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2023-03-18 - Interview Dr. David Sinclair - India Today - Exclusive Conversation With Geneticist & Harvard Professor David Sinclair: Difference between revisions

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== Transcript ==
== Transcript ==
good afternoon everyone
=== Introduction ===
{| style="padding-top: 1em;"
we're fast coming to an Era where we
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:00
| good afternoon everyone we're fast coming to an Era where we
will be celebrating our DNA age and not
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:07
our birth age
| will be celebrating our DNA age and not our birth age our birthdays will mean we get younger
our birthdays will mean we get younger
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:14
| and not older imagine that I have with me
and not older imagine that
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:20
I have with me
| the handsome Miracle almost 54 year old doctor from Howard Middle medical school
the handsome Miracle almost 54 year old
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:27
| who specialized in molecular genetics
doctor from Howard Middle medical school
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:33
who specialized in molecular genetics
| he promises no aging no wrinkles no disease and possibly choosing your own
he promises no aging no wrinkles no
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:40
| death date author of lifespan and professor of
disease and possibly choosing your own
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:46
death date
| genetics welcome there are many beautiful people here today in the audience but Everyone
author of lifespan and professor of
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:53
| likes a few tips right so first of all can you explain to the
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:58
welcome there are many beautiful people
| audience here what is the basic theory of reversing aging and bio switches
here today in the audience but Everyone
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:07
| well thank you Kali thank you for having me today uh so the science of aging and aging
likes a few tips right
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:13
so first of all can you explain to the
| reversal has come a long way in the past 20 years uh when I started at Harvard Medical School it was considered crazy to try
audience here what is the basic theory
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:21
| and slow down aging let alone reverse it but the science is now at a point where
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:26
reversing aging and bio switches
| we really do understand what drives aging and also that there's a backup copy of Youth in every one of
well thank you Kali thank you for having
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:33
| our many trillions of cells that we've just recently learned how to access and
me today
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:39
uh so the science of aging and aging
| reboot the body like you would reboot an old computer and reinstate the youthfulness of
reversal has come a long way in the past
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:45
| tissues and organs and make them work again like they were young and this is only a few
20 years
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:51
uh when I started at Harvard Medical
| years old now but it's the technology is far beyond what I thought I would see in my lifetime and it's only getting faster
School it was considered crazy to try
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text
and slow down aging let alone reverse it
but the science is now at a point where
we really do understand
what drives aging and also that there's
a backup copy of Youth in every one of
our many trillions of cells that we've
just recently learned how to access and
reboot the body like you would reboot an
old computer
and reinstate the youthfulness of
and organs and make them work again like
they were young and this is only a few
years old now but it's the technology is
far beyond what I thought I would see in
my lifetime and it's only getting faster
in its development
so can you explain the basic Theory
which is about keeping the body under a
state of constant stress to activate the
longevity genes how does that work
Yeah you mentioned the bio switches what
we discovered in my lab and in many labs
around the world
that is that there are genes that
control how long we live
some of us are born with
the best versions of those genes and
those people tend to live over a hundred
those with parents like the Prime
Minister that lived over 100 I tend to
live also for a long time but most of us
are not born with the perfect set of
genes so we need to do a little extra
and what we've discovered is that how we
live our life what we eat how much we
move the type of molecules that we
ingest every day how we sleep how
relaxed we are how many friends we have
this modifies another type of system in
the body
that's called the epigenome the
epigenome is different from the genome
I think you all know that the genome is
the DNA that we get from our parents the
epigenome is what controls the DNA that
tells a brain cell to be different from
a liver cell from a toenail producing
and over time we lose those instructions
the epigenetic instructions
become lost
and what we've found is that by living a
healthy life
the kind of life that we'll talk about
later you can slow that rate of Aging
and prevent this this Corruption of the
body software
and even reboot it
so can we talk a little bit about this
style of living what are the things that
we can do to slow that aging process
down and activate these genes
yeah well there's there's some good and
bad news the good news is that aging is
much easier to slow and reverse than we
the bad news is that what causes us to
slow our aging process is to give our
bodies a bit of a shock
in today's lifestyle most of us have an
abundance many of us we have enough food
and we don't need to exercise
that's not the way we used to live and
it's not the way our bodies perform the
by sitting for most of our lives and
eating almost you know constantly three
meals a day for many of us we end up
turning off these body switches and the
body ages faster and faster so we've
built a world that's very comfortable
but the backlash is that we age faster
so what we've discovered in my lab in
studies in yeast cells that make bread
and beer in worms and flies and mice and
monkeys and now humans is that we want
to put our bodies into a state of
adversity make the body feel a little
bit uncomfortable so how do we do that
well we can skip meals we can exercise
we can eat food that it's that is
plucked from the ground when it's also
stressed because they have wonderful
chemicals in them that make us healthier
and we can also get enough rest and calm
down the sleep that leads to
inflammation and other things like that
so really you want to make your body
fearful of running out of food or
fearful that you're having to run away
from a from a tiger and that turns on
the body's defenses against aging we've
learned but that doesn't reverse aging
so much that's requires a little bit
more attention which we've only recently
figured out how to control
and before
can we talk a little bit about skipping
meals what what do you recommend as a
for slowing down the aging process
there is a set of genes that I wrote
about in my book lifespan that's called
the sirtuins and they get turned on when
there's not enough energy in the body so
if you don't have a lot of sugar in your
bloodstream or a lot of protein they
will get turned on and they defend the
body against the damage that causes the
the aging process and so what I've over
time learned to do is to skip meals I'm
not always successful
sometimes I have breakfast in in uh in
beautiful places but from my my goal is
to not eat a large meal until dinner
and then I eat a very healthy vegan meal
uh and very rarely alcohol and this diet
that I have gone on to for now about 18
months my partner Serena poon who's a
nutritionist and a longevity expert as
moved me from what I thought was a
healthy diet Mediterranean diet with
some red wine and cheese I went
completely to mostly well almost
completely to plants and my body has
responded I look better I think my skin
is better I feel better my memory is
certainly better
but I think it's not just what you eat
it's also when you eat and this constant
eating three meals a day plus snacks is
making us age faster than we need to
so are you recommending intermittent
well the way we put it Serena and I is
you want to eat within a certain window
and so I like to eat within a period of
about six hours a day and not more I can
snack you know some snacks might be some
sugar-free chocolate or some nuts or
some avocado it's not a crime to eat if
you're a little bit hungry but don't eat
a big meal and if you can until either
late at night or or have it in the
morning because you want to have a
period where your body is not ingesting
food and it will turn on its defenses
against disease and aging see can you
talk a little bit about the fact when
you went almost 20 hours without eating
and you did that for a period of time
yeah so 20 hours is a long time to go
without food every day but your body
gets used to it I found that after two
weeks of doing that I was not hungry
anymore if I felt a little bit hungry I
would drink a lot of tea Serena and I
have a green tea matcha which is filled
with all these wonderful chemicals from
stress plants
and drink drink a lot of water and tea I
think here in India we know how to do
and that is the solution and
we often think oh we
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