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2023-06-26 - Interview Dr. David Sinclair - The Longevity Experts - Why We Don't Have to Age & How to Fight Aging: Difference between revisions

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== Transcript ==
== Transcript ==
thank you
=== Intro ===
{| style="padding-top: 1em;"
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:00
| thank you [Music]
I've heard you say that there's no
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:26
biological law that says we have to age
| I've heard you say that there's no biological law that says we have to age which is which is a pretty radical
which is which is a pretty radical
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:33
| statement break that down for us a bit we tend to think that what we see is inevitable and it used to be the case
statement break that down for us a bit
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:39
we tend to think that what we see is
| for the speed of humans on the planet we used to think that horseback was the fastest humans could
inevitable and it used to be the case
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:46
| go we used to think that when you got an infection from a splinter that went gangrenous that was the end of that limb
for the speed of humans on the planet we
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 0:53
used to think that
| or death we used to think that childbirth was always going to be potentially lethal uh these things we we
horseback was the fastest humans could
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:00
| used to think were inevitable now we're in a world where I'm trying to let the world know that aging is no longer
go we used to think that when you got an
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:07
infection from a splinter that went
| inevitable um and in I'm a biologist I'm a geneticist at Harvard where I've been
gangrenous that was the end of that limb
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:13
| studying this for close to 30 years now and there's been no evidence from my lab
or death we used to think that
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:18
childbirth was always going to be
| or any lab around the world that has found evidence of any mechanism that tells us
potentially lethal uh these things we we
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:24
| that we must age there are processes that we've identified that happen over time but we found that those are highly
used to think were inevitable now we're
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:30
in a world where I'm trying to let the
| malleable we can slow them down and even in the last few years almost completely completely reset the system and reverse
world know that aging is no longer
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:38
| aging and so I I challenge anyone to correct me when I say that aging is not
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:45
um and in I'm a biologist I'm a
| inevitable and also that there is a limit to human
geneticist at Harvard where I've been
| style="min-width:4em; color: grey; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top;" | 1:50
| lifespan where's the evidence for that there are plenty of species that live a lot longer than we do and genetically
studying this for close to 30 years now
| style="min-width:4em;
and there's been no evidence from my lab
or any lab around the world that has
evidence of any mechanism that tells us
that we must age there are processes
that we've identified that happen over
time but we found that those are highly
malleable we can slow them down and even
in the last few years almost completely
completely reset the system and reverse
aging and so I I challenge anyone to
correct me when I say that aging is not
and also that there is a limit to human
lifespan where's the evidence for that
there are plenty of species that live a
lot longer than we do and genetically
they're not that different from us
and with the technology that we have
today like let's say we stop developing
technology today what do you think the
upper limit is of how long people can
well with today's technology uh if you
have the means I actually think we're
pretty close to being able to prevent
most cancers and heart disease and
diabetes so those major killers are
already largely preventable and I'm
including things like DNA tests for
cancer and MRI scans so yeah not
everyone can afford those yet but
shortly they hopefully will be able to
so if we stop technology right now I
think that
with a good diet and that knowledge and
the average person could probably make
it to 95. you know there are plenty
people who don't have the the knowledge
or the means to do the right thing and
that's one of the things that I'm doing
is education but I think that we're
about to completely blow past human uh
longevity expectations and history of
longevity so right now people who don't
look after themselves bring the average
down there's covert there's drug
addiction uh that brings the average
down across the planet especially in the
US and so the average is almost 80 years
old here but those people who
um look after their bodies from an early
age and do the right things and live
long enough to to be able to reap the
benefits of today's technology
um not even the future ones
um can expect to live into their 90s my
father looked after himself late in life
and he's now 84 and as healthy as he's
ever been in his whole life so these are
the this is what people can expect now
even with today's knowledge and
and where do you think like where where
you said we're kind of like at the point
we're hitting some of these
breakthroughs what are the big
breakthroughs that have to happen to go
from let's say people living into their
90s to people living into their 150s
well they're happening in real time
actually uh every week there's another
breakthrough in aging research it's it
was a slow field when I started in yeast
cells we were excited to make a yeast
Cell live 30 longer that's 1995
uh things are happening at a rapid Pace
we've got the discovery that there's a
backup copy of Youth in every cell in
the body that can be tapped into where
curing my lab and companies that I've
started and others that are competing
with mine or at least uh friendly
competition uh are showing that that
it's not that difficult to reverse the
age of an animal
um we've done this in mice many times
now it's not that difficult a high
school student could do it with the
knowledge that we have now
um we're at the point where we're
awaiting uh next week we'll announce
results in monkeys for age reversal
we're curing blindness using this
technology out of my lab so we you know
I would say that the Wright brothers are
flying already do we have Commercial Air
flight do we have a Concord yet no but
we know it's possible to fly so it's
really not a question of of uh if
anymore it's just a question of when
these Technologies become widely
so what's gonna what has to happen we
need to figure out a safe way to
reprogram tissues in the body and
eventually the whole body uh
we already have done some clinical
trials in my companies we have positive
human data that shows that we can slow
down and reverse some aspects of Aging
biochemistry and the body can be
reversed such as cholesterol levels
blood pressure these are all doable with
today's technology out of my lab there's
a new technology which is even better
than that which is a little a little bit
behind that we haven't gone into humans
but we are in monkeys as I mentioned
that in the next two years will treat
our first patient it'll be uh to cure
um and so you know the answer really is
that I think we've already made a lot of
the breakthroughs that can extend human
lifespan by decades
um getting to 150 I don't think those
breakthroughs are that far away given
how fast the field is going right now
the investment in the billions of
dollars into not just Labs but in
particular industry that has virgin just
since our paper in 2020 showing that age
reversal is safe age reversal is
so I'm I'm 49 and let's say relatively
healthy like what what what's a
prediction and have have some money I
can spend on some of these things what's
a prediction for the average person like
me like how how long is somebody like me
going to live do you think yeah I think
you need to throw away any uh
preconceived ideas by looking at your
parents and certainly your grandparents
uh we are going to live very different
lives we're actually approaching a big
inflection point for those who are alive
when these Technologies come on board in
the next decade
um so the point is if you know you're
young uh or but some people who are in
their 70s 80s and 90s
you got to stick around do your best to
live as healthy as possible seek the
best medical care
uh get scanned if you if you want to
detect cancer invest in your health is
the point you know you can invest in
coffee every morning from a certain
store down the road or you can invest
that same money and afford an MRI scan
for cancer so stay alive for yourself at
your age uh things are going to happen
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