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'''SIRT6''' is a member of the [[Sirtuins|sirtuin]] family of proteins, known to be involved in longevity and metabolism regulation. It is primarily known for its role in DNA repair, chromatin remodeling, and maintaining genomic stability, which are critical in aging and age-related diseases.
==Role in Longevity==
===Genetic Mechanisms ===
SIRT6 influences longevity through its deacetylase activity, which impacts various cellular processes like DNA repair, telomere maintenance, and inflammation. Studies have shown that overexpression of SIRT6 can extend lifespan in certain organisms.
===Metabolic Regulation===
SIRT6 also plays a critical role in regulating metabolism, including glucose and lipid metabolism, which are vital for healthy aging. It affects the expression of genes involved in metabolic pathways, influencing longevity and age-associated diseases.
==Research Findings==
Numerous studies have highlighted the potential of SIRT6 in extending healthspan and lifespan. For example, mice with overexpressed SIRT6 show signs of extended lifespan and improved health markers. Similarly, research in human cells indicates that SIRT6 may protect against age-related decline.
==Potential Implications==
The study of SIRT6 opens up possibilities for therapeutic interventions in aging and metabolic diseases. Understanding its mechanisms can lead to the development of drugs or therapies aimed at mimicking its longevity effects.
== Modulating Compounds ==
== Modulating Compounds ==

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