Epigenetic Clocks

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    • 2021, DNA methylation-based biomarkers of aging were slowed down in a two-year diet and physical activity intervention trial: the DAMA study [1]
    • 2021, GrimAge Outperforms Other Epigenetic Clocks in the Prediction of Age-Related Clinical Phenotypes and All-Cause Mortality [2]
    • 2023, The effect of polyphenols on DNA methylation-assessed biological age attenuation: the DIRECT PLUS randomized controlled trial [3]
    • 2021, Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention: a pilot randomized clinical trial [4]
    • https://www.sciencealert.com/your-bodys-cells-could-age-years-in-a-single-day-challenging-past-research

    See Also


    1. Fiorito G et al.: DNA methylation-based biomarkers of aging were slowed down in a two-year diet and physical activity intervention trial: the DAMA study. Aging Cell 2021. (PMID 34535961) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text]
    2. McCrory C et al.: GrimAge Outperforms Other Epigenetic Clocks in the Prediction of Age-Related Clinical Phenotypes and All-Cause Mortality. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2021. (PMID 33211845) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text]
    3. Yaskolka Meir A et al.: The effect of polyphenols on DNA methylation-assessed biological age attenuation: the DIRECT PLUS randomized controlled trial. BMC Med 2023. (PMID 37743489) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text]
    4. Fitzgerald KN et al.: Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention: a pilot randomized clinical trial. Aging (Albany NY) 2021. (PMID 33844651) [PubMed] [DOI] [Full text]