2022-08-30 - Interview Dr. David Sinclair - Optimize Longevity - What To Eat & When For Longevity

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    1. Longevity diets. What's real and what's a fad?
    2. What is "xenohormesis"?
    3. Longevity Foods: Fact vs. Fiction
    4. Is the plant-based diet the best diet for longevity?
    5. Are supplements good for you long-term?



    0:00 I know you know a lot about that more than me in fact but what what I liked when you said David you should look up
    0:06 this plant-based diet and the benefits um there are a lot of studies that show that certain types of foods and diets
    0:13 are really have a big impact on cancer can reduce your chance of cancer by many
    0:19 fold and that's not the only reason you would potentially live longer on these diets but it's certainly an important
    0:25 one thank you foreign
    0:37 [Music]
    0:48 hi Serena how are you today great how are you doing great so uh Gizmo is off
    0:56 to the side he was having a tough day so ah last time you slept through the whole
    1:01 thing so hopefully today we'll see you yeah so hopefully today he's gonna be
    1:07 doing okay uh so we have obviously so many questions um thank you I'm so excited that we're
    1:13 doing this again and um obviously I've already shared with people that we're not going to get to all the questions
    1:20 um and some of them are shared here on social but you know just encouraging everyone to go to Lincoln our bios
    1:26 to sign up with uh to that landing page that gives them sort of a little bit
    1:32 more access to the content that we're sharing here and replays and resources and also if you text questions to the
    1:38 number uh that we've shared then the not just stays on the text log that you send
    1:44 in so they don't disappear like they do on social so
    1:49 um just to just so that we can be as you know be of service as much as possible
    1:54 to everyone so um okay so yay so today we're going to talk about longevity diets
    2:01 um so many questions obviously there's a few key questions that that we want to
    2:06 go over um I'm just going to summarize the questions for the people who are on your cookie notes so that you can kind of
    2:12 manage your time we're going to cover longevity diets what's real and what's a fad
    2:18 um okay we're gonna try to cover these five questions and we're gonna do our
    2:23 best so if we don't then we'll get back to it better I'm gonna try to cover that and uh what is do you know hermesis
    2:29 which I'm really excited maybe we can actually start off talking about that uh and then whether or not a plant-based
    2:35 diet is the best for longevity we say 80 of our questions have a lot to do with
    2:41 that alone and whether or not people need to stop eating meat and you know collagen and um and even fish and other
    2:48 products uh we're gonna go through some longevity Foods whether or not
    2:53 or not and um and then we'll talk about some supplements so this is our goal for
    3:00 this chat but we only have about you know 45 50 minutes so if we don't get to
    3:06 all of them as I've already shared before Dr Sinclair came on uh we have a
    3:11 question we have questions that we don't answer I encourage you to send them in send them into the text message sign up
    3:16 in the Lincoln bio subscribe because you can always take all those questions that
    3:22 were answered and we can we can do them in a different episode so even if it's not in this one we can always address it
    3:29 later on so it's always helpful to send them in um and don't feel like you missed out if we don't answer all
    3:36 of them and also if you subscribe to this notes that we put out and we can send
    3:42 you by email so subscribe yeah so there's that and then the replay is too stupid so much easier for you
    3:48 guys to find and there will be a link to the replay in uh in that link in the bio
    3:54 graphy that shows this landing page all right so okay so there's so many comments it's actually hard for me to
    4:01 see them all right people keep asking about my hair Serena but they should be asking about your hair
    4:09 well my hair is real those of you who are often curious about whether or not it is it is and I would
    4:15 say that it comes from all the nutrients I get from my plant-based diet
    4:21 but we can talk about that more later uh and your hair do I get BOTOX no I don't
    4:28 get botox but I do get dysport a few times a year and I'm well overdue
    4:34 for one so I'm sure you guys see wrinkles that aren't normally there but
    4:40 um yeah and I'm super open if people want to ask me questions I'm happy to answer them there's nothing to hide
    4:46 uh okay so should we dive in um I really would like for you to talk about Xeno hermesis because I talk so often about
    4:53 eating the rainbow uh and how that's so important in terms of all the nutrients

    The science behind Serena's Culinary Alchemy® method and "eating the rainbow"

    5:00 vitamins and minerals we get from the spectrum of the rainbow of plants but you dive into something very important
    5:07 which is why those brands have those deep colors and what that actually means
    5:14 um that they have those deep colors so could we dive into that for a minute because that's such a new term like
    5:19 people have only heard through you um and through your last podcast okay so the idea is that
    5:25 evolved with plants and plants don't just give us food they give us warning about future and when plants are worried
    5:32 about their own Survival let's say they don't have enough water or they get too much sun or in the case of green tea and
    5:38 matcha they don't get enough Sun they put out these molecules they make these molecules so they can survive and these
    5:45 are molecules that work most of us are familiar with there's there's quercetin phys Eden Resveratrol from red wine or
    5:52 lake acid from olive oil is curcumin all of these molecules are made many of them
    5:58 are called polyphenols These are chemicals with little Circles of carbon that's called a phenol and uh and
    6:04 they're linked together and over the years over the centuries we've learned that these molecules from
    6:09 plants are very healthy for us and what I've been saying in my research and in
    6:15 my my book is that perhaps it's not their antioxidant activity that's so
    6:21 important in fact many of them are really terrible antioxidants Resveratrol isn't great uh it's vitamin C is way
    6:27 better but it's Resveratrol that protects you against a western diet uh and lowers blood sugar so what is going
    6:34 on and so Conrad how it's another doctor and I uh about 10 years ago I came up
    6:40 with this concept called Xeno promises x-e-n-o which means between species and
    6:45 homiesis is the term of adversity whatever doesn't kill you makes you actually stronger and longer lived we
    6:51 think so xenoverseas the ideas you want to eat plants that make these molecules
    6:56 red wine is a good example but also matcha tea and three you can rattle off
    7:01 a lot of them but we tend to look she and I look sooner I look for plants that are colorful because colors come along
    7:08 with these polyphenols and we look for foods that are are not uh handled with kid clubs so if you go
    7:16 looking for food and it's let's say you find a lettuce that's watery and pale and not very green that's the opposite
    7:22 those plants won't have a lot of these polyphenols whereas the bright green and red and orange ones and the drinks that
    7:29 are full of color like red wine in moderation I have these polyphenols so why do they make us healthier we think
    7:36 the idea is that they give us a heads up as to what the future looks like and if
    7:42 the food is stressed out our food supplies is running out we need to get ready and hunker down or actually defend
    7:48 ourselves against inflammation against DNA damage against radiation coming in
    7:53 and so we we when we eat these polyphenols we've seen and certainly in test animals in the lab Remarkable
    8:00 Health benefits that translate in the case of animals into longevity and protection from a bad diet as well as
    8:06 mimicking exercise and so we call these molecules xenoverseins and we think that
    8:12 this Theory explains why antioxidants haven't been as successful in the
    8:17 longevity field as we once thought and actually what they're doing is turning on our body's natural defenses against
    8:23 disease and aging so I hope that was um I'm I'm just
    8:28 trying to get caught up in some of these comments here uh that was really helpful so I hope that helps people understand
    8:36 um why we say it that way that it is and I thought that was a really thorough explanation so thank you for that
    8:44 um should we dive into some some of the topics that you talked about uh longevity fasting because there's so
    8:50 many questions about that I think I shared with you some of the questions that came in um yeah well so that there are a variety

    Longevity and time-restricted eating

    8:58 of diets and of course your diet um your recommendations I'm now
    9:05 attempting to practice myself so I've really paid attention to what you've taught me
    9:11 um and it's all science-based which is great that's what I pay attention to and so my diet is now attended very largely
    9:17 towards a plant-based diet and much less dairy uh and I would call myself a
    9:23 struggling vegan uh but I'm getting there but the idea it really is that
    9:28 um it's not just what you eat but when you eat that I think is important and we're all different so some some of us
    9:35 like food in the evenings almost like food in the morning some of us female with menstrual cycles so there's a lot
    9:41 to take in but in general what we're talking about is not making the body always in a state of being fed they need
    9:48 I think there needs to be at least during the week sometimes when the body uh is lacking food lacking blood has low
    9:55 blood sugar um and so there's various types of diets we call them we used to call it calorie
    10:00 restriction uh it was first found hundred years ago that restricting calories and Rats makes them live about 30 longer because they're healthier they
    10:07 don't get cancer and diabetes then there's more recently called intermittent fasting or time restricted
    10:14 feeding or protein restriction or the keto diet these are all variations on a theme restricting elements about what
    10:21 what is a terrible Western diet that were being fed by large companies the one that I practice myself is one meal a
    10:28 day I try at least to come put most of my calories into one large meal which is
    10:34 for me is dinner I really love dinner and that's mostly plants but you might like breakfast and and you want to skip
    10:41 dinner or you might want to have lunch it's all up to you and and the main
    10:46 thing to know is that when when you you don't have a lot of food through the day let's say you skip breakfast you're
    10:53 actually turning on your body's defenses against aging same ones that these xenover meetings turn on
    10:59 so I think skipping breakfast for most of my life and during the pandemic I
    11:04 started having a very small lunch and now I skip lunch if I'm hungry during the day I'll nibble on a few nuts or
    11:11 help make a spoonful of yogurt but other than that I try to power on through chocolate so any you and I talk a lot
    11:17 about chocolate very high cacao density or percentage 80 pluses is a good snack
    11:23 as well um healthy but ultimately I really enjoy dinner I really enjoy eating a
    11:29 plant-based dinner um and my blood work which I measure fairly routinely has only improved since
    11:34 I've been on those diets and there's a lot of science um I could cite and maybe in the notes Serena that we put out we'll put some
    11:41 studies to back this up but there's so many studies showing that a plant-based
    11:48 diet mostly applies plant-based diets improves health I mean I've got one I'll just tell you if you're on a
    11:54 Mediterranean diet which is mostly plants a little bit of fish olive oil is the fat you actually reduce your
    12:00 mortality rate by 31 percent and that there are others there's one
    12:05 compared to non-vegetarians you can reduce your chances of death in life by all causes
    12:13 uh by more than 12 and so ultimately I would say that the the one that's the
    12:18 most health the healthiest is vegan uh and pescetarian uh and then from there
    12:25 on octo like the vegetarians and then the ones that don't seem to associate
    12:30 with the longest life are the regular Western diet which we all know is
    12:35 horrible full of sugar and and terrible fats um and also the carnivore diet I wish
    12:40 carnivore diets were the longest because I love me but really the science doesn't back that up unfortunately and the
    12:46 reason we think this all works isn't it's not just the nutrients that we get and the Xenon meetings it's also keeping
    12:51 your blood sugar levels relatively low amino acid levels not too high
    12:57 uh and also put your body in that state of one and turns on your body's defenses and all up that's what gives you this 31
    13:05 reduction in mortality uh so no thank you for that um again so
    13:12 helpful and just to have so many uh preferences and studies and links that
    13:17 we will share after the notes here there are a lot of comments that have come in and uh just some just some thoughts uh
    13:25 that I wanted to share when it comes to eating uh when it comes to fasting and
    13:31 having a smaller what I like to call eating window so whether or not you're
    13:37 fasting for 12 hours or 16 hours or 18 hours um I don't typically recommend people go
    13:44 more than 18 hours but again it's odds you know what David was sharing was that this is what works for him so it's
    13:52 really important I think to to really get a sense of what works for your body and whether or not you're someone that
    13:58 likes to eat in the evening or someone that likes to eat in the morning also sort of depends on your prototype um
    14:04 like your sleep prototype which we've had you know my dear friend Dr Michael Bruce who's a sleep doctor who has a
    14:10 very simple task that you can take that's free um those links are in our replays you can also go to his website
    14:17 to kind of figure out what it what your body type is you know you're someone that is sort of a night person or if
    14:23 you're a morning person that can also factor into uh when your fasting window is
    14:29 um and so then when your eating window is so maybe you're someone that functions fast eating from six to ten
    14:36 some people might function better eating from you know eight to midnight kind of depends and and I love that uh and and
    14:45 and I love that Dr Sinclair also mentioned uh women's menstrual cycles that did pop up in the comments here so
    14:52 yes when you're fasting it is different for women and men and um depending on
    14:58 where you where you're at in your cycle you kind of have to modify your eating window and your fasting and your fasting
    15:04 window uh and that's something you know that we can share here you can look it up again it kind of depends on what your
    15:11 goals are where you're at in terms of your age your your uh if you're a menopausal or a
    15:17 perimenopausal if you're trying to get pregnant if you have any type of thyroid
    15:23 issues um that all factors into the amount of nutrients that you're getting
    15:28 in the level of stress that you're putting on your body I think what Dr Sinclair's really emphasized is that
    15:35 stress is good for our bodies but sometimes we can but over stressing our bodies is also not good right David I I
    15:43 yeah yeah you can definitely overdo it with exercise and over fasting
    15:48 um somebody asked is it that is it a problem going over 12 hours so I I disagree with Walter Longo on that I
    15:55 think that it's okay to go for 18 hours uh but the longer you go the more autophagy you have you recycle old
    16:01 proteins and it's been shown that there's a deep cleansing that actually happens after three days now I don't go
    16:07 for three days I go for 18 20 hours but I think somewhere between 12 hours and
    16:13 18 20 is a nice spot for most people depending on how they they feel and how
    16:19 what they can do and the thing that's important to know is that I measure myself I take I do blood tests every few
    16:25 months through an inside track or a company that I can solve for and I've been tracking myself for over a decade
    16:31 and so I know what works for me my blood by chemistry extremely youthful and healthy
    16:37 um so we've got um you know you need to know what's happening to your body and for some
    16:43 people 12 hours might be great but for me I found that the 1820 what I like to
    16:48 do and what's working well for me yeah so so that's just a really important I
    16:54 think point to Circle back on my people right it kind of depends on your body and also what's very important is the
    17:01 nutrients that you get in during your eating window you know it's really important to hit a certain level of
    17:08 nutrients when you're eating and making sure they're eating Foods
    17:13 um nutrient dense foods that give your body the fuel that it needs during that
    17:19 eating window uh and so obviously that's something some of the things that we're going to talk about here as well Arena
    17:25 this is one thing I want to mention because I'm seeing people worried about giving up food yeah
    17:30 so here's the thing you can eat really well what we're saying well I could guess what I'm saying is
    17:37 um don't always feed yourself you don't need three big meals a day with snacks try to eat two meals a day if that's how
    17:44 you feel and substitute liquids with a meal so have I have water out of tea I
    17:49 have athletic greens which has a lot of nutrients in it I have just added water that was coming I do have just add water
    17:56 on on every other day and so I'm I'm making sure that my my body has
    18:01 nutrients but I'm also filling up on liquids which don't have the calories
    18:07 um and so what I've noticed by measuring my blood glucose level with a patch here that my my liver kicks in after about
    18:14 two weeks if I'm if you try this you should give it at least two weeks because it takes a while to get used to and after that two weeks your liver will
    18:20 start putting out sugar and you won't feel hungry as much I don't feel hungry during the day uh very rarely actually
    18:26 only when I'm stressed do I need to eat something and it's it's not because I'm hungry and so you'll find that it is
    18:32 tough in the beginning so I recommend we recommend having lots of liquids in to substitute but my diet I love my life I
    18:39 love eating the kinds of foods that I can eat dinner and I can have a really big dinner before I'd always have to
    18:45 watch what I ate but now I just eat what I want and I don't feel hungry during the day well that is also the substitution of
    18:52 caloric intake from meat and dairy and now there's plants so it's I think that's also probably why
    18:59 um so so I agree with I agree with David it's at you know try just going 12 hours
    19:05 if you're not already fasting you know don't forget that you're you're sleep time time wasting time so when you stop
    19:12 eating dinner to when you put something into your body the next day try 12 hours and then move it up to 14 and then 16
    19:19 and then if you get to 18 or 20 that's usually the best way to go so it's not I
    19:25 know we want to shock our bodies but it's not such a shock that it's not sustainable um and doing it that way is really
    19:30 helpful and I agree with hydration you know I often say you know you want to shoot for one ounce per pound that you
    19:37 weigh bearing that you have no kidney issues and you're not deficient in certain minerals
    19:42 um but that's a really great goal and if you pair that goal with a fasting period
    19:48 of you know I'd say at least 16 hours it makes it easier because you're staying hydrated throughout the day and so often
    19:55 we think we're hungry but we're really dehydrated and um just wanting to address some of the questions that came up last time and
    20:01 that keep popped up uh for um in the questions that came in about the quality of water it doesn't
    20:08 necessarily have to be bottled water but it should be clean clean filtered water which you can often get if it's in a
    20:16 bit but mineral Rich water is you know something like mountain spring
    20:21 I think that's one of the Mountain Valley but you know mineral Rich natural Waters is also great
    20:27 so it doesn't necessarily have to be bottled but uh something that's filtered
    20:32 and you know not just through the top I think is what we were trying to share at the last time and since then so just to

    Can you drink things outside of your eating window?

    20:39 draw some of the water questions since we're talking water yeah it was a question about
    20:44 um these drinks do they break my fast I mean I think for the aficionados they'd say yeah maybe uh I measure my
    20:52 my blood glucose and it doesn't change when I have these drinks I don't have a lot of it
    20:58 um but it's it's mainly just to not have boring water all the time uh and yours is chocolate which I love
    21:04 too so it really you know I'm not so strict people think that I'm some kind
    21:09 of uh nurse some sort of a guy that only sticks to
    21:15 rules I eat stuff that I shouldn't occasionally um and so I think the the point here is
    21:21 you do your best um you don't have to be so strict about it and
    21:27 um you do what works for you and what works for me is you know being good 95 of the time if there's a few things I
    21:33 need to have which is a tiny bit of yogurt in the morning to mix with my polyphenols to dissolve them or some
    21:40 Just Add Water a little bit and I know that that's not spiking my blood sugar
    21:47 um it's great you know and again I'm measuring my blood biochemistry I look at my inflammation my blood cells I look
    21:52 at inflammation of my cardiovascular system my my sex hormones my glucose
    21:58 levels of course and uh I know that what I'm doing is making me healthier my doctor agrees and so you know well we
    22:04 can argue over whether this or that is not according to the rules I know what I'm doing is working for me
    22:11 and again such a good reminder that there's so many
    22:20 you can see what's going on in your body and you can see how the different changes that you're making in your
    22:27 lifestyle can you do you know positive benefits it's good to just know you know if you there are so many tests now
    22:34 um and we're not going to necessarily endorse any different brands but um other than or since I attract which
    22:40 uh Dr Sinclair is really familiar with there are so many online that you can they can send you a kit and at home kit
    22:48 and you can take these tests and then just have a baseline have a sense of where you're at and how these things are
    22:54 up to your body and that's sometimes one of the best preferences um oh and Serena we we have some
    23:00 discount links for people yeah on the website on the yeah so if
    23:05 you go to the link in both of our bios it takes you to the landing page which has some of our trusted uh Brands and
    23:13 resources that we both use and so there's discount links there so if you want to sign up for your inside tracker
    23:19 um I think that there's a discount link there and uh David talked a lot about
    23:24 glucose monitor and so that's levels which you were probably already familiar with because of these podcasts but
    23:29 there's links there too and these are all just great tools um that kind of help you integrate this
    23:34 information that you're getting now and make it work for you which is what's most important okay question that's right there is I I
    23:42 do it every three weeks I'm sorry three months and I do the ultimate test and I do inner age inner age 2.0 tells me my
    23:50 estimated biological age and so it's been getting younger and younger over the last 10 years
    23:55 um which is you know quite rewarding and not optimizing my body various things so
    24:01 I'm 52 I'm down now to 42 which places me in the top two percent of all users
    24:07 so there's that goal that you guys can all put into your you can achieve the same
    24:13 goal 10 years 10 years younger um especially if you follow all these
    24:18 all these guides um but let's go back to let's go back to a plant-based diet and whether or not
    24:24 that is the best diet for longevity uh there were questions that I thought were

    What is mTOR and how does it help with longevity?

    24:30 really a great question that came in about whether or not plant proteins activate mtor
    24:36 um I you know the answer to that but I would love if you could answer that uh David because for anyone who missed the
    24:43 last um episode where we discussed mtor um and ampk that would be helpful to
    24:49 answer that here since we were talking about plant-based diets proteins right so mtor little m t o r stands for Target
    24:57 of rapamycin which is a drug that may extend lifespan in humans but certainly
    25:03 does in animals so mtor is a protein that is in all of our cells that measures how many amino acids we're
    25:09 taking in and it doesn't bother measuring measuring all 20 amino acids it particularly measures the amount of
    25:15 leucine in the diet will as well as a few others such as glutamine and serine but
    25:21 um loosens the big one um and it's a branched chain amino acid that comes in abundance from meat
    25:28 and when you eat a huge amount of steak for for instance mtor will be activated
    25:33 and it will turn on the body's production of making proteins and
    25:39 putting on fat and you'll put your body in a an abundance mode because eating a
    25:45 steak puts you you know your body so this is great we've just filled a manner time to grow now that's not conducive we
    25:51 think to long-term longevity what we think is is to either inhibit mtora with
    25:58 um perhaps things like a collagen digest or with this drug rapamycin or even
    26:05 better being uh skipping a meal or eating a plant-based diet which has relatively low amounts of leucine
    26:12 compared to meat something weight for weight and that in inhibition or down regulation of the semitol protein in our
    26:18 cells will do a number of things it'll improve in certain sensitivity feel lower inflammation but the biggest thing
    26:24 that it does that's important to longevity is it recycles the bad damage and old proteins in our body and that's
    26:31 called autophagy and that's really important and so you can do that by fasting and you can do that I am sort
    26:36 but what's interesting at least in mice is if you combine down regulation of them tour and restricting calories
    26:42 there's an additive effect they both seem to work together and that's why I both skip meals and I tend towards
    26:49 plants so I hope that answered those questions there and
    26:55 um we uh there we did talk about collagen you and I a bit and there's uh quite a
    27:01 few questions that have come up about that about collagen supplements um and just supplements actually before we dive
    27:08 into collagen can we address um a really common question and it's whether or not taking your supplements
    27:15 breaks too fast a very very common question and um is it
    27:20 okay to take supplements I'm an empty on an empty stomach

    Whether taking supplements breaks your fast and can you take supplements on an empty stomach

    27:25 um well good two good questions so having experimented on myself for over a
    27:31 decade I don't see that drinking a little bit of just that water or taking
    27:37 a couple of spoonfuls maybe three teaspoons of coconut based yogurt in the
    27:42 morning with my polyphenols Resveratrol Crescent physique another three what ones I mainly do I don't see them as
    27:48 breaking up fast okay and having watched myself and measured myself it doesn't do any harm
    27:55 um and it's actually necessary for me to get through the day and you do what's necessary okay and um and so while I may
    28:02 have a little bit of protein in my body from the yogurt and from I just Add Water it goes away pretty quickly and my
    28:09 blood sugar doesn't go up which is my main goal the blood sugar levels are the key really yeah
    28:15 um you don't want those spikes in the morning and then you get hungry at lunch time and then you eat again that'll make you energetic and then a brain fog and
    28:22 be tired and then you're hungry again that cycle is I've done that most of my life and it's a nightmare now that I
    28:28 have my lifestyle and the type of shoots I eat I power through the day and my glucose levels are steady because my
    28:33 liver is much smarter putting out glucose than my eyes and my mouth are and let your liver take care of you
    28:40 during the day and then feed yourself later in the day that's my advice yeah and there's you know and I think if you
    28:47 can wait until you are you are having a bit of food in your
    28:52 diet and um you're not taking supplements that have to be taken earlier in the day but maybe wait and
    28:58 take it then so you're not on an empty stomach uh it also sounds like you sometimes you have to sort of experiment
    29:04 as well I don't have a problem to save myself with my matcha you know in the morning
    29:11 and and my tummy is fine I have no problems with it but that's my body so everyone's body's a little bit yeah I
    29:18 don't like taking supplements on an empty stomach usually because especially at night I sit in my stomach and make me
    29:23 feel this too and I don't sleep that well right um so I like to have them I have some in the morning and then before
    29:30 bed I have some but I try not to eat them take them too late and that's work much better for me
    29:37 oh yeah somebody somebody said something important which is uh breaking a fast is different to Breaking ketosis ketosis is
    29:43 when your body is switched from using carbohydrates uh to protein and fat for energy mainly fat and
    29:50 um my body doesn't change that I'm still in ketosis even if I eat a tiny bit of food or a little bit of the nutritious
    29:56 grain yeah yeah and and I that's such a it's something really good to point out as we were talking about as we were
    30:03 talking earlier it's kind of stood fasting um I know that ketosis is a poor uh but
    30:09 again if you're women you want to be mindful because if you're in uh ketosis
    30:14 and extreme ketosis for a too long a period of time then you'll produce more reverse T3 which can affect your thyroid
    30:21 it affect your hormones and so um for the women out there just just be a little bit more mindful about it and
    30:27 check your body and check your levels if you are kind of implementing fasting
    30:33 into your lifestyle and how long you fast and when you fast during the time of the month and and um and also know that during
    30:40 different weeks of the month you do want to incorporate certain say like um uh starches resistant starches so in
    30:49 carbohydrate carbohydrates that are good for you when you are fasting during your eating windows so just something to to
    30:56 kind of take note of um okay so so we're talking so we're talking about that
    31:02 there are there a few things that you really you'd like to add as we're talking about fasting because there's so much that you've covered in your podcast
    31:09 oh and by the way let me just interrupt myself really quick for those of you guys that don't already know I David has
    31:15 a podcast Dr Sinclair is a podcast called lifespan it drops a new episode drops every single Wednesday and um we
    31:23 are kind of doing a follow-up to those out to those episodes when we have our lives and plus we Pepper and a few other
    31:29 things so if you haven't already subscribed please do um it's on Spotify Apple go to his uh
    31:36 Link in his bio and it would also encourage you guys to put on turn on your alerts your notifications because
    31:43 David lets you know when the podcast yeah it's on YouTube too if you care to
    31:48 see me move my hands a lot uh so it's yeah it's thank you to everybody who's subscribed that by subscribing that's
    31:54 the best thing you can do for us um but yeah it's wonderfully uh warm welcome to this uh from everybody for
    32:01 this podcast I had no idea how it would be received but it's been really an
    32:06 overwhelming uh welcome from everybody and I think everybody who's taking the time to watch it or listen to it
    32:13 so um so yeah I just every once in a while just remind myself to let because people are coming in and out and I'm
    32:19 listening most everyone already knows um who David Sinclair is and what his
    32:25 podcast but just in case you don't make sure you subscribe and in case you haven't subscribed you just go there
    32:31 every week you should really should subscribe um certifications so my buddy
    32:36 is Andrew schuberman from Stanford University and we we like to argue over who has the best university
    32:41 of course we know that yes to that uh but I was also Keen to see if I could
    32:46 beat him on the podcast and so right now we're vying for place number one and two in Wellness um and so it's been a lot of
    32:53 fun he's a good friend uh yeah so I'm just trying to catch up
    32:59 challenge so so so for the 2000 plus viewers out there just so you know you
    33:04 can also help David view Andrew huberman by subscribing to his podcast
    33:10 you might as well throw it too I'm sure
    33:19 okay well okay so now back to back to our questions that we might actually get through we might actually get through
    33:25 most of them uh I don't know if we're going to cover all the longevity Foods because there's so many but we can talk
    33:31 about some of the ones that are uh that you guys have the biggest questions about and obviously we covered some
    33:37 stuff with antioxidant type foods anti-inflammatory foods um we talked about red wine and green
    33:43 tea uh and you know Xeno hermesis so why those type of foods are sort of
    33:49 longevity Foods you know that they help so much uh should we talk a little bit more about supplements I can't see from
    33:56 link to the supplements uh I can I can talk about the
    34:02 supplements that I do yeah yeah uh we should all talk about we should talk about um I've seen a lot of questions
    34:07 about cancer and foods which ones are good to prevent cancer but the supplements that I take
    34:14 um they're listed on page 304 of of the book lifespan um and I've added a few more ones so the
    34:20 basic ones are Resveratrol of course the 10 physique and these polyphenols I have that in the morning I have nmn which is
    34:27 an NAD booster NAD is important for boosting our bodies natural defenses against aging as well we've studied all
    34:33 of these molecules in my lab discovered them 15 years ago now they're popular
    34:38 um and so and then at night I take oleic acid um high content like acid oils so like a
    34:45 fish oil supplement I take vitamin D vitamin K2 K2 is a really important one which keeps the calcium out of your
    34:52 arteries and puts it into your bones where it's needed uh what else do I do I still take a little baby aspirin every
    34:57 night and I take CoQ10 and alpha lipoic acid at night as well the CoQ10 is to
    35:04 make sure that the Statin that I'm on for my cholesterol doesn't deplete that too much other than that I saw somebody
    35:09 ask does does my diet or our diets lead to um like nutrients and the answer is no
    35:16 we're very careful about making sure that we have these supplement drinks just add water helps I take the type of
    35:22 vitamins that I might need vitamins B12 B6 B3 I'm monitoring my vitamin levels so inside tracker will tell you tell me
    35:29 my vitamin B levels um and also um I listen to you Serena you told me that I should eat Brazil nuts as much as
    35:35 I don't like them I nibble on a Brazil nut once a day I probably eat one a day and that's called selenium in it which
    35:41 is one of those vital uh metals that you need yeah so and I would say that my list is
    35:47 very similar I take more uh and we can it's I it's such a long list
    35:54 um a lot of mine are adaptogenic and I think because we've had questions about adaptogens and some natural herbs
    36:01 herbs uh we can actually dedicate a whole episode to that in the future where we can cover things that came up
    36:08 like Maca and makuma and ashwagandha and uh all kinds of things you know Ginkgo a
    36:16 Copa ilatero just different things that are part of my supplement um protocol uh that that's in addition
    36:23 to what uh David had listed as his and I also do and um and we can talk a little
    36:30 bit more about some of those have to be taken at certain times of the day to maximize those benefits but I can you
    36:36 know give you guys a list and we'll kind of go through everything and then and then do a talk on that at a later time
    36:44 um and then the other thing uh the other thing we were talking about was supplements is collagen so you know we
    36:52 kind of just touched on it briefly but I think that some people would really love to hear whether or not collagen
    36:59 supplements are actually good for them or they're not um short-term and long-term benefits and
    37:08 um you know kind of setbacks from collagen if you could dive into that right so so collagen is the most
    37:15 abundant protein in your body uh it's it's important for your muscle hold it together and your skin and as you get
    37:22 older you make less collagen and you degrade it and uh leads to the look of Aging but it's an essential protein and
    37:29 it's a really interesting one from a biochemical uh a biology standpoint it's
    37:34 made as a triple helix not not double helix like DNA but it's triple and to stabilize it because it needs to be
    37:40 there for years the cell does what's called hydroxyl problemation and it just
    37:45 puts little oxygen and hydrogens onto collagen and that stabilizes it and what
    37:52 this uh ends up doing is it acts as a little signal to cells when they see
    37:57 this hydroxylation it can actually do good things and so what has been discovered is that when you eat collagen
    38:04 it actually does seem to and some clinical trials seems to improve care and skin and they promote the growth
    38:11 growth of muscle cells and differentiation between muscle cells um how does it do that well I was
    38:17 skeptical I from what I know you eat collagen which is a protein it's
    38:22 unlikely to work because your body will digest it and you'll just have amino acids and amino acids are amino acids
    38:27 I'm open to the idea that eating digested collagen in the form of gummies
    38:32 or drinks there's a very gross ways to take it in could actually do what the
    38:38 Chinese have been saying for centuries which is that it promotes the growth of things that are made of collagen as well
    38:47 okay great so thank you for covering that we had a lot of questions about that
    38:53 um and a question that just came up to the amino acids in collagen um activate the mentor
    39:02 yeah I mean the ones that are important they go by those names there's one called hydroxylchron glycine the other
    39:07 one's problem hydroxyl Proline but basically it's just Proline with another amino acid or two next to it with that
    39:14 oxygen hydrogen but you don't need to know that it's just you know interesting from a scientist's point of view that
    39:20 there are potentially the body says oh there's a wound there's collagen being released and digested I need to grow
    39:26 that wound and heal it and by eating collagen you can actually get these dipeptides into your body they can be
    39:32 found in the bloodstream and that might be how they're promoting skin Growth Hair growth and even wound healing

    Time-restricted eating vs Ketosis and how they contribute to longevity

    39:38 uh and just and for those of you who are plant-based you know I used to use
    39:44 college and I don't anymore because I kind of preferred some more uh to have different roots and plants and herbs
    39:50 that can also promote skin as a wound heating wound healing recuma is one of them like I said we'll dive into more of
    39:57 these other types it just says options for the people who are plant-based and uh and I also wanted
    40:03 to uh say that when you are a plant-based as David said that you do
    40:08 have to make sure that you hit all of your you choose and so I do supplement with
    40:14 different amino acids as in a supplement form um as opposed to getting them from like
    40:19 the College of product or some of these other types of supplements so so so yeah
    40:25 so I hope that answers a lot of the colleges questions talk about cancer a little bit yeah let's talk about that

    Cancer and time-restricted eating studies

    40:31 because I know you know a lot about that more than me in fact but what I've liked
    40:37 when you said maybe you should look up this plant-based diet and the benefits
    40:42 um there are a lot of studies that show that certain types of foods and diets are really have a big impact on cancer can
    40:49 reduce your chance of cancer by many fold and that's not the only reason you would potentially live longer on these
    40:56 diets but it's certainly an important one especially considering most women well no it's about a third of women in
    41:02 their 40s already have some type of breast cancer it may not kill them but if you look it's there and you want to
    41:09 suppress the growth of those Cancers and by eating the right foods and leaving some out you can actually prevent those
    41:14 little tiny tumors from growing um and there's lots of lots of that I mean the kind of things that that you
    41:21 know I've been reading about are sulfur-rich foods glutathione leaving
    41:27 out animal proteins which stimulate production of a molecule called IHF igf-1 it's not like growth factor one in
    41:35 insulate growth factor one is really important I'll just pause on that that if you have low levels as a mouse or a
    41:41 human makes you live longer it's known to stimulate cancer and if you eat a lot of meat you have a lot of that
    41:46 um and what's interesting is if you're on a vegetarian diet or a vegan diet and you take the blood of those people of us
    41:52 and you put it on cancer cells it can inhibit them dramatically by four thousand percent in terms of their
    41:59 growth and that's largely thought to be due to the very low levels of igf-1 in the bloodstream again a molecular
    42:05 explanation for why these diets have been shown over centuries to be healthy yeah and and just to kind of add on to
    42:11 that we spoke about it last time just briefly we talked about um uh sulfuricane which is very high in
    42:18 broccoli but specifically broccoli Sprouts in the seeds of the Sprouts these are things that you can add into
    42:23 your diet since we're talking about not just longevity Foods um they're found in uh Christopher's
    42:30 type of vegetables but if you say have a hard time digesting those type of foods
    42:36 whether they're raw or steamed or cooked you can also take it supplementally you know you can take you know raw
    42:43 dehydrated version of broccoli Sprouts or just the seeds and you can take them ice supplements and that'll be really
    42:48 helpful as well um since we did Cover supplements of daycare today
    42:53 um love your fresh mouthpiece rods yay and actually I did a I did a couple of Instagram lives with the king of sprouts
    43:00 uh Doug Evans and so if you can always go back and check out those apps says he
    43:06 kind of teaches you how simple it is to sprout your own seeds whether they're broccoli or other things and that all
    43:12 has all actually dense but they also have sort of called anti-cancer properties as
    43:20 well so so yeah um we're kind of coming up to top of the
    43:25 hour um we did have a bunch of questions I felt like we addressed a lot of questions uh today David I think we did
    43:33 pretty good I know that there's still a lot more what would you like to cover in like the next five minutes or so I know
    43:38 I know there's so many questions that is a lot and I've got all these notes here
    43:46 um let's see let's pick one from the audience that would be good okay yeah I
    43:52 mean there were [Music] I know that people are
    43:58 people almond and Burberry and all that but we did already kind of cover that the last time so I don't want to go over that again I would encourage you to
    44:04 watch the replay though um we talked about fasting and you know whether or not
    44:11 that's suitable for you if you're someone that oh a question that I thought was really good there are people
    44:16 that are recovering from covid and there are people that let's say they just have a cold um or they're not feeling well they want
    44:22 to know if fasting is okay so you know whether or not you you take a break from
    44:27 it you're fasting seven days a week if you only fast three days a week or five days a week uh what's the best thing to
    44:34 do and should you pause when um when you're not feeling well and it knows
    44:40 sounds basic but I still think it's a good question gee well

    Tips: Should you pause when you are not feeling well?

    44:45 so definitely afterwards you want to do that uh you want to have the healthiest diet possible to recover from covert one
    44:52 of the things that actually seems to drive covert is an increase in senescent cells particularly in the lungs and also
    44:58 in the vascular systems and the diets that we're talking about suppress the formation of senescent cells and
    45:06 potentially uh when it comes to the molecule physician and to some extent quercetin May and I stress May delete
    45:15 and kill off those senescent cells post recovery and when I say made or clinical
    45:21 trials ongoing so it's thought to be likely or possible to work it certainly Works in mice to extend their life span
    45:27 and kill officiness themselves um but even if you don't go into a physique and then corset and research that just by fasting you're going to
    45:34 help your body recover and turn on those defenses against not just aging it's not just about aging it's about what happens
    45:40 to you over the next few weeks once you adopt these diets you'll feel better already um and long term you'll do better and
    45:47 you know anecdotally I know a number of people that have improved their memory and how they feel and their energy
    45:53 levels by doing the kind of things we're recommending which is eating really well
    45:59 clean and giving yourself all the nutrients that you need but not excess
    46:04 calories and not excess nutrients as well and just optimizing your body with some science and some you know Common
    46:11 Sense yeah yeah and staying hydrated you guys it's really really important is to stay
    46:16 well Hydra Hydra especially if you're taking supplements you know you want to make sure that you
    46:22 that enough hydration to process and another question that came out that I thought was really great and I was
    46:28 probably the last one before we wrap up is whether or not we should take breaks you know what happens if you do take
    46:34 them forever is it okay to take them forever uh do we take breaks from it I

    How often to practice time-restricted eating, or choose to eat in a certain window

    46:40 thought that was a production yeah uh well let's see so do I take breaks
    46:47 from exercise absolutely we all should we shouldn't be exercising five days a week
    46:52 um and I haven't been exercising much lately um but I don't worry about it I think the body needs a period of
    46:58 recovery so I sometimes I don't take Metformin every day sometimes I even
    47:03 skip Resveratrol um so I'm not that strict about it I I'm fine going a day or two often I'm
    47:09 traveling and if I don't take supplement one day it's fine and the reason that I believe that it's fine is based on
    47:16 science everything that I believe should should be based on something and what we discovered for example was that when we
    47:23 gave Resveratrol every day to a mouse on a high fat diet or a normal diet
    47:28 um it wasn't as effective as if we gave that molecule every other day and the longest lived mice we had some
    47:34 that lived over three years and a mouse typically doesn't do that um it was when we gave Resveratrol every
    47:39 other day and combined that with every other day feeding so it was interesting the the supplement and the
    47:46 food given every second day was was the best for them and so for that reason you
    47:51 know I don't think we need to eat constantly we don't need to take supplements constantly either right okay
    47:56 take some breaks um okay well great I mean we're kind of at the top of the hour and I think it
    48:03 was trying to wrap it up so we're not rushed off um because we're trying to squeeze in another question but um I
    48:09 think you boys all so much for being on here today for being so engaged being kind with your comments
    48:16 um and I encourage you to if you haven't already subscribe to David's podcast lifespan um everywhere and also on
    48:23 YouTube and turn on your post notifications for both our accounts because then you'll see when we come on
    48:28 and we do these and he'll also give you a reminder when is podcast drops which is every Wednesday and uh and also
    48:36 subscribe to um our our link the link in both our bios that gives you the replay
    48:41 is for our chat and all the notes and where you can also kind of submit your questions again on the text and we can
    48:48 kind of keep track of those and create episodes based on what you guys need so that's kind of it do you have
    48:54 anything that you want to add David yeah I do I do I want to say you know I've enjoyed getting to know you over the
    49:00 last few months and and I know your mission is the same as mine we do this we speak we research we share
    49:06 information uh we tell stories because we want people to live Better Lives it's not
    49:13 about the two of us living well it's about us giving you the information to make your life better
    49:18 um and I've loved doing these and we're going to do more uh and it's towards both of our mission and just like Andrew
    49:24 Hickman says it's all about um giving people the information that's
    49:29 that's out there that most people don't have the time or the access to and we
    49:35 can share that with you in a concise form but help us help you tell us keep telling us what you need to know and
    49:41 we'll keep researching it and giving it back to you and hopefully not just a concise but an entertaining way yes
    49:47 I love that thank you thank you so much for that and thank you so much you guys
    49:53 um I do the podcast drops again on Wednesday and then we'll be back on next Monday right I think that's correct so
    50:00 and just keep again just follow along turn your post notifications you'll know about
    50:05 that and thank you so much thank you for um allowing us to serve you better all right okay talk to you later thank
    50:12 you David thanks see you next time bye bye