NAD+ Precursor

    From Longevity Wiki
    Revision as of 01:34, 24 September 2023 by Strimo (talk | contribs)

    NAD+ precursors are molecules that can be converted into NAD+, a vital coenzyme found in all living cells, crucial for energy production, cellular repair, and longevity. Taking NAD+ directly is generally considered inefficient due to its inability to enter cells directly due to its large size and polar nature, making it unable to cross the cell membrane effectively. Thus, NAD+ precursors like NMN and NR, which are smaller and can enter cells more easily, are used to increase cellular NAD+ levels, as they can be converted into NAD+ once inside the cells. These precursors are therefore preferred for supplementation to boost NAD+ levels efficiently within the body.

    • Nicotinamide (NAM): NAM, a form of vitamin B3, is also a precursor of NAD+, contributing to its synthesis through the salvage pathway.