2022-01-26 - Podcast Dr. David Sinclair - NMN, NR, Resveratrol, Metformin & Other Longevity Molecules

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    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRWT7hVgwuM&ab_channel=DavidSinclair
    • In this week’s episode, Dr. David Sinclair and co-host Matthew LaPlante zero in on drugs and supplements that have been reported to combat aspects of aging. They share the latest experimental and clinical data for NAD boosters (these being NR, NMN, NAD IV drips and shots), resveratrol, fisetin, quercetin, rapamycin, spermidine, metformin, and berberine. Given the abundance of data available, a special focus is placed on the NAD precursors nicotinamide riboside and nicotinamide mononucleotide. Known mechanisms, limitations, and/or side effects associated with these molecules are additionally highlighted.


    - Welcome to the Lifespan podcast,

    where we discuss the science of aging

    and how to be healthier

    at any stage of life.

    I'm David Sinclair.

    I'm a professor at Harvard Medical School

    and Co-director of the Paul F. Glenn

    Center for Aging Research.

    And I'm joined today

    by my lovely co-author

    and cohost, Matthew LaPlante.

    - Hey, how are we doing?

    - [David] Hey, welcome.

    - Feeling good today.

    - [Matthew] Back at it again.

    - We are.

    We're here today to talk about

    how to live longer and better.

    - As part of this podcast series,

    this deep dive into things that you can do

    to slow, stop, and reverse aging.

    - That is true and today is going

    to be a really interesting one.

    - This is going to be

    the one that everybody,

    I mean, this is the one that

    everybody's been begging for.

    - That is true.

    We've been monitoring

    the responses to tweets

    and Instagram posts, and most of them are,

    David, just tell us what to take.

    - [Matthew] The nice ones.

    - Yeah.

    - Some of those aren't very nice either,

    but yeah, please, please, please.

    Should I take NR? Should I take NMN?

    What should I do with Metformin?

    We're going to be talking

    about all of that today.

    - We are, and our research team has

    been spending weeks on

    this, and if you can't see,

    I'm actually sitting in front

    of many pages of notes here.

    We're going to go deep dive into what

    is fact and what is not fact.

    What is known, what is not known,

    because there's so much

    misinformation out there,

    especially with supplements.

    - Yeah.

    We do need to say we usually take a moment

    to thank our sponsors, we're

    going to do that of course,

    but we also have to take a moment to say

    we are not medical doctors.

    We are not medical doctors.

    We are not medical doctors.

    - What he said. I'm a

    PhD, I'm a researcher.

    I can read the literature.

    I've been doing it for the last 30 years.

    I distill that for everybody.

    But of course,

    if you want to try supplement

    or even change your diet radically,

    please talk to your physician

    before you change anything.

    Because some of the things

    we'll talk about today

    can affect your body in,

    hopefully, many good ways,

    but sometimes can be dangerous

    depending on the person.

    And everybody's different.

    - And what we want to do is give people

    the ability to have a more intelligent

    and informed conversation

    with their physician.

    - Exactly.

    - Okay, with that out of the way,

    now we should thank our sponsors.

    - Let's do that, because

    this podcast is free

    to anybody who wants to watch or listen.

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    Levels is an app that syncs

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    Okay, Matt, let's dive in.

    There's a lot to get through today

    and I know everyone's waiting to hear

    what we have to say today.

    - In the last episode, David,

    we talked about adversity mimetics.

    These are the things that we

    can do in our modern lives

    to mirror the sorts of stresses

    we faced across our evolutionary history.

    But even if you're engaged

    in doing these things

    like we've talked about already,

    fasting and getting lots of exercise,

    getting out of your comfort zone,

    our modern lives are still

    designed around comfort

    and sedentariness, is that a word?

    - Sedentary lifestyles?

    - [Matthew] Sedentary lifestyles.

    And that's not to mention the fact

    that even before modern

    times we aged, right?

    So if we're going to combat aging

    we may need an additional boost.

    Do you believe we may

    need an additional boost?

    - Well I do and I've been doing this

    since my early thirties.

    We'll talk about my program

    at the end of this episode,

    but really what we want to do today

    is to talk about some

    of the major supplements

    and medicines that are

    thought and have the greatest

    scientific evidence to be able to give you

    wellness now as well as

    long-term health in the future.

    - Supplements and medicines,

    drugs and supplements,

    molecules and drugs.

    There are a lot of different terms

    that we're probably going to throw around

    and we're going to use

    them fairly synonymously.

    But in fairness, let's define

    drug versus supplement, at least.

    - Right, first of all, most

    drugs are chemicals, okay?

    But some are naturally occurring

    and some are freely available

    over the counter, OTC.

    And that's because they've

    been in our food supply before

    and the FDA doesn't regulate them.

    They fall under what's called generally

    recognized as safe, or GRAS.

    And that's why you can

    pick up whole variety

    of molecules from the plant world,

    'cause they're already in our food supply.

    Therefore the government thinks,

    well, they're probably okay,

    even if they're a thousand times more

    concentrated than what you're eating.

    - Which may or may not be the case, right?

    - Right, and so that's why

    you always have to be careful.

    You have to monitor yourself,

    like I have been with my blood work

    for many years to make sure that

    you're not hurting parts of your body.

    Your liver particularly could be sensitive

    to some of these molecules,

    even if they are available freely

    at the pharmacy or the vitamin shop.

    A different story about drugs.

    Drugs are regulated

    molecules because they have

    the chance to actually cause damage.

    And many drugs actually do

    have serious side effects

    that need to be carefully monitored

    and discussed with the doctor.

    Even those that are very safe.

    Like we'll talk about Metformin.

    These are regulated by the government

    because they are not in the food supply.

    There are artificial molecules that

    could theoretically do damage.

    - And there are literally

    thousands of drugs

    and supplements that someone somewhere

    will tell you we'll help you

    with health spans and lifespans.

    We're not going to talk about

    thousands of drugs and supplements today.

    - No, maybe in future

    episodes we'll come back,

    but we want to hit the high points today.

    - And so that's why today we're going

    to move through some of the most popular

    and some of the most promising.

    These are things that most

    people can have access to,

    or find a physician who,

    if the need exists, will prescribe.

    - Right, and I get emails

    and I get all sorts of texts

    every day, DMs, what should I take?

    What about this? What about that?

    What's the dose. When should I take it?

    What should I take it with?

    Is it okay to take this

    drug with exercise or not?

    That's what we're going to cover today.

    Your most pressing questions

    answered here today.

    - And so we're going to

    talk about NAD boosters.

    We're going to talk about Metformin,

    berberine, rapamycin,

    spermidine, resveratrol,

    fisetin and quercetin,

    and probably a few others.

    But those were sort of

    the highlight points.

    If you're only interested in one of these,

    or if you watch this whole

    episode need a reminder,

    the show notes are going to

    be timestamped so that you can

    immediately go to berberine

    and find it and click on it.

    - That's right, included in the show notes

    are the scientific references that

    we now have in front of us

    that we're going to talk about

    so that people can do a deep dive,

    even deeper than what we're

    going to do here today.

    - There's one more thing that we'll link

    to in the show notes

    that's on your website

    that I think is valuable

    for people to know about.

    You're involved in a lot

    of different companies.

    You're an entrepreneur,

    you're a researcher.

    You have I don't know how many patents.

    There are plenty of people who would say,

    oh, this guy's just trying to sell stuff.

    If they suspect that you might

    have a conflict of interest,

    they can go and look at your disclosures.

    - I do disclose everything that I do.

    My lab has a website. You

    can Google Sinclair Lab.

    And if you click through my bio,

    there's a link to all the work

    that I do outside of Harvard,

    as well as what we do

    at Harvard, of course,

    but importantly, I've never

    sold any supplement in my life.

    - And that's not because

    you're a bad salesman.

    It's because you haven't

    actually tried to sell.

    I mean, there's a difference between

    having not sold a

    supplement and having tried

    to sell a supplement and

    not sold a supplement.

    - Right, I've actively kept myself away

    from the supplement industry

    because I want to be able

    to talk about things without any bias.

    - Not for a lack of opportunity though,

    there's plenty of people who would

    love to put your face on a package.

    - Well, and they do,

    without my permission.

    You can see my face on the internet.

    But if you see that, know that

    it's not with my permission

    and I do actively try to stop that.

    - To get into this let's

    use some of the same framing

    that we've used for

    the other conversation.

    And that's these three longevity pathways,

    three longevity genes that

    we've been talking about.

    sirtuins, AMPK, and mTOR.

    Different drugs and

    supplements are thought

    to work on these different

    pathways in different ways.

    And we'll sort of like categorize them

    in those three buckets today.

    - Exactly, and the thing to also remember

    is that these three survival

    pathways we've talked about,

    and in episode one we talked a lot about,

    are responding to our environment.

    Whether you're exercising

    or fasting they'll turn on,

    but also appreciate that

    they talk to each other

    and some drugs or

    supplements will activate

    one of these and talk to the other two.

    So it's a network and we're still

    trying to figure out exactly

    what the optimal combination

    for each individual might be.

    Whether to tweak it with this molecule

    and then exercise here

    and then fast that day.

    We don't know all the answers,

    but we are going to present the cutting

    edge science here today.

    - And I think it's been

    really interesting.

    I've been working with you for, what,

    like about four years now.

    And in that time a lot of the molecules

    that we knew to be working

    on one of these pathways,

    there's been further

    research that has said,

    oh, that's not just an AMPK effect.

    There's also an mTOR connection there.

    - Well they definitely talk to each other.

    Because if you're low on immuno acids

    and it'll turn on the

    mTOR protection pathway,

    that will then tell the other survival

    pathways to do their thing too.

    It's like the Pentagon where

    there's centrally coordinated defenses

    and basically what we're trying to do

    is to make prank phone

    call to the Pentagon to say

    there's an emergency and

    they'll send out the troops

    in various ways and protect the body,

    even though there's no immediate threat.

    - I like that analogy. That's fun.

    Let's talk about the class of molecules

    that you've worked most

    extensively on in your lab.

    These are known as NAD boosters.

    Talk a little bit about why

    NAD is important in our bodies.

    It's really important, if it disappears,

    we're screwed, right?

    - Well, we'd be dead in 30 seconds.

    We need it for energy

    but it was discovered

    about 100 years ago by Germans

    who were looking at extracts in yeast.

    And there was this component called NAD

    that was necessary for chemical reactions.

    - We didn't say what

    that stands for, that's?

    - So NAD stands for nicotinamide,

    which is vitamin B3,

    and adenine dinucleotide. This

    is a sugar and a phosphate.

    The important part about

    it is that our cells

    use NAD to transfer hydrogen atoms

    between proteins and even DNA.

    That is really important

    for life and without it

    we can't make chemical energy,

    which is in the form of ATP,

    which we'll talk about later

    because that's important for Metformin.

    NAD is found in abundance.

    There's many grams of it in the body.

    It's probably, with the exception of ATP,

    the most abundant molecule

    we have in the body.

    It helps us make energy but it

    also has this other function

    that's just as important

    that we worked on and just

    co-discovered in the 2000s.

    It activates the sirtuins

    and the sirtuins are these

    defensive enzymes that, like the Pentagon,

    send out the troops.

    The problem is as we get

    older we make less NAD

    and we also destroy it more for reasons

    that we don't fully understand,

    but it leads to a decline in our ability

    to fight off aging and the

    diseases that it causes.

    - And this is because NAD

    is a sensor for adversity.

    - It is, if you exercise, it's known,

    and fast, it's known to raise NAD levels.

    But even if you exercise and

    have the healthiest diet,

    you're still going to have

    lower NAD levels by the time,

    you know, you're in the

    latter half of your life.

    So that's why these

    supplements are thought to help

    because they'll boost up

    those older levels of NAD

    to where they were when you were young.

    - Okay. So let's talk about

    the first NAD booster.

    Probably the most well-known,

    it's definitely the most well

    studied of the NAD boosters,

    and probably the most

    taken used. That's NR.

    - Which stands for nicotinamide riboside.

    So that's the vitamin B3 plus the sugar.

    Without the N part, which is a phosphate,

    we'll get to the phosphate,

    that's important later.

    It may make a difference,

    but NR has been taken over the counter

    or through websites for, what, since 2014,

    either solely just as a capsule

    or there's some companies that sell it

    in combination with other molecules.

    - And because it's been

    pretty well studied in humans,

    there've been plenty of human studies,

    at least in the short term that show

    little to no side effects.

    This is a pretty safe molecule.

    - That's for sure.

    We know that if you

    take it as a supplement

    to swallow the pill, either 250 milligrams

    per day or a gram, there's

    no apparent negative side

    effects, and in fact, you will raise

    NAD levels in blood tests.

    - So I think this is an

    important distinction to make,

    though, like there's a difference between

    safe and effective, right?

    Just because we say something as safe,

    doesn't mean it's going to work enough.

    And in fact sometimes things

    that are the most safe

    aren't going to work at all.

    That's why they're so safe is

    they don't have any effect.

    But we do know that NR is

    largely safe, you know,

    millions of people

    around the world take it.

    NRs have been well studied

    in animals as well.

    And let's start with that

    because we actually know more

    about what NR does in

    the bodies of animals

    than we do in the bodies of humans.

    - Well let's start with

    yeast. Go even further back.

    - Okay, yeah.

    - So that's where it was first discovered.

    NR was a newly discovered

    molecule back in the early 2000s.

    It's found a little bit in

    milk and other food selves.

    And if it was fed to yeast,

    they lived longer by turning

    on the yeast sirtuin pathway.

    - Okay. How much longer

    were the yeast living?

    - Generally yeast live about 30% longer

    when you give them these molecules,

    similar to choleric restriction.

    And that's what this was doing,

    mimicking choleric restriction,

    'cause both activate the sirtuins

    and give increased genome stability

    and epigenome stability

    that lengthens their life.

    - And those kinds of findings

    make you really interested

    because you're really interested

    the sirtuin activation.

    And so you've been part

    of a group of scientists

    that have been looking at this.

    - Yeah, one of the first

    things that we discovered,

    this is now, we're talking

    2002, 2003 in my lab,

    is that there's an NAD

    synthesis gene called PNC1.

    In our body it's called NAMPT.

    And it gets activated

    by these mild stressors.

    In a yeast cell it's low

    salt, it's low sugar, heat.

    And that turns on the synthesis of NAD

    and we found that extended lifespan.

    And then a few years later it was shown

    you can mimic this effect with this NR.

    - How does the NR turn into NAD?

    - So NR has to go through

    an intermediate molecule.

    Let's start with the mouth.

    You swallow your NR,

    it'll go into the gut.

    Some of it will be metabolized

    by the gut bacteria,

    but most of it will go

    into the bloodstream

    and then flow around and then get taken up

    into your muscle, into

    your brain and other cells,

    by transport that's called ENTs.

    And there it's converted into

    NMN by what are called NRKs.

    And then you add the phosphate

    and you've got this thing, NMN.

    What's NMN? Nicotinamide mononucleotide.

    And then the cell puts two of

    those together to make NAD.

    - And when we do this

    in laboratory animals,

    you mentioned in yeast

    it extends life by 30%.

    What have we seen in mice,

    which are a little closer

    to you and I than yeast is?

    - Yeah, it's going back

    a number of years ago.

    It was found that NR, when given to mice,

    extends their lifespan by about 9%.

    But it was given to them late

    in life at about 700 days,

    which is a pretty old mouse,

    that'd be like a 70 year old

    human, but it still worked.

    But they're also in

    improvements in health,

    they had more mitochondria,

    which is the energy.

    They had more athleticism,

    less inflammation.

    And so that was the first

    real study that said, okay,

    maybe supplementing with these molecules

    like NR or NMN might have some long-term

    health benefits as well in humans.

    - Among the other health benefits

    that have been seen by researchers

    who have given NR to animals

    and lab enhanced oxidative metabolism.

    Let's talk about that.

    - So they burn more fat, they get thinner.

    And that also means that

    they're burning more oxygen

    and that's thought to be really good

    at staving off diabetes,

    type two diabetes,

    as well as improving lifespan.

    - Let's carry this now

    into the human studies

    because what we don't have for reasons

    that maybe are obvious, but

    I'm going to state it any way,

    which is that humans

    live a very long life.

    And it's really hard to put humans

    into a control group and a test group

    across a very long time,

    then control for every

    variable that's possible,

    is longitudinal studies

    that show increases

    in lifespan as a result of taking NR.

    But we do have studies that have sought

    to show similar health benefits

    to what we've seen in rodents.

    - Somewhat. I would say, NR,

    there've been a few

    positive results. Not a lot.

    Before we'd get to that I think

    it's worth talking about why

    can't we just take vitamin B3,

    which is a precursor to NR.

    You can but it doesn't raise NAD levels

    anywhere near the level that NR does.

    NR doesn't seem to be as effective as NMN.

    So the closer you get to NAD

    with your molecule, the better it seems.

    And that's probably because you need

    to bring in other components.

    So if you just take vitamin B3,

    you need a sugar and a phosphate.

    If you just take NR,

    you need the phosphate.

    Phosphate is pretty rare in the body.

    It's in your bones, it's in your DNA.

    And maybe when you take

    NR one of the issues

    is that you need to find a phosphate

    head on there before it becomes active.

    - Okay, back to the human studies on NR.

    We have sought to see,

    by we I mean the research community,

    I don't mean necessarily you and me,

    we've sought to see the

    same sorts of effects

    that have been seen in

    models, organism studies.

    Sometimes that's happened.

    Sometimes it's not.

    Is that fair to say?

    - That's very fair to say.

    With NR there've been a handful of studies

    in humans showing that low

    dose, 250 milligrams per day,

    up to a pretty large dose, a gram a day,

    does raise NAD levels, but

    it takes about 9 to 10 days

    to get to those peak levels.

    What we've also seen

    is, or others have seen,

    is lower inflammation as

    well as some other markers

    such as minor changes in body composition.

    But these other things

    which are lower blood sugar,

    improvements in insulin

    sensitivity, increased mitochondria,

    those haven't been born out just yet

    in these short term studies with NR.

    - Sorry, so these are the

    things that were present

    in the mice who also lived longer.

    - Right, yeah.

    Now it could be that you need a longer

    term exposure of these people.

    These have been fairly short-term studies.

    Or that humans are not the same as mice.

    - So would you say, I mean,

    if somebody tells you, oh, David,

    I've been taking NR for so many times,

    you're not rolling your eyes,

    but you're not convinced at this point.

    The jury's still out.

    - Well, it depends what you're asking.

    If it's to lower inflammation,

    yeah, it probably works.

    There's also a study that

    was put out by a group

    that combined NR with [indistinct],

    which is a resveratrol-like molecule,

    We'll talk about resveratrol next,

    that found that in ALS

    patients, Lou Gehrig's disease,

    there was an improvement

    in their daily function.

    So that is somewhat promising.

    I think that of course

    we need more studies.

    That's what we really need here to be able

    to make any sort of conclusion

    about what the long-term effects

    of taking this supplement are.

    - It's fair to say that in the sirtuin

    activated compound research community,

    there's kind of team NR

    and then there's team NMN.

    Your lab really focuses on NMN

    and I think if people were

    sort of like following

    what you said earlier about

    how NR turns into NAD,

    they might go, oh,

    well, NR turns into NMN,

    NMN turns into NAD, so why don't we just

    take NMN to begin with anyway.

    And you had mentioned earlier phosphate,

    and that's an important

    component of this question.

    - Well, it is.

    NR is more popular because

    it's cheaper to make.

    It doesn't have that phosphate

    which can be expensive

    to put on the molecule through chemistry.

    And that's why most people

    started using NR first

    in humans and in mouse experiments.

    I didn't have a horse in the

    race. I didn't care which one.

    In fact, I'd prefer if

    both worked according to,

    you know, my theories,

    but what we found through

    empirical studies, basically,

    we're looking at which ones

    work better, my lab and others,

    including Matt [indistinct],

    who's at Wash U,

    who treated a mitochondrial disorder

    and we were treating

    regular mice on treadmills.

    We found that NMN just worked

    better at the same dose.

    We don't actually

    understand why it could be

    that this phosphate addition

    is one of the reasons,

    but, you know, just based on observations

    in our hands and in others,

    NMN works better than NR.

    - When we supplement with NMN,

    when NMN is given to organisms

    in the lab, what's happening?

    - Well, it's a little different,

    there's been an argument in the literature

    that NMN doesn't get into cells.

    And similarly, NAD is

    really a big molecule

    because it's got multiple components.

    And that also has a real

    struggle to get it into cells.

    Neurons take it up but other cells

    typically need to break it down

    into its various components

    and then re-uptake it.

    And that's important because some people

    actually are giving themselves

    NAD through the IV route.

    When it comes to NMN what happens

    is it was recently discovered

    by Shin Imai at Wash U,

    his team discovered that

    there's a specific transporter

    that takes NMN out of the

    liquid outside the cells

    inside the cell and its name is SLC128A.

    Still debated, a lot of

    things to figure out.

    But I think it's just best to say, okay,

    we know what's happening

    when you give it to animals,

    we are starting to learn

    what happens to people.

    We of course want to

    understand how it's working,

    but the fact that it does work

    is the most important point.

    - So when it comes to NMN,

    there's been a number of

    animals studies showing,

    for instance, similar to

    NR, restores NAD levels,

    it enhances insulin sensitivity.

    One of the things that

    was surprising to me

    is that we don't have a study that shows

    NMNs effect across analysis

    entire lifespan yet.

    - Well, we have half a life span.

    Shin Imai showed that it

    actually was pretty good

    at slowing down the effects of aging,

    but he stopped the experiment

    because he ran out of NMN.

    It used to be rare stuff.

    Now you can buy it.

    But we took up the challenge

    and we've been doing these

    studies for the last few years in my lab.

    Now, preliminarily, these

    mice have less frailty.

    We've reported that out in

    the scientific community.

    They seem to be younger,

    having better activity,

    better mitochondrial

    function. They run further.

    The lifespan looks promising.

    We've done it once and

    they do live longer on NMN.

    The doses are out 400mgs per kg.

    - How much longer?

    - At this point by recollections,

    about 10 to 15%, but

    particularly strong in females.

    - Okay, so not particularly, like,

    wholly different than what we saw

    in the NR cases with the mice.

    - Right, a little bit better than that,

    but certainly those mice are healthier

    and more active and are more youthful.

    - And you said it was more

    pronounced in the females,

    or at least according to

    the first phase of this

    it's more pronounced in the females.

    - Right, well we had fewer females

    so we have to repeat that.

    So we've now got a larger cohort of mice.

    We're repeating the whole

    thing. We'll see how it goes.

    But right now with the small

    number of females, yeah.

    They did do better than the male.

    - And even though mice

    live pretty short lives,

    what we have to understand here

    is that there's still live

    two, three years on average.

    Right, and so in order to

    see lifespan extension,

    especially if they live much longer,

    it takes some time to do these studies.

    - Yeah, it's quite painful actually,

    because you think about this,

    an average experiment takes three years

    and then you have to repeat

    it. So that's now six years.

    Then to analyze the data and publish it

    is another three or four.

    That's a decades worth of

    work for one experiment.

    And, you know, your career only goes

    for about five of those times.

    So, five experiments?

    - Well, that's how careers used to go.

    But we're going to change that, right?

    - We're going to live a lot longer.

    We run things in parallel

    as well. That's important.

    But we can also mimic

    things, not just in animals,

    but growing tissues in the dish

    will be the subject of a later episode.

    - So, so far what I'm

    hearing is in animals,

    NR and NMN both have some

    similar effects, right?

    Lengthening lifespan, restoring

    mitochondrial activity,

    restoring NAD levels,

    enhancing insulin sensitivity.

    But in NR the human studies haven't always

    confirmed that that's the exact

    same thing that's happening in humans.

    What are we seeing in the

    human studies for NMN?

    - I know a fair bit about the effect

    of NAD boosters in humans because

    I'm helping a group that is actually

    doing clinical trials at

    Harvard Medical School

    and they've been giving a

    molecule that's similar to NMN

    to subjects for many years now.

    First of all, importantly,

    there's been no evidence of

    any negative side effects.

    That's important.

    We're about to learn whether

    it actually does anything

    that's similar to the mice.

    We don't have results in

    yet, but hopefully by 2022,

    we'll actually know if

    people have more energy,

    more mitochondrial

    function, better blood flow,

    more endurance, which is

    what we saw in those mice.

    - There's been a little bit less

    human research on NMN then in NR,

    but we're starting to see just

    in the last couple of years,

    especially sort of a flood of studies

    being published, early

    results, for instance,

    from Yoshino et al. in

    2021 showed increase

    insulin stimulated glucose disposal.

    We talked about this a little

    bit when this study came out,

    you were pretty excited

    about it. Tell me why.

    - It's one of the real first proofs

    that NMN does something in humans

    the way it works in mice.

    So this was a 10 week study.

    It's well done, it's

    randomized, placebo controlled.

    It was 250 milligrams, which

    is a relatively low dose.

    Remember, I'm taking

    in my clinical trials,

    a gram and two grams,

    this is 250 milligrams.

    Nevertheless, it improved what you said,

    insulin stimulated glucose disposal.

    That's basically insulin sensitivity.

    And that's a hallmark of longevity.

    Keeping the glucose

    out of the bloodstream,

    keeping it low levels is

    a hallmark of wellness

    and ultimately longer life.

    So that's the beginning but we

    have a lot more to figure out.

    We need to figure out if

    that increased endurance

    that we see in my lab with NMN

    treated mice is true for humans.

    We also want to note,

    are organs protected?

    Other labs, not mine,

    but other labs have shown that NMN

    protects the organs when they're damaged.

    Kidney and heart, the two main ones.

    Even increased wound healing.

    I'd love to know if NMN

    does that in humans.

    That'd be a big deal.

    Kidney injury is huge.

    And particularly, I don't

    know if you know this,

    but most surgeries on the heart end up

    damaging the kidneys and there's not

    much you can do about it.

    So ultimately we've seen a

    glimpse with Yoshino et al.

    My studies that I'm involved

    with at Harvard Medical School

    are looking promising,

    we'll know more next year,

    but yeah, there's a lot more in the works.

    And there are other NAD boosting molecules

    that have been made that

    are even better than NMN.

    So-called NCEs called,

    new chemical entities.

    And those I'm aware of

    probably in the next year

    will go into the first human study.

    - I mean, that can be a whole episode

    of this podcast in and of itself, yeah.

    - We should do it.

    - Yeah, okay.

    Why don't we just give NAD directly?

    We're talking about like NAD boosters.

    NR creates NMN, NMN creates

    NAD, that boosts NAD.

    Or NMN boosts NAD, but

    it all gets us to NAD.

    So why don't we just, you know,

    set up the drip line and get it going?

    - Well, we don't, but others do.

    There's a lot of activity

    going on in Florida and LA,

    particularly, of having large drips,

    long drips of over an hour of NAD.

    - These are not in a study settings.

    This is not in a research setting.

    This are like people trying this out.

    - Well, they're done

    under medical supervision,

    but I haven't yet seen a

    placebo-controlled trial

    that would tell us for sure

    if it's just wishful thinking or not.

    I don't think so given how many people

    have been now treated and

    there's a serious amount

    of anecdotal data on this, better mood,

    better energy, but you know,

    you cannot conclude

    anything unless you actually

    have one of these

    placebo-controlled trials.

    I'd love to be involved if

    anybody's going to do one,

    I'd love to help.

    But I'm asked this probably every day.

    NAD IVs, do they work?

    My answer has to be we don't know yet.

    - What do we think they might be doing?

    I mean, what are people trying them for?

    - Well they're used for various things.

    It's been used for many

    years are to treat addiction,

    whether it's drug or alcohol,

    it's also used for depression,

    and also increasingly for hangovers.

    - Is it as good as the

    Australian hangover cure

    that you've given me a few times?

    - Oh, the raw egg and the Vegemite?

    I hope it's better than that.

    - Because the truth is that doesn't work.

    I just pretend it works

    because it makes you happy.

    - That's true and you're one

    of the few people that eat my Vegemite.

    But the reason that it probably works

    is there's an enzyme

    that detoxifies alcohol

    called alcohol dehydrogenase,

    and a lot of Asians are susceptible

    to high levels of alcohol because

    they lack a lot of this enzyme.

    Alcohol dehydrogenase needs NAD.

    And so what's probably

    happening is when you wake up

    with a hangover, you lack

    NAD, your liver is depleted,

    and if you take NMN or NR,

    you can raise those levels back up,

    get your liver working again,

    and get rid of the excess alcohol.

    - So you think chances

    are that is actually,

    it's not just like a placebo effect.

    That there's a chance that, like,

    it makes sense that that would work.

    - I think makes sense is

    the right words to use,

    you know, I'm a Harvard professor.

    I'm not going to say something works

    unless I've seen hardcore proof.

    And I hope that'll come

    in the next year or so.

    - Just so I'm clear on this though,

    'cause it's still a little fuzzy to me.

    I can understand why we

    might want to use NAD.

    I'm not understanding why we're

    not starting, for instance,

    all the research with NAD and then

    moving backwards to NMN and

    then moving backwards to NR.

    - It all started in yeast when

    I was at Harvard early 2000s.

    Even in yeast if you give

    them NAD it doesn't work

    because it's too big, it doesn't get

    taken up into the cells.

    So what we want to do is back off in size.

    So the next smaller

    molecule behind NAD is NMN

    and there we know there's

    a transporter protein

    that sucks it into cells and NR

    is even smaller and it gets

    taken up even better into cells.

    And so that's the reason why it may be

    that NMN is at the sweet

    spot of the right size,

    but also has the right components

    to make just the right amount of NAD.

    - It feels like a good time to talk

    about bioavailability and making things

    available to our body's machinery.

    How do we make NR and

    NMN most bioavailable?

    - Just swallowing it is enough

    in our studies to raise

    NAD by two to three fold.

    - So if you buy the, for instance,

    the capsules, they're

    often sold in capsules,

    just swallowing. That's going to be?

    - Or the powder, just drink it.

    We make tablets and give it

    to the patients that way,

    the subjects, but there were others,

    there was a sublingual version.

    I have heard there's evidence that works.

    I haven't yet seen it.

    It makes sense that it would be

    absorbed under the tongue,

    or you can inject it.

    - In terms of the research right now,

    it doesn't seem like there's

    a huge advantage one way or another?

    - No, I haven't seen any

    reason for saying that

    you need to put it onto your

    tongue versus swallow it.

    What I can say for sure is that

    I've seen so much data on swallowing it

    that it definitely works

    to raise NAD levels.

    - There has been some concern

    around the use of NAD boosters

    when it comes to the potential that

    it might stimulate cancer growth.

    And obviously that's something that

    we don't want to be dismissive of.

    It does you no good to

    be boosting your NADs

    and extending your lifespan if

    you're just giving yourself cancer.

    What's the latest research on that

    and how concerned should people be?

    - Well, so most of

    these studies, actually,

    there's only two main studies

    have been done in mice.

    So here's what they are.

    There was one, again, out

    of Washington University

    by a different group that found

    that knocking down the levels of NAD

    in brain tumors slowed

    the growth of the tumor.

    And unfortunately the news

    story ended up being, oh,

    NAD causes cancer, which

    is not the same, right?

    That's the complete opposite.

    So that study, I wouldn't

    put a lot of stock into,

    but there is one other

    study that came out in 2019

    by [indistinct] and they found that NAMPT,

    this NAD boosting gene,

    it increases the number of senescent cells

    and makes them more inflammatory,

    giving out these SAS

    proteins as they're called,

    the senescence associated

    secretory phenotype is the word,

    but also there were mice

    that were predisposed

    to pancreatic cancer and when given NMN

    they developed more precancerous

    and cancerous growths

    when they consumed this NMN.

    Exactly how it works we're not sure,

    but it might be because

    it was down-regulating

    a tumor suppressor gene called P53.

    - And this was a subgroup of mice

    that were already predisposed.

    They had a gene that made them

    more likely to get cancer.

    - Right, but remember we fed NMN to mice,

    but normal mice, not predisposed,

    and if anything they lived

    longer and healthier.

    So it's a question whether it's this

    predisposition that's the difference.

    - Something to watch

    for and to think about

    and to work into anyone's calculations

    if they're going to be considering

    an NAD booster in any case.

    - For sure and another reason

    to consult your physician.

    - Absolutely. Okay.

    Now there are other NAD boosters,

    sirtuin inactivating compounds.

    One of the ones that you've

    been really interested

    in that I think a lot

    of people are interested

    in, probably really widely

    used, is resveratrol.

    You started working with resveratrol

    back when you were trying to understand

    sirtuin inactivation in yeast.

    - Right. I was just a kid.

    I was in my early thirties

    and I'd just come out

    of MIT with Lenny Guarente where

    we'd found that up-regulating

    the sirtuin gene

    in yeast extends their lifespan.

    But of course we can't up-regulate

    genes easily in our body.

    We're not going to genetically

    modify ourselves anytime soon.

    - Not anytime soon.

    - We can but we're not going to.

    IT's easier to find a safe,

    natural molecule that does the same thing.

    And so our goal back in

    the early 2000s at Harvard

    was to look for any

    molecule that we could find

    that was safe that would

    activate the protein,

    not the gene, but the protein,

    it's an enzyme that controls

    other proteins, remember.

    And so he set up an essay that looks

    for what's called Sirt-1 activation.

    Sirt-1 is the first out of

    seven of them in the body,

    and Conrad Howards, my collaborator,

    and I were using an essay in a test tube

    that would fluoresce when

    you had more activity.

    And so we added these

    chemicals, we added a dozen.

    Then we added thousands and

    eventually tens of thousands

    to Sirt-1 and found which ones

    raised the level of fluorescence.

    - And you've found a bunch of them.

    There were like 20 of them that did.

    - We published 20. Yeah, in Nature 2003.

    The one that was the best at the time,

    which activated 13 fold Sirt-1

    activity was resveratrol.

    And there were others,

    of course, [indistinct],

    which are actually now used

    by others for longevity.

    But resveratrol got most of the attention

    because it's found in red wine.

    - And you've told me

    this a bunch of times,

    red wine stock went out the roof, right?

    Like people started buying

    red wine like crazy.

    - 30% Sales, and they've

    stayed up ever since.

    And I've started drinking more

    red wine as a result as well.

    - The truth is though,

    how much red wine would

    you actually need to drink

    in order to increase your

    levels of resveratrol

    and get an actual effect out of this?

    - You know, you can't

    drink enough red wine

    to get the kind of doses

    that are efficacious.

    - You can't.

    - Well you can try, but

    I don't recommend it.

    You'd need hundreds of

    glasses of red wine a day,

    which I don't recommend.

    Even if your doctor says

    so, not recommended.

    - That's not going to extend your life.

    - Probably not, no.

    But what you can do is you can purify it

    out of grapevines or polygonum cuspidatum,

    which is an herb, a plant

    mostly grown in Asia.

    - When you say that, can

    you just take your pen?

    All right, now say that word again

    and go like this when you do it.

    - Polygonum cuspidatum.

    - Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that.

    - This is magic I think. Harry Potter?

    - How much resveratrol do we

    actually need to see an effect?

    - There are a lot of human studies now.

    The minimum that I've seen

    is 250 milligrams a day.

    And some people take 1000

    or 2000 milligrams a day.

    - This is a Sirt activator like the other

    NAD boosters we've been talking about,

    works a little bit

    differently, but like you said,

    really well studied and

    for almost 20 years now.

    What's happening when we put resveratrol,

    let's start with the animal

    studies. What do we know?

    - Well, we know, first of all,

    if you just give it to

    them in their water supply,

    it's not going to work.

    You can't just swallow it and

    expect it to get in easily.

    - Why not?

    - Well, resveratrol is the equivalent

    of brick dust, it's really insoluble.

    If you put it in a glass of water

    it will fall to the bottom.

    So what you need to do is we

    found in both mice and humans,

    mix it with some food.

    You can use yogurt, you can

    use that kind of olive oil,

    that kind of oily food,

    and it will dissolve.

    It's hydrophobic. This is the

    problem, it's scared of water.

    - And this is actually why you suggested

    that maybe some resveratrol studies

    that have shown that it doesn't work

    as well as other studies show,

    those studies may have involved people

    who were feeding mice resveratrol

    without that additional fat.

    - Yeah, that's the case.

    Some of these studies didn't include food.

    We found that early on in the mid-2000s

    that if we gave it with a meal,

    the levels in the blood went way up.

    - There have been a

    number of animal studies

    on resveratrol going back almost 20 years.

    Now we're seeing extended

    replicative lifespan in yeast.

    We're seeing activation

    of AMPK in rodents.

    What are these things telling you?

    - Well, they're similar to what

    we expected from the sirtuins.

    They defend the body. They

    raise the metabolic rate.

    They protect against free radicals.

    And when we see research

    given to these rodents,

    what the biggest surprise was

    was that they were protected

    against a high-fat so-called Western diet.

    Those mice on resveratrol,

    even though they were really obese

    on this really chunky meal,

    they lived as long as the lean mice

    that we had as the control group.

    And that was really, as far as I know,

    the first study of any that

    showed that you could mimic

    caloric restriction with

    a molecule and be fat

    but live as healthy as a lean animal.

    - Have those findings translated over

    as we've moved resveratrol

    into human studies?

    - Yeah, somewhat.

    Not all studies have worked,

    but there are a number of them that have.

    And for instance,

    resveratrol has been shown

    to reduce fasting

    glucose and significantly

    increase insulin sensitivity.

    This was a study in 2019,

    and then again, in 2020,

    Battista and George et al.

    showed that a randomized

    control study of 25 individuals

    ranging from 30 to 60 year

    olds with a slightly high BMI

    of 30 were able to lower

    their cholesterol levels,

    their urea levels, which is

    important for kidney function,

    as well as raise their

    good cholesterol, the HDL.

    - Well, once again,

    we don't know long-term

    what this is going to do

    but the trajectory seems

    good when we consider it

    in the context of what

    we've seen in animals

    and what we are seeing in

    these early human studies.

    - Yeah I think so.

    Even before I worked on resveratrol,

    it was known to be an agent

    that suppressed cancer.

    If you put a carcinogen on the skin

    of mice and then rub resveratrol on it,

    a 1999 science paper

    showed that those cancers

    are much smaller in those treated mice.

    So the anticancer activity of resveratrol

    has been known before I came along.

    And since then we've seen effects

    on body composition, on metabolic rate,

    mitochondrial boosting, glucose levels.

    The list goes on,

    there's probably 1000 papers now

    showing at least the benefits

    in animals and a dozen in humans.

    Cardiovascular disease

    I haven't mentioned,

    but that's a big one.

    May help explain the French paradox.

    The French can eat high-fat foods

    and with this glass or

    two of red wine every day,

    it helps mitigate the effects.

    - I mean like, but what you've just said,

    like you actually have to drink

    so much red wine in

    order to get this effect,

    but then we're thinking maybe the French

    who don't drink that much red wine,

    even though they do

    drink a lot of red wine,

    but they don't drink that much red wine.

    - There's two considerations here.

    One is that drinking

    red wine over 30 years

    could have a cumulative effect

    and a buildup in the body.

    And the second is that red wine

    has more than resveratrol and it has some

    of these other xenohermetic polyphenols

    that we talked about in earlier episodes

    that could give a combination effect.

    - Okay.

    The two other molecules

    I wanted to mention,

    you mentioned them

    earlier actually by name,

    these were part of the group molecules

    that were identified in

    those early experiments

    with the yeast that identified resveratrol

    as a potential sirtuin

    activating compound,

    these are fisetin and quercetin.

    And both in addition to

    being serotonin activators

    potentially also seemed to have

    this other property to them

    that is making them sort

    of like a hot number now.

    - Right, they are what

    are called senolytic.

    Kill senescent cells.

    - Senescent cells.

    - Are zombie-like cells.

    The ones that accumulate

    over time in your body

    probably because their

    epigenome gets screwed up.

    But what they do is they shut down,

    they stop dividing and they

    start secreting inflammatory

    factors and also factors

    that cause cancer.

    - Yeah, and so getting rid of those

    would be presumably a good thing.

    And that's what fisetin

    and quercetin appear to do.

    - They do in the dish and in mice

    and there even some human studies now

    that show that killing

    off these senescent cells

    in the body can improve health.

    And ultimately, we think,

    could extend lifespan.

    - And these have been shown,

    in the case of fisetin at least,

    to extend lifespans in

    some model organisms.

    - Like fruit flies?

    - Yeah.

    - And even in mice recently.

    I was particularly impressed

    by the mouse studies.

    Couple of colleagues out at

    the University of Minnesota

    were able to show that

    fisetin put in either

    in the food of the mouse when it's young

    or even late in life after 700 days,

    which is like a 75 year old human,

    was able to extend lifespan

    quite dramatically,

    up to 30%, including

    improving their health.

    And that's extensively because both

    it's removing those senescent cells

    and activating the Sirt-1 defenses.

    - And there's been human studies

    in both of these as well.

    I know we kind of talk

    about these in a group

    because they were discovered

    as sirtuin activators

    and now they're being seen

    also as potential senolytics

    but maybe we can differentiate a little.

    - Well, a lot more is

    known about quercetin.

    That was discovered first as a senolytic

    by Jim Kirkland at the Mayo Clinic

    who combined it with a

    drug called dasatinib

    and together those two molecules

    are potent killers of senescent cells.

    And those have been put

    into mice and into humans

    where they are showing

    really remarkable effects

    in treating age-related diseases.

    - And we've had some

    randomized controlled trials

    with humans and quercetin.

    The effects are?

    - Reduces liver steatosis, or fatty liver,

    as well as other effects like

    inflammation in the body.

    You can actually see that the number

    of senescent cells in the body goes away

    when you treat with

    quercetin and dasatinib.

    - Dasatinib is a drug that's

    used to treat leukemia.

    It's got a lot of promise as

    a senolytic too, it seems.

    As of right now you can really only

    get it for treatment for leukemia.

    - That's right.

    You can only get it if you're

    part of a clinical trial,

    you can't just go buy it on the internet.

    It's a regulated drug

    as well as another drug

    that's senolytic which

    is called [indistinct].

    These are being tested.

    They're not ready for prime time at all.

    But fisetin is the interesting one.

    That one is a plant molecule,

    it's found in grapes.

    It's found in apples.

    Relatively high levels in strawberries.

    You can now buy that relatively

    cheaply on the internet.

    - So if people are like, man,

    I really like want to get into senolytics,

    the gateway right now,

    the most accessible place

    for people is fisetin.

    - Well, it is, but it's early days.

    There's not a lot of data compared to,

    quercetin and dasatinib.

    Really we know that it

    reduces inflammation.

    That's about it in humans.

    I think we still have to wait

    to see whether it's really

    truly safe before people

    rush out and try this.

    I'm excited about this affirm light study

    by Jim Kirkland with fisetin.

    He's got a number of

    patients are on 20 milligrams

    per kilogram of body weight and this,

    over the next year or so,

    should tell us whether

    fisetin is truly a senolytic

    in humans and can have

    some health benefits too.

    - Okay, so there's a third class

    of drugs we want to talk about today.

    We're not going to spend

    too much time with them

    because, broadly speaking,

    they're not available for

    purchase or even prescription

    right now, except for very,

    very narrow instances.

    I'm talking about

    rapamycin and these drugs,

    rapalogs, drugs are supposed to mimic

    the effects of rapamycin perhaps

    without all the toxicity.

    These drugs have a really

    interesting history.

    - Well, they do, these are

    drugs that inhibit mTOR,

    which is mimicking fasting.

    They were discovered a number

    of years ago on Easter Island.

    Rapanui, which is why

    it's called rapamycin.

    On the back of a statue,

    I believe, somebody found.

    - [Matthew] Yeah, there's like the mold

    and they are some fungus and they

    scraped it off and lo and behold,

    we have a drug that actually

    has been used for other purposes.

    - Immune suppression.

    - Yeah.

    - Cancer.

    - Like, really, I mean,

    this is a life saving drug.

    We just don't know yet if

    it's a life extending drug

    that's going to be useful in humans.

    - I'd put good money on it.

    The reason is that it's

    extended the life span

    of every organism it's

    been given to in low doses,

    not immune suppressing doses.

    In humans it's considered

    around 10 milligrams per week,

    but you definitely don't want

    to suppress your immune system.

    But even from yeast to

    worms to flies and mice,

    if you give it late in life

    it still extends lifespan.

    It's really quite potent.

    The only downside is

    that it could be toxic.

    So you have to be extremely careful

    and right now it's not available.

    - And rapamycin works by inhibiting mTOR.

    - Yeah, actually, TOR stands

    for Target Of Rapamycin.

    So that's how mTOR was discovered.

    And when you give animals rapamycin,

    you're mimicking low protein intake.

    - You're mimicking this

    adversity that we've been

    talking about throughout

    this entire series.

    - Right, so your body

    says, oh my goodness,

    I'm running out of protein.

    I need to scavenge protein from within.

    And so the body starts

    recycling old proteins

    in this process we talked

    about earlier called autophagy.

    - And that brings us to

    another drug, spermidine,

    which is also working on

    this autophagy process.

    - It does. So, spermidine is more recent.

    You've only recently been able

    to get it on the internet.

    It has an interesting history.

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the inventor,

    basically, of microscopy,

    was looking at his sperm.

    No one believed him that there were

    these swimming things down there,

    but he started to get

    crystals in the sperm,

    and that was spermidine, hence the name.

    - Kids, if you want to get into science.

    And what do we know about spermidine now?

    Because this is really old.

    I mean, this has got an old history,

    but like really new

    research that's showing

    potentially extensions of lifespan.

    Well, we know it extends lifespan

    of yeast and flies and worms.

    - And even mice.

    - And mice.

    - There's a new study that

    was really compelling.

    If you give spermidine to mice,

    either when they're young

    or even late in life,

    they live longer and they

    have better heart function

    or other youthful capacities.

    There are two ways that spermidine

    is known to work in mammalian cells.

    One is it stimulates autophagy,

    just like rapamycin does

    in the mTOR pathway.

    There's another really

    interesting property

    that seems to be true

    which is it also stabilizes

    changes to the epigenome,

    which as you know,

    is one of the major causes of aging.

    - There have been a number of

    human studies on spermidine,

    particularly revolving

    around enhancing memory

    and dealing with memory

    loss in older Americans.

    - That's true.

    We don't know a lot about aging itself

    but cognition has greatly

    improved in a number of studies.

    The one that stands out for me

    is the one by Schwartz et al., 2018.

    They were giving people 1.2

    grams per day over three months

    and there was significant

    enhancement of memory.

    - I want to go back to

    the history of this stuff.

    You mentioned earlier the

    Antony van Leeuwenhoek

    discovered the crystalline structures

    that led us to spermidine

    by examining his own sperm,

    presumably his own sperm, in a microscope.

    Is that still where

    we're getting spermidine?

    - No, not that I know of.

    - Where are we getting it from?

    - We're getting it from wheat germ.

    It's a lot easier. It's

    much more abundant.

    You can also find it in soy products.

    - That makes me feel better about it.

    All right. We've talked

    about sirtuin activators.

    We've talked about mTOR inhibitors,

    but really one of the most

    exciting classes of drugs

    is also sort of actually

    kind of the most boring

    because it's been around for so very long,

    an AMPK activator called metformin,

    which hundreds of millions of people

    around the world already

    take for diabetes.

    - Yeah, it's been used since the 1950s

    as the frontline medicine to bring down

    glucose levels in type two diabetics.

    And it is relatively safe as a drug goes.

    Half the world it's available

    over counter at pharmacies.

    Here in the US and in Europe, and UK,

    Australia, you need a prescription.

    - And we know that Metformin

    works by activating AMPK.

    Do we know how that process

    kind of unveils itself?

    - Well, there are a lot of theories

    and it's been debated for over 50 years.

    One thought is that

    the microbiome changes,

    but a leading school of thought

    that most scientists agree

    on is that it activates a protein complex

    called complex one which is involved

    in making energy in mitochondria.

    And what it does is it

    lowers the amount of energy

    that the cell has in the form of ATP,

    this chemical that we use for energy.

    And then you get mitohormesis,

    mitochondrial hormesis,

    what doesn't kill the

    cell makes it stronger.

    And the reaction is two fold.

    One is to make more mitochondria,

    so you get more energy a few days later,

    but also by inhibiting mTOR it'll improve

    what's called insulin signaling

    so that the blood sugar

    that's in your blood, and if

    you're a type two diabetic,

    it's too high, it gets sucked out

    of the bloodstream and utilized,

    which is why it's used to

    treat type two diabetes.

    - And this is another one

    of those cases where there

    is a perceived diversity and then not

    just one of these pathways but multiple

    pathways in this case are impacted.

    - Yeah, similarly to all of these factors

    which are talking to each

    other, this is a good example.

    Metformin will lower energy, inhibit mTOR.

    It will activate AMPK, obviously,

    we talked about that's

    what it's mainly doing,

    but it also raises NAD levels,

    which as we all know will

    activate the sirtuin.

    So Metformin is a remarkable molecule,

    comes from the plant

    world, is very simple.

    The French hellebore

    or lilac plant produces

    what's called guanidines,

    and these have been known to

    treat diabetes for many years,

    in fact, over a century,

    and then chemists have

    put methyls on them,

    chemically modified it

    so that it's more stable.

    And we call this Metformin and that's what

    we have as the drug today.

    - And we've given this drug to animals.

    In worms it's extended

    lifespans, 30 to 40 days,

    which is no small amount

    of extension for a worm.

    - Yeah I was involved in the mouse study

    with Rafael de Cabo down at the NIH

    and we found that the mice were healthier

    and longer lived on Metformin.

    - And what are the other

    things, 'cause again,

    what we want to look

    for if we want to know

    if Metformin is working in humans

    like it works in animals, you know,

    we're not necessarily just

    going to look at the lifespan

    extension 'cause that takes a long time.

    What are sort of the intermediary things

    that we're seeing with Metformin?

    - In humans, you mean?

    - Well in animals and that

    we can look for in humans?

    - Well, the main one of

    course is glucose lowering,

    but we also see more

    energy, more mitochondria,

    less inflammation, and muscle switching.

    We haven't talked much

    about muscle type switching,

    but muscles, as you get

    older, become more glycolytic.

    They start to use more

    anaerobic mechanisms

    and you can see that switch back

    when you give them Metformin.

    Like they're more like an athlete.

    - And we're seeing all of these things

    in animals and also in humans.

    - Right, and this is where we

    can speak to a lot of data.

    Because millions of people

    have taken Metformin.

    And one of the most

    interesting things about it

    is you can do a retrospective study

    of tens of thousands of elderly people

    on Metformin and ask, okay,

    their type two diabetes may

    be reduced and slowed down,

    but what about other diseases

    that they're susceptible to?

    Cancer, heart disease,

    Alzheimer's, frailty.

    And the answer that's quite remarkable

    is that Metformin lowers the risk

    of all those other diseases.

    - So when we control for everything else

    what we see is that the people who

    were on Metformin are living longer.

    - Than people who don't

    have type two diabetes.

    It's a remarkable fact.

    - So now the question becomes, okay,

    take the type two diabetes

    part of the equation out,

    will we still see an effect?

    And that is something that's

    being investigated in this

    really large study that's

    underway. The tame study.

    - Yeah, you're right.

    The targeting of aging

    by Metformin study run by

    [indistinct] down at Albert

    Einstein College of Medicine,

    this is a very large study over many

    different institutes and hospitals.

    It's costing tens of millions of dollars.

    It's taken a while to raise that money.

    But ultimately the goal is

    to show to the American FDA

    that you can target aging

    with a drug and slow it down.

    The ultimate goal being having aging

    a treatable medical condition.

    - Why is it taking so long

    to raise money for this?

    Because this is really, I mean,

    everybody I know in the aging

    space is excited about this

    and yet the money's

    hard to come by because?

    - Well, this is where capitalism

    has a little bit of a downside,

    which is that Metformin is very cheap.

    It costs a few cents and it's off patent.

    - Which means anybody can make it.

    There's no profit motive for

    making this drug right now.

    - Right, so [indistinct]

    has relied on the government

    and they've given half the

    money and the rest of the half

    he's relying on donors and

    he's still raising that money,

    but he's getting started.

    Fortunately he's off to the races

    and we should know in the next few years

    if he's seeing signs of slowing aging

    and he's looking at a number

    of things, not just diseases,

    but also things like

    stability, ability to walk,

    strength, these kinds of

    things, mental acuity,

    these are things that would indicate

    that aging itself is being slowed down.

    And he's even now able to measure

    the human biological clock with accuracy.

    And that should also be slowed down

    if this is truly an anti-aging medicine.

    - We're seeing a lot of doctors

    get a lot more comfortable

    with the idea of prescribing

    Metformin off-label.

    Just a few years ago, you know,

    the constraints of what

    Metformin was actually approved

    for was keeping it out of

    the hands of a lot of people

    who thought that it might be good

    for them in their efforts

    to slow their aging.

    There's starting to be a

    little bit of a shift there.

    - Well, yeah, I'm seeing a lot

    more people taking Metformin

    with the approval of their physician.

    And part of it is education.

    Typically when a doctor sees the evidence

    and there's extensive literature,

    and sometimes it's the

    patient takes the information

    to the doctor or our book.

    The doctor in most cases is convinced

    that this is worth the risk.

    Now, it's not risk-free.

    We should mention that

    Metformin has some downsides.

    One is that it can cause lactic acidosis,

    which is quite a severe

    condition. It can be fatal.

    You have to be very careful there,

    but most people are fine on Metformin.

    The biggest thing that happens to them

    is that they have an upset

    stomach, lack of hunger,

    which can actually be a good thing

    if you want to lose weight as well.

    - But doctors now are saying, okay,

    they're advising their

    patients as to these potential

    side effects and also saying, yeah,

    either because that

    doctor is sold on the idea

    that there's a potential

    aging benefit here,

    or anti-aging benefit here,

    or one of the other things

    you and I have talked about

    before is doctors are

    increasingly getting sick

    of waiting until patients

    are full-blown sick

    to prescribe the medications

    and they're prescribing it

    to pre-diabetic people and pre,

    what we might call

    pre-pre-diabetic people.

    - Well, there's a shift in medicine

    and the way doctors are

    looking at their patients.

    More and more doctors are saying, okay,

    let's not wait until

    the patient is so sick

    that we have to treat them.

    Let's get ahead of that.

    And let's start treating them earlier.

    - The one other thing that

    people should talk to the doctors

    about if they're considering

    trying to get on Metformin

    is the concerns about the connection

    between Metformin and muscle loss.

    - Right, particularly in the

    elderly this is an issue,

    but actually if you look at the data

    and there's been a

    couple of human studies,

    Metformin doesn't make a big

    difference to muscle size.

    It probably makes a difference

    if you're trying to win Mr. Universe.

    But other than that the

    difference is really slight.

    If you look at the graphs

    it's only a 5% difference,

    and actually 5% difference,

    I'll give up 5% body size

    for longevity any day.

    But the other important

    thing is that those muscles

    on Metformin were just

    as strong as the others

    and had less inflammation.

    So there's other benefits to that.

    What some people are doing

    just in an abundance of caution

    is taking Metformin on days

    that they don't exercise.

    And if you're wondering,

    why does it affect exercise?

    Well, really it's pretty obvious.

    It reduces the body's

    ability to make energy.

    And so you don't feel

    as strong on the days

    that you take Metformin so

    you do less reps, fewer reps.

    And so what you could really

    do is just put a little bit

    of extra effort in and probably

    make up that 5% difference.

    - If people are interested

    in the effects of Metformin,

    but are not able to work with a doctor

    to get a prescription for it,

    or if they've tried out Metformin

    and it just doesn't sit well with them,

    which is the case with

    about 20% of people,

    there's another alternative that works

    on some of the same

    pathways activating AMPK.

    That's berberine.

    - That's right.

    This is a molecule from the

    plant world bark and roots.

    You can find it's a yellow substance.

    Again, it's fairly insoluble.

    So if you want to take it,

    take it with some food.

    Yogurt, olive oil, all this kind of stuff,

    but it's been remarkable

    what's been found in animals.

    And even in people that it can mimic

    the effects of Metformin.

    Specifically what it does, is it, again,

    it binds to this complex one and reduces

    chemical energy in the body.

    And in reaction this mitohormesis

    is to amplify up mitochondria

    and make the body

    more sensitive to insulin

    and lower the blood glucose.

    We've seen this in my lab

    in mice and human studies

    have actually validated this as well.

    The doses are high, one

    to two grams per day,

    but it does seem to work.

    - And when you say it does seem to work,

    you mean not just showing, you know,

    the activation of AMPK and

    increased mitochondrial energy,

    but we actually in mice

    have seen increases,

    pretty substantial increases, in lifespan.

    - Actually, it's really interesting.

    In mice berberine will extend the lifespan

    of mice treated with chemotherapy

    and have a pretty big lifespan extension

    of normally aged mice. That's

    also true in fruit flies.

    So it seems to be a common mechanism

    that you lower the energy in an animal

    and it responds by living longer.

    - And I think you said you got to take

    quite a bit of this stuff, though.

    - Yeah, the clinical studies,

    it's at least a gram,

    there's one that worked with two grams,

    but it does seem to

    work just like Metformin

    in improving the body's sensitivity

    to insulin and lowering

    the blood glucose levels,

    which is a good sign that it's going

    to have future health benefits.

    - Any concerns about side

    effects with berberine?

    - I'm unaware of any

    downside of berberine.

    - We should say berberine does have some

    of the similar side effects of Metformin.

    We don't know in

    different groups of people

    might be different, but

    you're looking at diarrhea,

    constipation, gas,

    potentially upset stomach.

    - Right. Yeah, no molecule's perfect.

    But this one's really interesting

    because it's a natural

    and commonly available one

    that you can try at home.

    Of course, talk to your

    doctor first though.

    - All right. Well, that kind

    of brings us to try at home.

    And again, with the caveat that

    we're not telling anybody what to do,

    we're not giving them medical

    advice. You're not a doctor.

    I know you have been really

    open about what you do.

    That has changed over the years,

    but let's just sort of take it through

    the things that you started doing,

    you know, 20 years ago, 10 years ago,

    five years ago, just start

    from sort of a chronology.

    When you started

    investigating resveratrol,

    you also started taking resveratrol.

    How did you know how much to take though?

    Because you were giving resveratrol

    to yeast and eventually to mice.

    - It's not a one-to-one,

    it's not like you should take 3000 times

    as much as the mouse had.

    - If you were 3000 times

    bigger than the mouse is.

    - Right, it's not just proportional.

    It's actually more related

    to our surface area

    and how much the drug can get into

    our bodies versus the mouse and

    the calculation for a mouse,

    which is called the allometric

    scaling, is about 12.

    So you multiply it, let's say,

    if the mouse has 100 milligrams,

    1.2 grams for a human.

    For a rat it's 3, for

    a mini pig it's 1 to 1.

    Turns out we have about the same

    surface area as a mini pig.

    - And so you take about a

    gram of resveratrol every day.

    - I do and I've been taking

    that since about 2004.

    But like I said, you can't just

    put it in water and drink it.

    - You have to add some fat to it.

    - Yeah, so I typically have some yogurt,

    a couple of spoonfuls,

    not a lot because I'm

    trying to fast until dinner,

    but I could mix it with olive oil.

    Olive oil, recently, as we mentioned

    earlier in a previous episode,

    seems to be really good

    for activating sirtuins,

    but also you can dissolve

    resveratrol in it.

    - So you get a twofer.

    - You do. I don't have a lot of it.

    There's a lot of calories in olive oil.

    I don't want to break the

    fast severely, but you know,

    mix it with bit of

    vinegar and basil leaves

    and it doesn't taste too bad.

    - Okay, so resveratrol,

    you're taking about a

    gram a day in the morning,

    Also in the morning you take NMN.

    - I do, and there you don't

    have to worry about food.

    It's dissolved easily.

    You can put it in water or swallow it,

    put it under your

    tongue. And so I do that.

    That's my main combo in the morning.

    - How much NMN are you taking?

    - Again, it's a gram,

    but that's not a guess.

    That's actually based on the

    human studies that we've done

    that show that a gram over 10 days

    raises your NAD levels about two-fold.

    - And that's sort of the dosing amount

    that we're seeing in a lot

    of the human studies now.

    Both the past studies

    and the current studies.

    - I take one gram of NMN every morning

    along with my resveratrol.

    The reason is in humans we know that

    that doubles NAD levels which is important

    because someone my age has half the levels

    of NAD than I did when I was 20.

    But you can go as high as two

    grams and triple the amount.

    It's important to

    mention that I take these

    at a certain time of day

    based on science as well.

    I take these in the morning

    because that's when the natural

    rise in NAD and Sirt-1

    activity should happen.

    And we actually know this,

    that the Sirt-1 NAD cycle is part

    of our body's natural 24-hour clock.

    Sirt-1 regulates a protein called BML

    that controls the genes that tell us

    whether it's night or day,

    should we be hungry or not?

    Whether we have jet lag or not.

    And I do find anecdotally that NMN

    is remarkably good at

    preventing jet lag as well.

    I can reset my body's clock ostensibly

    through the Sirt-1 BML pathway.

    - You're also taking Metformin.

    - Yes.

    - How much? When?

    - I take 800 milligrams at night.

    - Okay, and you take

    that at night because?

    - Well, because doctors tell me

    that it's a good time simulate a fast.

    I take it with my dinner, just after.

    And then through the night,

    I'm presumably having

    low levels of glucose

    and my body has all the benefits

    of stimulating those repair

    pathways, those survival genes.

    - And that's the most recent thing

    that you've added to your regimen?

    - It is. Actually what happened was

    I had terrible blood biochemistry.

    I was eating badly, I gained weight.

    I wasn't sleeping. I was stressed.

    And those numbers just

    went through the roof.

    And I said, I got to do something.

    So I went on NMN and things

    were somewhat rectified.

    And then I added Metformin and they

    really got back to my optimal.

    - We mentioned earlier some

    concerns about exercise,

    Metformin, your practices,

    where that's concerned?

    - Yeah, I pause Metformin.

    It doesn't sit well in my stomach anyway.

    So on days where I know next day

    I'm going to exercise and lift weights,

    I might skip Metformin that night before.

    - And then there's also spermidine.

    - There is. You can buy it now.

    There's a company that makes it in pure

    from very low levels of gluten.

    And just the last few months

    I've added that to my protocol

    and we'll have to see how my

    numbers look on Inside Tracker.

    - Okay, so that's not something

    you've adopted and you're like,

    I'm definitely taken with it.

    This is I'm adopted and I'm testing

    it out to see how it works.

    - I am. And actually,

    I advise that company.

    The first supplement company I am advising

    and I did that because I wanted to look

    at the human clinical trials

    and they look really promising as well.

    - How much of that are you taking?

    - A gram as well.

    - [Matthew] Okay.

    You are also periodically taking fisetin,

    quercetin, aimed at senescent cells.

    - There are clinical trials

    being run out of the Mayo Clinic

    for fisetin and for quercetin.

    These are high doses.

    They're typically two grams taken

    one day a week for a matter of months,

    Myself, I'm on a maintenance dose.

    I take about half a

    gram of each every day.

    - Let's take this morning through

    night just really quickly.

    Resveratrol, one gram.

    - In the morning with yogurt or olive oil.

    - NMN as well.

    - A gram, yep.

    - Fisetin and quercetin.

    - Half a gram in the yogurt.

    - Spermidine.

    - Definitely spermidine in

    the morning, about a gram.

    - And then in the evenings,

    if you're not working out the

    next day, Metformin. How much?

    - 800 milligrams.

    - Okay.

    - That's it.

    - That's it.

    Now, you're not most people.

    A lot of other people are

    going to be different.

    You don't advise people,

    but it might be a good place for people

    to start their conversation

    with their doctor though, yeah?

    - Well, I think so.

    Most doctors are open to looking at, say,

    Inside Tracker data and hearing

    about the latest science.

    It's very difficult for

    them to keep up with it.

    It's one of the reasons we're doing

    this podcast in the first place.

    - So David, this has been a really

    comprehensive conversation.

    Even still we could have gone deeper

    on any one of these drugs or supplements.

    Maybe we'll do that in future episodes,

    in a future season of Lifespan podcast.

    But what we're trying to do today

    is really give people an opportunity

    to really start thinking

    about whether this

    might be something that they

    want to bring into their lives.

    And if so, how, of course, again,

    in consultation with their physician.

    - And monitoring, this is important.

    You don't know if you're doing

    good or harm to your body

    unless you measure it,

    particularly your liver.

    You can measure what's called ASTALT.

    I do that routinely just to make sure

    nothing's going wrong in that regard.

    - Our next episode is?

    - Things that are not supplements things.

    Maybe you could regard

    them as being on more

    on the cutting edge,

    things like testosterone,

    growth hormone, exosomes, peptides.

    We're going to dive

    deep into those as well.

    - All right.

    - Sounds like fun?

    - Yeah.

    - Let's do it.

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