Pirtskhalava T, Giorgadze N, Tripathi U, Inman CL, Johnson KO, Xue A, Palmer AK, Chen T, Schaefer K, Justice JN, Nambiar AM, Musi N, Kritchevsky SB, Chen J, Khosla S, Jurk D, Schafer MJ, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL; "Orally-active, clinically-translatable senolytics restore α-Klotho in mice and humans" ,
    7. Template:cite news
    8. Reyes NS, Krasilnikov M, Allen NC, Lee JY, Hyams B, Zhou M, Ravishankar S, Cassandras M, Wang C, Khan I, Matatia P, Johmura Y, Molofsky A, Matthay M, Nakanishi M, Sheppard D, Campisi J, Peng T; "Sentinel p16INK4a+ cells in the basement membrane form a reparative niche in the lung" ,
    9. AI helps discover three drugs which could fight effects of ageing,
    10. AI finds drugs that could kill 'zombie cells' behind ageing,,senescent%20drug%20of%20its%20kind
    11. Smer-Barreto V, Quintanilla A, Elliott RJ, Dawson JC, Sun J, Campa VM, Lorente-Macías Á, Unciti-Broceta A, Carragher NO, Acosta JC, Oyarzún DA; "Discovery of senolytics using machine learning" ,
    12. Wong F, Omori S, Donghia NM, Zheng EJ, Collins JJ; "Discovering small-molecule senolytics with deep neural networks" ,